Although the world has gained the fighting power of a world-class leader, his mental power and control are too weak.

It's like a kid playing with a big knife. It's good to be able to do it barely, and it can naturally be hacked to death in the face of ordinary people.

But in the face of tough soldiers, that is looking for death. It is his limit to be able to barely maintain the situation without being defeated, and it is the reason why his sword is very strong in defense.

Therefore, Li Yao and the demigod were unable to pay attention and scruples at all. Not to mention that he couldn't react, even if he knew that the demigod was targeting him, he couldn't deal with it.

If he was facing the same sword-playing soldier, now he was replaced by a gun-playing special soldier.

By the time he noticed the danger, it was too late, and the two claws of the Raven God had already been grabbed. In order to ensure that the enemy would be killed in one blow, the high-compression thunder power of the Raven God also raged wildly.

On the other side, even though he faced the mighty blow of the Raven God, his mental power and deduction ability were stronger than the opponent. When he noticed something was wrong, he already understood the goal of the Raven God.

Therefore, the black dragon queen naturally responded to this blow, and the two powerful energies collided together, and the black dragon dragon queen was shocked.

But everyone found that Li Yao had disappeared from the back of the black dragon dragon.

"Dare you ants."

The **** of the raven caught Li Yao's figure in an instant. It turned out that he was behind the world-class ogre who was fighting against the sky and the sea.

The reaction of this ogre powerhouse is not unpleasant, and the moment he perceives the danger, the weapon in his hand falls with a bloodthirsty light.

But what's the state of Li Yao at this moment? All the pets have been blessed into his mechas, the ancient gods have been transformed, and the blood ancestors have been used to enhance the bloodline power. At this moment, he is already a world-class peak, and his spiritual power and combat The skill is not even knowing how many blocks he dumped.

The Touch of Darkness was once the most powerful of the ancient gods. The ancient gods represented various parts of the biological body. Some represented the eyes, some represented the brain and throat, some represented the inner palace and the seven emotions and six desires, and some represented the Nightmare and spirit.

The Touch of Darkness represents the physical, attacking, and maneuvering abilities. This is the execution ability, and the mental power is weak. Only then were several ancient gods torn and swallowed his abilities, and several ancient gods gained other abilities. Ability, has a strong offensive power.

But the touch of darkness is the representative of all these forces, the most vicious among the ancient gods.

At this moment, Li Yao has completed the transformation of an ancient god, he is equivalent to a world-class ancient god.

The moment the ogre powerhouse turned around, he was entangled by countless soft and tough tentacles. The endless tentacles made the ogre powerhouse unable to get rid of Li Yao's control no matter how hard he struggled.

At the same time, countless needle-like tentacles that were extremely dense and tangled up from the soft tentacles, plunged deeply into the body of the ogre powerhouse.

The strong ogre screamed sternly, and then the moment he opened his mouth, countless tentacles poured into his ears, nose, mouth, and eyes.

The tentacles that looked like needles turned red, and blood was drawn out and poured into the tentacles.

Zi la la!

After all, Ursoc did not control it by himself, and collapsed under thunder and claws, and the **** of the raven yelled again: "Dare you ants."

Li Yao said coldly, "I dare not do anything."

When talking, he was not idle, the energy cannon in his chest directly bombarded the chest of the strong ogre.

At the same time, the two arms became the sharp claws of the griffin. The shadows of the claws fell on the body of the strong ogre, and the wings of the Valkyrie madly cut the body of the strong ogre. The feathers of her fell into the body of the ogre like an arrow.


The energetic figure of the vast sea and sky was finally shattered in the endless thunder. When the body that recovered its true body flew upside down, it was killed by a random lightning bolt. The body turned into coke and fell on the ground.

But the ogre powerhouse also collapsed under Li Yao's violent attacks. With the endless tearing, claws, energy cannons, and the powerful attacks of the Valkyrie Wings, the ogre powerhouse’s figure became straightforward. Be torn apart.

Without flesh and blood, the body of the ogre is like a rotten wood, turning into dust in the sky.

The life energy in his body and his soul were swallowed clean by the touch of darkness.

The original black mist-shrouded ancient **** transformation turned slightly red because of the stimulation of the blood, but now it absorbed the ogre and the whole Li Yao exuded a faint blood mist.

And the momentum is more powerful and violent.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

The two directly collided with each other, and the continuous attacks fell on each other's body. In an instant, the two of them did not know how many times they had fought.

With the help of the Black Dragon Queen, the two separated again.

Li Yao was very embarrassed. Most of his tentacles were torn apart, and his armor was sunken. His whole body was scorched, but his life was still more than 90%, and he was filled up quickly. This is his crazy blood sucking ability and the blood sucking ability of the ancient gods. The horror and the **** of the raven is not good, the feathers on his body have fallen a lot, and there are broken tentacles everywhere.

Although these tentacles are broken, they are still like or ordinary, constantly drilling towards the body, and constantly absorbing his energy and divine power.

Moreover, there are metal feathers on his body that do not belong to his body, ding and ding, as he exerts force, these feathers and tentacles are slowly forced out.

And his body was enveloped by the illusory fire of life, consuming his vitality at all times.

What just happened was too fast. If they killed a world-class powerhouse separately, they could barely see clearly, but the last two confrontation took place between the electric light and flint, and no one could see clearly.

The official live broadcast is naturally powerful, slowing down the scene of the two killing the world-class powerhouses by five times in order to reach the level that they can be seen clearly in normal shots.

But the two electric-optical flint clashes slowed down ten times and it was still dazzling, but even more dizzy. Thirty times only barely able to see what happened, and fifty times it reached the level that human eyes can fully accept.

In the screen, the two people fight in the most violent and primitive way of fighting. The most intuitive thing is that Li Yao's blood volume fluctuates up and down. It looks scary, as if he will be killed by a spike at any time, but the demigod can't kill Li Yao, Li Yao's attack can absorb life back every time.

There is no need to explain at all, and they can't explain it. This is beyond their scope of cognition and has not reached a sufficient level at all.

But slow down fifty times to see clearly, reality is just a blink of an eye, enough to explain everything.

Only at this moment did the audience come back to their senses, and they thought of a question, that is a world-class boss, kill if you say kill, this Nima is too illusory...

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