MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1866: Soft underbelly

The changes during this period of time can be said to be not only shocking, but shocking.

The world-class leader is the highest-end combat power of each race, even if the demigod can kill in seconds, but a recruit actually kills a world-class boss in seconds.

The same is true among players, let alone world-class, for ordinary players, race-level is a luxury.

Li Yao's second killing of a world-class boss is as shocking as a nuclear explosion.

Especially since he is fighting against the demigods, it is very dangerous to the main force just now.

If Li Yao didn't discover the demigod's intentions in time, or could not keep up with the demigod's rhythm, then regrettably, the battle has already been won.

But what is unbelievable is that Li Yao followed, and immediately inferred the intention of the demigod, and played against each other.

With his own calculations, it is basically impossible for Li Yao to stop the demigods, he can only choose a pair.

Looking back, one's own side was inferior to the other's struggling to support, now the two sides are swapping, but the main force has made a profit here, solving an unstable factor.

After all, no one can see that the sky and the sky will not last too long, and sooner or later will be defeated. With a strong man who will lose sooner or later, exchange for the other strong man, no one knows who has the upper hand.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the demigod choice, after all, other world-class bosses are not so easy to kill.

The parrots covered by the world tree are also not easy to provoke, it is better to be able to win the broad sky without time.

It's just that he was wrong. In any case, he never thought that Li Yao was so decisive that he could kill the vast opponent in a short time.

And shook him hard for a while, never letting go.

To keep up with his fighting rhythm, no matter how he promoted himself to this level, he must treat it with caution.

So, at this moment, both the players and the big guys in the camp are in extremely complicated moods, and they don't know how to describe Li Yao. At this moment, no one in the camp dared to underestimate him and regard him as a recruit. And the players no longer have the heart to compete with him, at least for a short time before the strength does not break out again.

When the sea and sky were resurrected, he said loudly: "Damn, are demigods so mean? Fanghua, what do you have to do, take it out and block that guy quickly, otherwise we are in danger."

After he finished speaking, he found that the moment Fanghua was unmoved, but he looked at the field in shock, the sea and the sky also looked at the field, and also saw the two sides opposing where they were fighting.

Both Li Yao and the ravens were very embarrassed, and the world-class powerhouse who fought him was no longer visible.

"Huh, what about people." Haikuotian asked.

Setsuna Fanghua shook his head and said, "I was killed by Liaoyuan."

"Fuck it, don't make trouble, I'm serious." The sea was taken aback, but couldn't believe it.

"I'm serious too." Setsuna Fanghua said.

"How is this possible." The sky is wide and the sky is wide in disbelief.

"Yeah, how is this possible. But it is a fact that Liaoyuan not only killed your opponent, but also defeated the demigod tribe. You can see it by watching the live broadcast." Instant Fanghua himself did not fully recover. .

Broader and the sky quickly opened the official live broadcast, still repeating the slow-motion just now. After reading it, it was full of bitterness.

The same is to use foreign objects to improve their own strength, but the gap is so big.

He has become a world-class leader, and the opponent that he can barely resist is so vulnerable in front of Liaoyuan.

Especially in the violent battle against the demigod, he couldn't react. Even he needs thirty times to see clearly.

Therefore, there is no harm if there is no comparison. This is the reason that people are more popular than others, and the sky and the sky do not know what it is like.

He is also proud of his current achievements and his current position.

In the battle against the world-class leader, no matter what means he used, he almost showed his face.

But he is also sober, and he asks himself that the stalemate with the opponent is already at the limit.

In the face of a demigod, you don't have to think about it, even though there is a big gap between the energy body of the demigod and the true demigod.

But after watching the battle between the two, he understood. Don't say that he was not prepared. Even if he was prepared, he was still a dead word.

This created a gap. Looking at Li Yao's embarrassed image, is it really just embarrassing?

"Ant, how can you, how can you keep up with my fighting rhythm." The Raven God is also difficult to accept this fact, although he tells himself to take this opponent seriously, but the opponent is a faction level, so he can be so embarrassed .

Regardless of the outcome of the recent battle, Li Yao will truly enter the sight of the god-level powerhouse.

This is two concepts with Li Yao using the battleship to humiliate the Dragon Demigod.

"Hehe, you born gods think they are powerful, and you don't know it and limit your magic You were born supernatural and sanctified, and you have been trapped in a demigod all your life, don't you understand it?" Li Yao mocked Said.

"Presumptuous, you, a weak ant, are also talking about sacredness and overbearing." The **** of the raven became angry. He made a rebellious voice, but failed to consecrate the gods many times, which was the pain of his life.

"Open mouth ants, close mouth ants." Li Yaosi said coldly without showing any weakness: "I have a problem. I like to step on you so-called strong people who think that you are superior."

"Only by you, if it were my heyday, I would crush you to death with one finger." The Raven God finally eliminated the touch of darkness and metal feathers that were last attached.

"Who wouldn't speak big words, don't talk about demigods, if you let me have extraordinary powers, I can crush your so-called heyday." Li Yaosi is not polite, actually devouring the thunder and lightning remaining in his body. power.

"Okay, I'll try, how long can you stop me." After the Raven God recovered, he launched another offensive.

But this time Li Yao didn't accept it. The black dragon and dragon queen avoided the attack. At the same time, Li Yao's figure disappeared again.

"You are too naive, this battle is not what you want to fight. Don't you want to slay the strong in my side, then it is worse than we are faster than watching who kills."

Li Yao appeared in the shadow of the great warlock while he was talking. Fortunately, the great warlock reacted quickly and directly used teleportation, but Li Yao also directly killed all the flame imps who were hunting the hellhound by magic.

The great warlock was frightened, he didn't dare to fight against Li Yao at the moment, joking, the guy who could fight against the demigods, he was definitely looking for death.

The **** of the raven was extremely angry, and he was still right, making trouble. Many of the opponent's strong men were either the summoned distractions or the contractors. What's the use of killing.

But the strong ogre kills one less...

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