MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1867: Tragic

A dozen little ghosts were suddenly torn to pieces along with the glowing claw shadow.

Don't underestimate the flame imps, they seem fragile, but their attacks are still very violent. A dozen flame imps at the same time release fireball, which is powerful, and the attack power absolutely surpasses the warlock itself.

But they have a fatal weakness, that is, fragility, and there is no means of displacement.


Six brilliant lights of swords fell on Li Yao's head, and it was the demon mistress of the great warlock who had taken the shot. She had six arms, and each arm mastered a cutting knife.

But Li Yao didn't mean to evade. The endless tentacles steamed. Although the knife light cut off countless tentacles, they eventually entangled.

At the moment when the two struggled, Li Yao turned into a metal vortex.

Whirlwind charge!

The powerful impact ability of the whirlwind charge, coupled with the crazy tearing of the tentacles, made the two of them go by mistake.

The demon mistress lowered her head to see a huge cavity in her body, her internal organs had been crushed, and she fell to the ground without a word.

The great warlock was frightened at the sight, fast, it was too fast, this speed and cruelty made him chill, he asked himself, if he didn't teleport, he might end up like the mistress.

The opponent is struggling to be injured and must kill the opponent, but the opponent's blood-sucking ability is too strong. The mistress's blade will take away a large amount of blood from the opponent, but with a whirlwind, the opponent's blood volume instantly returns to its peak. .

This kind of ability is really terrifying. He is very fortunate that there is still a **** on him. If there is no god, they will be defeated in this battle.

Li Yao didn't mean to be entangled, the great warlock was too cunning, but it was enough to weaken him.

The great warlock was originally restrained by countless hellhounds. The opponent's mistress and imps were the main force in hunting hellhounds. Now without them, the great warlock cannot be summoned for a short time and will be suppressed by the succubus queen for a period of time.

"Ant, dare you."

The **** of the raven was angry, and in fact they were already at a disadvantage at the moment as he gave up his exile on the battleship.

With the addition of an additional battleship, the strongest line of defense of the ogre is constantly collapsing.

But now he can no longer take care of so much. With the stimulation of his blood, the Black Dragon and Dragon Empress has also increased in strength. Although he can't fight against him, he can't do it in a moment if he wants to kill the opponent.

Under such circumstances, Li Yao kills, and the Black Dragon and Dragon Queen deal with him. If Li Yao is really allowed to kill one or two strong men, they will ultimately fail.

Just when Li Yao hunted down the great warlock, he wanted to stop, but was blocked by the Black Dragon Queen and had to entangle him.

At the same time, the Angel of Destiny also beheaded a strong ogre.

"My task has been completed. The time and strength left are not enough for me to continue fighting, and my duty has been completed. I will dissipate in a quarter of an hour. The rest of the time belongs to me. I am going to meet my old friends. ."

The angel of destiny nodded to the moment Fanghua who had summoned him, and as a little light fell into the center of his eyebrows, his figure disappeared.

This result was barely acceptable to the God of Raven. After all, this Angel of Destiny was also a difficult opponent, and now retreating is the best result.

But he absolutely does not allow Li Yao to continue to wreak havoc, otherwise, they will be defeated.

"Courageless ants, dare to fight me upright." The **** of raven blasted the black dragon queen and galloped towards Li Yao.

However, his claws only smashed the afterimage clone left by Li Yao, and Li Yao himself was in the shadow of an ogre powerhouse.

Accompanied by the bright blade light and the water elemental Viscount, the ogre powerhouse did not completely escape and was injured by Li Yao.

He could have played equally well in the face of the Viscount, but with the injury, he has completely fallen behind.

"It was you who wanted the pair first. Now I just want to perfect you. If you have the ability, you can kill the strong on our side. See who you and I kill fast."

While Li Yao was talking, he came behind another strong man. Although he was prepared and not injured, he was still very embarrassed.


The **** of the raven would rather bear the attack of the black dragon and dragon queen to entangle Li Yao. The entire battlefield became chaotic as the top powers chased and fought.

Although the Raven God did not want to continue the pair, as long as there is a chance, whoever seizes the opportunity to attack the strong side of the main force.

In one chance, the World Tree was injured, and the Thunder destroyed a large number of ancient war trees.

And Li Yao severely injured an ogre powerhouse, but after entanglement, the ogre still suffered.

Because the world tree is just a projection, and the main force of the battle is also a variety of treasures. Although many ancient war trees have been destroyed, it will not affect the war between the strong.

Instead, the opponent of Variety Baby was hit hard, and now he can barely resist the attack of Variety Baby, and there is no possibility of victory.

The battle between the strong went from dawn to morning, and the entire battlefield became terrible.

All the strong are not unharmed, especially Li Yao, the Black Dragon Queen and the God of the Raven The three are very embarrassed and the injuries are not light.

No one is sure to win the opponent in a short time, which makes the **** of the raven very annoyed, and his own main **** dared to fight. As a result, he did not win the opponent for so long, but let the opponent take the lead.

He took out a time hourglass and summoned himself in a certain timeline in the future to get back a tie one minute. Unfortunately, the time hourglass time is limited and it is not enough to kill the opponent.

After more than three hours of battle, all the strong have returned to their fronts.

Both sides fudged and sacrificed, but overall the ogre suffered a great loss.

The strong on both sides had to take a truce for a while, and the energy body almost collapsed in the eyes of the raven god.

And Li Yao's mecha was about to disintegrate, and the many terrifying wounds on the body of the Black Dragon and Dragon Empress were only able to support them under the cover of obsidian armor.

More importantly, it will take some time for the **** of ravens to obtain a re-sacrifice and stable body, and it will take some time for Li Yao to continue to absorb the power of blood cells to maintain the state of invigorating blood.

Neither party dared to bet that the other party could not survive, so they could only retreat temporarily.

It's not that they have no courage, but that they all believe in the situation they can control, and the cost of losing gambling is very huge.

If Li Yao loses, then his army and most of the strong will disappear for a period of time. This period of time is enough to determine the victory or defeat of the war.

And if the **** of the raven loses, he cannot be summoned for a short time, then no one can stop Li Yao, even at that time Li Yao was also hit hard.

The battlefield has once again entered the depletion stage. The army is exhausted, and the strong are ready to go, quickly rest and recuperate, waiting for the next decisive battle.

And another big battle will begin anytime...


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