MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1868: Just to win

Seeing the **** of raven entrenched above the temple and being linked by the light of prayer, Li Yao retreated the mecha with confidence, and then began to quickly repair and restore the lives of the pets.

"I think you clearly have the upper hand, why did you choose to retreat? Ask me to say that the **** of raven can't hold on at all. You can defeat him with a little bit of effort." Hai Kuo Tian said slightly disappointed.

Li Yao shook his head slightly: "You think too much, you too underestimate the gods."

Setsuna Fanghua is a steady faction, and said: "I think it's pretty good now. The battle of the strong is half a catastrophe, but our army has already gained an advantage. As long as we maintain it, the victory will definitely be ours."

Because of the addition of the Queen, the army gained a considerable advantage. Although the Queen did not cause much damage, the battleship was like a sharp spear, constantly breaking the line of defense of the ogres.

Both the actual effect and the morale blow to the ogres were undoubtedly huge, and the few hours of the strong war also made them sober, their magical soldiers are not as invincible as they thought.

All their powerhouses have been dispatched, yet they still cannot gain an advantage, which is another blow.

"The key is to wait for a few more days if you consume it like this." The sea and the sky are more impatient, and you don't feel at ease if you don't see the results. This time they really made a big bet. If they fail, it will be a huge blow to their guild. of.

Although the battlefield is already large enough, it can't be said that it can consume millions of troops in a day or two. If you don't play the war mode like this, it's basically a death quest.

Li Yao smiled: "I haven't said how it feels to control a world-class leader."

After thinking about it for a while, he said, "Oh, if you really want to describe it, then one word is cool. It's too cool. Although I know it is fake, the feeling of controlling the powerful force still makes me fascinated. In an instant. Going like the wind, breaking the ground and cracking rocks with one's hands, it's literally."

"That's not necessarily. If you have a set of mechas in reality, it may not be so strong. It's a pity, you are too good, and I don't want the mechas in reality to play." Susuna Fanghua smiled: "You are still there. Enjoy it in the game, anyway, there is no big difference from reality."

"Speaking of you as if you had a chance. The game was our only chance. Missing is a lifelong matter." Haikuotian said regretfully.

At the beginning, so many people looked at the mecha. They thought it was a contest between their super guilds. As a result, Li Yao was born, and everyone was caught off guard.

"Your mental power is still too weak. It is estimated that the race-level leader is your limit. There is no other feeling?" Li Yao returned to the topic.

"Yes, I can't do it, it feels the same as being drunk. Anyway, if there is a chance in the future, the distraction of summoning the strong will come. It is completely impossible to control it." Haikuotian said seriously.

Li Yao nodded: "It's okay, it's a reward. But a man can't say no. If you let my sister-in-law hear, I guess I will prepare a perfect soup for you."

"You men don't have the right time to go, all day long." Fanghua was speechless. Do you know that this is broadcast live all over the world, you are still joking.

Li Yao smiled and didn't care, the sea and the sky also looked up at the sky.

"Ahem, can I bother you." Ozawa said suddenly.

Li Yao nodded: "You don't have to be so polite, just say if you have any questions, as long as you don't ask me what hole cards I have."

Ozawa suddenly choked, she was instigated by countless audiences to ask this, to know that the war is now at the most critical time.

Although the strong have suspended the war for the time being, the audience is now fiercely discussing Li Yao's hole cards and what strategy he will adopt, as if he is more anxious than Li Yao.

She also followed public opinion before coming here, but was blocked by Li Yao's words, and asked Mao about it.

However, she was also experienced. Although she was stuck in her heart, she didn't show her appearance at all, as if she didn't want to ask this question at all.

"Naturally we don't ask such questions, but it doesn't matter if the subsequent plan reveals a little bit." Ozawa said with a smile.

Li Yao nodded: "It doesn't matter, anyway, the situation of this war is basically clear."

"Done?" Ozawa subconsciously asked when Li Yao didn't say anything.

Li Yao looked up in surprise: "Yes, such a clear situation, can't you get it done in one sentence?"

Ozawa almost vomited blood and had never seen such a person. Even though she had seen a big battle, the number of viewers at the moment was 100 million units. You are too perfunctory.

At this moment, I don’t know how many commentators and anchors are jealous, and Li Yao is the same. I don’t know how many people want to show their faces, but the result is good, with a perfunctory appearance, which is really speechless.

"Ahem, can you be more detailed." Ozawa said helplessly.

"I said at the beginning, I have more than 20 million bugs in my hand. I plan to fight them all and consume tens of millions of ogres' I won the war, and we It’s just to keep the process going smoothly. And with the first battle, I know it in my heart, and I believe many people know it. The rest is spent, so what can I say. To sum up That is, soldiers are here to cover the water and earth, understand?" Li Yao finished repairing the magic mecha.

This time not only Ozawa is about to vomit blood, but the audience is also about to vomit blood. It's so personal.

"It's meaningless to ask me, it's impossible to say the card. You can tell if you can say it." Li Yao shook his head: "Instead of wasting time with me, it's better to interview the vast sky and the sky to control the world-class power."

"If so, I might as well interview you." Ozawa was also helpless.

Li Yao said naturally: "I have no representativeness. With my spiritual power, I can give you the power of God to slaughter the God, can you?"

The sky is wide and the sky can’t be laughed bitterly. This Nima has never seen such a coercive person, but you still have no way to refute it. Although this seems to be damaged, how can I still look forward to being interviewed?

"Well, Liaoyuan is really not representative. Let's ask what it feels like to be world-class." Ozawa smiled stiffly. If it weren't for so many viewers, she knew she couldn't beat Li Yao. Want to PK with each other.

It's not that Li Yao doesn't know how many people watch it, and doesn't care at all, but he knows very clearly what is most important to him now.

That is the victory of this war. If you win, you can have everything. Without saying anything, you and Xinghuo's reputation will not be less than half.

But if you fail, you will lose too much, and everything you say today will become a joke.

So, the only thing he has to consider now is to win...

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