MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1869: Hole cards

At high altitude in the sky, all the powerhouses have almost rested, and the battlefield is still going crazy.

The strong ogres are like ants on a hot pot. They heard Li Yao's words through their scouts again, with the goal of consuming 20 million troops.

What can you do? If they are willing to give up, they just want to beat you and hold you back.

Li Yao is willing, are they willing? The answer is obvious.

Even if I know that Li Yao is a bit exaggerated, let alone consuming 10 million of their troops, it is consuming millions of them. They don't know how many years will take them to ease.

Moreover, after experiencing the Great War of Dawn, their powerhouse did not even take advantage, but instead allowed the Fa to kill two.

If this continues, they will be finished, but now they must wait.

"Grand Warlock, how long will it take for the gods to recover?" the commander asked anxiously.

"Almost." The great warlock sighed.

"You said it two hours ago. You also heard the strategy of that **** from Liaoyuan. If we drag it down, we will be finished." The commander's voice increased a little.

"How do you know that he didn't tell us on purpose." The great warlock said coldly: "How can you not guarantee that this was his strategy, and that he deliberately disturbed our military spirit."

The commander is speechless, this kind of thing is naturally possible: "But, what if it is true."

"Then it's useful for you to shout here. As a great commander, you don't want to control the enemy, but you are here to disturb the military's mind. I think you, the great commander, is the end of the party." The great warlock whispered angrily.

"If I can win, even if I don't be the leader. If I fail, what can I do as the leader." The leader is also very angry: "I just want to know how we can win."

The great warlock was about to vomit blood. He didn't expect the great commander to lose his square inch at this time, but the problem was that he didn't know how to win.

He analyzed that Liaoyuan may be exaggerating, but it must be the main reason for consuming them. If so many troops were really lost, even if Li Yao failed, then they would not be able to defend here.

But the problem now is that the key to victory is no longer in his control, and he is not the highest combat power.

He thought he was very tyrannical, but he was restrained by the succubus queen who could summon countless hellhounds. Even if your mana is so powerful, the endless hellhounds can absorb magic, what can you do.

And he didn't dare to fight against the Liaoyuan now, even the demigod couldn't take it down, he went up like he was looking for death.

To put it bluntly, he has finished playing all his cards, and there is only one minor left. Whether he can win is not his own.

Now the most important thing is their god, as long as the **** of raven can win the prairie prairie fire, then they will win, if they can't win, they can do nothing.

"If I want to continue fighting with them, I would rather die than continue to be like this." Another general said loudly.

"Enough." The Raven God, who hadn't spoken for several hours, finally said: "I can absorb the power of sacrifice, and I already have a way to take down that ant."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard the words, and the great warlock was relieved.

"Then when will we go to war?" the Grand Warlock asked.

The Raven God sneered: "Just now, this time I will let him understand that the gods are not to be insulted."

The reappearance of the ogre powerhouses on the battlefield naturally attracted the attention of the main force.

Now the main players are really as if they are playing chicken blood, it is called excitement, and it is regarded as the last madness before the cake is distributed.

"Get ready, I'm afraid this is the final decisive battle." Li Yao reassembled the mecha and silently absorbed the power in the blood cell.

"I don't have any tricks, can I leave some foundation for our guild, this time it is really desperate." Haikuotian said bitterly.

"Then you just stand by. If you can't stop your two guilds, you must deploy at least one world-class combat force. If you don't need it, you can save it."

Li Yao said that his figure had already flown into the sky, and the phantom of the World Tree appeared again, and this time it was replaced by a bear in the guild. He will use his power to become a world-class war bear, not seeking victory, but only seeking Just drag a strong opponent.

There was another battle between the strong, and only Li Yao stared at the **** of raven from the top of the black dragon queen.

"How do you want to fight this time? When you and I fight, how about hunting down the strong between you and me? See who kills fast, or you and I fight to death. But you seem to have no chance of winning in that way."

The eyes of the **** of raven flickered coldly: "I have been traversed for tens of thousands of years. Today, I was forced to such a level by you. You should feel proud, but do you naively think that I don’t have my own cards? Need it or not."

"Oh?" Li Yao said with interest: "Anyway, we have time. Why don't you let me guess what hole cards do you have?"

"Do you want to procrastinate?" The Raven God disdainfully said: "It's so With your ant body, how can you understand the world of God, and also want to guess my trump card, a joke. "

"I'm still saying that. I like to step under your feet the so-called superior powerhouses in my life." Li Yao gently shook his head: "After all, you are now in the form of souls, what can you hold in your hole cards, I think about it, you used to be The top demigods should start to condense the godheads. Burning the godheads is a good way, but I bet you don't dare. These ogres are not important for you to become gods. Burning is irreversible, and you cannot become gods afterwards."

The face of the raven **** changed: "You still know some secrets of the gods, but there is no need to deal with you."

He would naturally not admit that although what Li Yao said was true, he was born sacred and had been pursuing becoming a **** for tens of thousands of years, so he would naturally not give up this idea for others.

"No need, then your other card should be the most important part of your body. If you sacrifice, you will gain the strength of your peak period. Unfortunately, if you sacrifice, then you have no chance of resurrection. Neither will you Yes, do you have any hole cards." Li Yao said lightly.

"I said, it's impossible to know from your own knowledge." The Raven God couldn't help but start.

Li Yao waved his hand: "Oh, I thought. You still have a daughter."

"You are looking for death." A hint of anger flashed in the eyes of the Raven God, and his figure rushed up with violent thunder and lightning.

The two immediately fought together, but separated after a while, and both seemed a little embarrassed.

"It's useless, if you can't take me down, you should call your daughter. If you don't use it now, there may be no chance in the future." Li Yao coldly drank.

Who is the daughter of the Raven God? Naturally, it is the **** of all birds in the sky, the daughter of the sky, the ultimate power of controlling the wind, and the Aviana who is worshipped by countless druids...

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