MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1870: play off

The **** of the raven was a little bit embarrassed, his own thoughts and hole cards all let the opponent guess.

If the other party is a strong demigod, it's not surprising, after all, the methods that the spirit state can use are limited.

But the opponent is just a recruit, and he is as transparent as he is. He can see all the cards he has, which makes him very uncomfortable.

I was completely seen through by the opponent, but I knew nothing about the opponent, what it meant. The other party knows what means he has, doesn't the other party have a countermeasure, it's a little impossible just to think about it.

But the battle has reached the present point, if he is asked to give up, this is impossible.

The current state is no longer the victory or defeat of this war, but it is related to his reputation. If he is bullied by a recruit today, it will become a stain in his life. I guess I don't want to look up again.

"Ant, I have to say that your performance today made me completely impressed. No wonder you can subdue the two dragon queens to follow, no matter what other times, at least at this time, you are already my opponent." God said seriously: "You should feel proud, maybe this is the pinnacle of your life."

Being able to be regarded as an opponent by a strong demigod is also a great honor in the eyes of a world-class leader, but it is the pinnacle.

But Li Yao said disdainfully: "You really value yourself, you regard me as your opponent. But in my opinion, everything about you is in my control, and you are not my opponent. And I want to. To remind you, I have destroyed several demigods, and every one of them is estimated to be about the same as you. And I calculated that there are many main gods, and the Dragon King has offended one. As for the pinnacle, you really don’t count. I was back then. Against the projections of the two main gods, what are you."

The demigod Raven almost vomited blood. He knew that this was true by looking at Li Yao's expression. He was really speechless. How did this enchanting Nima live until now. Offending so many gods are still alive.

"No wonder you are so mad, but today is your end." The Raven God is no longer nonsense, and everything is self-inflicted, or it is the business to kill the other party. Following the spell of the Raven God, another The strong demigod aura began to agitate in the space.

Everyone saw a blue whirlwind appeared in the sky, and as the whirlwind spread, a beautiful figure that looked like a hawk appeared.

"My father, it's so rare that you still remember having my daughter. I am afraid there is something to call me this time." Aviana's words embarrassed the Raven God.

"When you encounter a difficult opponent, you help me restrain the opponent, and I will kill him." The Raven God didn't worry about anything at all. Anyway, he is her dad, so he can't help but help when he meets an opponent.

"You should know my position. We are not the gods of the same camp. If it is to help deal with the gods or demigods of the nature, you know that I will not take action." Aviana did not entangle, but directly expressed herself position.

"It's the kid opposite." The Raven God didn't know how to describe this opponent, and he blushed when he said this.

Aviana then looked at Li Yao, and her eyes flashed with surprise: "Oh, who am I? It turns out that I taught the half-black recruits of the evil kind, and it really worked well. I actually made my father such a foolish man. The generation asked me to take action. I have to say that you are proud enough. After today, regardless of success or failure, you will be known by the powerhouse of the gods."

This time, Li Yao contemptuously contemptuously, but earnestly salutes: "Looking up to the deeds of the predecessors, I am even more envious of the speed of the first person under the wind **** of the predecessors. I have seen today that the predecessors are not only tough, but also unparalleled in appearance. My biggest gain today."

Aviana chuckled: "The young man is very good at talking and vision, but you are wrong about one thing, that is, Fengshen is still alive and the speed may not exceed me."

"Or my vision is too low." Li Yao held his hand.

"It's okay, after all, there is no real competition, and no chance. I said too much and thought I was bragging." Aviana also shook her head slightly: "However, although I have a good impression of you, you should not provoke you today. The opponent I provoke is my father after all. I have to make a move. Unfortunately, I have to deal with the pleasing person and an old person this time. I also want to affirm that this is just my personal business and does not represent the camp."

The eyes of the Raven God flashed with shame. This guy likes to admire his opponent, and then shows his position. This is very clear. I can’t do it. I have to do it. Any cause and effect are counted. On his head. He is also an unruly generation, if it is not a last resort, he will not speak at all.

The black dragon queen nodded, her friendship with Aviana is not good, but it is not bad: "The position is different, you must fight with all your strength, regardless of victory or will not affect the friendship between you and me."

"That's great." Aviana nodded and agreed.

Li Yao smiled: "Senior, I didn't know something before the war. I want to ask Senior to teach it."

"I can do nothing." Aviana agreed.

"The predecessors shined brilliantly in the ancient battles, entangled countless demigods with their own power, and paid a heavy price to protect our world. He also died in battle. As far as I know, thousands of years ago, the ravens The soul has awakened a long time ago, and has been worshipped by the second-level face ogre. The combat power is definitely not weaker than now. When you died in battle, I did not hear that the raven would rescue you. I also heard that the raven participated in the twilight. The war was a siege. You almost died in battle to save him. You suffered heavy damage and raised it for thousands of years before he recovered. I was curious, is this kind of person, even your father, worthy of your rescue." Li Yao’s words are like thunder. These secrets are not something ordinary people can know, I am afraid most people don't know.

Sadness flashed in Aviana's eyes, but the God of Raven shouted angrily: "You are presumptuous. I couldn't get out of it at the beginning. Don't listen to his nonsense."

Li Yao smiled more happily: "Is that right? As far as I know, the sub-plane ogres dominated the sub-plane 11 thousand years ago. The biggest crisis is the rise of a powerful race thousands of years ago. Years ago was the most peaceful period. You are embarrassed to say that, let me make a bold guess. Raven, you want to be a **** for the rest of your life, and you also condense the laws related to wind. Wind is one of the important priesthoods you seek. However, as far as I know, the wind **** has completely fallen behind, and the one who has the most hope to become a new generation of wind **** is Senior Aviana. Moon God and the mother tree once talked that if Aviana does not die, it will become a new wind **** within a thousand years. If Na becomes the **** of wind and obtains the priesthood, you have no hope of conferring the god."

The **** of raven wanted to kill Li Yao immediately, and Aviana's face was not good...

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