MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1874: Gather

"This..." Aviana hesitated. If it was a natural demigod's proposal, she would agree, but this proposal was his father. She knew this father too much, and the six relatives did not recognize it when she became unfeeling, and she was extremely cold and unfeeling.

Others have always thought that the raven has changed its sex, because the ogre's worship protects the ogre, but she is the only one who knows that the raven must have a deep purpose, but she can't think of it.

If it is for faith alone, the Ravens will not be so desperate, let alone summon themselves, you know, they have not been in contact for tens of thousands of years.

"What's more to hesitate? This kid is so cunning and fused with the ancient gods, so perverted. If he escapes, there will be endless disasters. No one knows what escape and hidden means he has. Think about it, if you just rely on him , Can she let the two dragon queens bow their heads and dare to calculate other gods. Although his strength is strong here, he does not master the laws of the main god, and a few more demigods can easily take him." Said the god.

Following the words of the Raven God, the surrounding space began to fluctuate, and there were already chaotic demigods ready to move.

"Banshee, can you guarantee that your inheritor did not go astray." An ethereal voice echoed in the ears of the dark camp.

The queen said coldly: "You are still known as demigods, and a few words from the enemy make you uncomfortable, ridiculous."

"How does the little banshee know the horror of the ancient gods, now you only need to answer our questions." That voice brought a hint of emotion, and anyone could hear the voice a little dissatisfied.

"You haven't blessed my forgotten ones, and we don't worship you. You are not qualified to talk to me like this." The queen is not outdone.

"Hey, the instructor is so awkward, no wonder the disciple is so perverse. Little recruit, can the power of the ancient **** be controlled by him? If people in your camp don't want to do it, the old guys in our other camps are the same, none of them It's just an ancient **** of the climate." Another sharp voice said.

"Huh, Old Ghost Flying Snake, there is no place for you to speak here. I want to play majestic and go to your own territory." The voice said at the beginning.

"Hahaha, Wanling, don't be arrogant. You have to blame for the appearance of such insurgents in your camp." That voice disappeared.

At this time, the warchief stopped in front of the queen who was about to explode and said loudly: "Mother of all souls, although I don't have much contact with Liaoyuan, I believe that from our perspective, he is definitely not controlled by the ancient gods. General Liaoyuan. We are fighting for the camp, and if none of us can believe it, then we are right in the calculations of others."

"You are still too young. Although I haven't been in this world for many years, the strength of the ancient gods is simply not something you can appreciate."

The Mother of All Souls is a demigod condensed by the orcs to worship their ancestors, and she is composed of orcs' beliefs.

"My child, what do you say." Another gentle voice also said.

Chief Bull Head said seriously: "Mother Earth, I and the Chief Chief have the same idea. If we are not on our own side, then who will fight for us in the future. A recruit of General Liaoyuan, it must be very brilliant to achieve such a brilliant record. People. And you also said that the ancient **** is dead. It's just that he used the power of the ancient god. So is this kind of achievement for someone who has the power of the ancient god."

The queen also said: "So the old age may not know everything. I used to control the Touch of Darkness for many years, and several other parts have been used by others. They can do this. Touch of Darkness cannot be an auxiliary means. That's it."

"Sister-in-law has the bottom line. Really old Bang Sandy thinks you are the most appetite for me. You are the undead. It's better to believe in me as the **** of death." An unscrupulous voice came.

"Reaper, you really put gold on your face. Wait for you to become the main **** before you talk about faith." The queen said bluntly.

"Hahahaha, I admire you more and more. Old Bangsandy will not give up." He said that Bangsandy said in a straightforward voice: "If power is divided between righteous and evil, should I, the **** of death, be in the chaotic camp? All those people."

"So, intercept those old things that want to do it." Mother Earth's voice disappeared completely after she said it.

At this moment, outside the space, a variety of colorful lights began to flicker, this is the effect of the demigods coming, they are accumulating power to break through the barriers of space.

"It's a big battle." Li Yao sneered looking at the colorful colors outside the space.

"Boy, just grab it with your hands. Even if you have the spiritual power of the main **** level, you can't be the opponent of so many demigods. Even the union of the dark camp can't resist the three camp demigods." Raven sneered.

"Haha, I have to say that you are cleverly calculating, you can come up with this method when you are about to fail, but you will still fail." Li Yao said and looked at Aviana: "Senior, if I can prove that I Without the fusion of the touch of darkness, will it be possible to expose the old Raven’s conspiracy of was taken aback: "If you open up your soul and let everyone see your path to the strong, surely there is no fusion of nature can. "

"Then it's easy to say, there is nothing unspeakable about where I am going. Seniors, and those nosy old immortals, please keep your eyes open and see what fusion ancient gods I have."

Li Yao directly let go of his soul.


Li Yao's eyebrows are exuding metallic brilliance, and under the shroud of metallic brilliance is a small bug.

Obviously, the little bugs are shrouded and purified by metallic brilliance.

"Heart of Titan, what you really blend with is the Heart of Titan." Aviana exclaimed.

The Raven God couldn't believe his eyes: "How can this be possible, the blinding method must be the blinding method."

"Hahaha, blindfolded eyes, can my blindfolded eyes illusion the real Titan clone and take down the hammer of doom? You old immortals can look at the leader of the other army on the wall, that's me, can you tell at a glance. If there is no strong fusion Can I control the metal zerg in this way? The touch of darkness is just a means I use. Will I give the ancient gods a chance to resurrect? It’s ridiculous. Please tell me about it, how many times have I destroyed the ancient gods? Don’t blame me for your conspiracy this time, or even if you are a demigod, if you turn black and white in this way, don’t blame me for being polite.

Li Yao's words were explained before, but everyone who was shocked by the following words was confused. This Nima is too courageous.

It's fine to say that these demigods are old and immortal, but they actually threaten these demigods, saying that they will become gods in the future. This is simply.

"Presumptuous, the little ants dare to threaten the god, I will kill you now."


The black dragon demigod descended, turning into a ray of light and rushing to the enclosed space...

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