MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1875: Universe

After just the time, everyone has seen Li Yao's arrogance and invincibility, even in the face of two demigods, they still have no fear and have been calm and unhurried.

But he didn't expect Li Yao to be so mad that he would start threatening other gods.

Seeing the light in the sky, it is estimated that there will be many demigods coming, even the viewers who watch the live broadcast feel very depressed in their hearts.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the black dragon demigod jumped out, and gave them an excuse to take action.

It's just that the Black Dragon is doing well in abacus, but it may not make him wish.

A golden barrier blocked the black dragon man, the black dragon man collided with the golden light, and the black dragon demigod retreated vaguely.

The archangel stood in the void holding a sword, his expression unwavering: "Enough, not to mention that you haven't seen what people are fusing, it is not the body of an ancient **** at all."

A wind snake and a demigod also appeared from the void: "It looks like the Zerg is also controlled by an ancient god."

A bone troll stopped in front of the wind snake: "Don't tell the old gang Sander, the Zerg has no characteristics. As a Loa god, you shouldn't be so stupid."

The black dragon demigod sneered: "Okay, let this matter aside for the time being, he insulted the gods is a big crime, I'll punish him right."

"I don't need to talk about my position." Aviana sneered: "Even if it is aimed at me, I haven't spoken yet, where will it be you."

"According to the old Bonsandy’s guess, this **** seems to have been tricked by mortals more than once, so it is naturally resentful, and now it’s normal to get revenge. However, when the wrong choice is made, people will inevitably misunderstand." Tao.

"Whether the chaotic gods can play or not, you have initiated this dispute. Since you want to play, you must play according to the rules. If the chaotic camp wants to lift the table, I think we are not afraid." Aviana sneered.

As a member of the Order Natural God System, she emphasizes rules and commitments most, maintaining order, and chaotic God System and camp behavior really makes them contemptuous.

The raven said with a gloomy face: "Pay attention to your position. I summoned you to help."

Aviana is not to be outdone: "Naturally, I will go all out to fight against Liaoyuan, but after all, you are the patron saint of ogres and I am your daughter. I will not be involved in this battle. But now you The gods of the chaotic camp want to break the rules, which I will not allow. If other gods want to interfere, don't blame me for being rude."

"That said, don't play if you can't afford it. If you want a stable start, there is no such cheap thing in the world. If you want to raise the table, you must be prepared to endure a full-scale war." Bonsanti sneered.

"If we want to fight, we will fight, do we really dare not fight." The black dragon demigod was a little hard to get off the tiger, and yelled.

The archangel sneered: "It's good. I said that the chaotic camp is a factor of instability. It's better to pay the price to destroy them."

"Black Dragon, Wind Snake, you still don't retreat."

"That's right, you can't misinterpret our meaning, you have to die by yourself, don't take us."

Many light spots in the sky dimmed and disappeared, obviously because the gods of the chaotic camp did not want to go to war.

Just kidding, they can't deal with the gods of just one camp, let alone facing the siege of the gods of the three big camps, even if the three big camps will be uncomfortable, they will basically be finished.

All kinds of lights dimmed, obviously it was impossible to fight at all.

The wind snake demigod disappeared without saying a word, and the black dragon demigod looked at Li Yao with cold eyes: "Boy, you are lucky this time, you should be honored, you are the only mortal I hate. "

Li Yao smiled disdainfully: "I have offended too many mad dogs, it's not too bad for you to miss me."


The black dragon demigod was dim and disappeared.

The archangel nodded to Li Yao encouragingly, and the golden light disappeared in a flash.

Bonsandi black and black smiled strangely: "You guys work hard, if you make me satisfied, I don't mind protecting your territory more."

"Thank you Reaper." Li Yao said politely.

"Hahahahaha, it seems that Old Bang Sandy is still very famous, so let's go."

All Bonsandi’s bones exploded and turned into a pile of broken bones, which dissipated in space when they fell.

"Storm and Thunder."

The wind roared above Li Yao, lightning and thunder.

Lightning **** fell, followed by lightning balls, which were almost invisible wind knives.

"Raven, the more you live, the more you go back, you know that my mental power is stronger than you, do you naively think that you can succeed in a sneak attack? I said, the spell is invalid for me, it is invalid."

The touch of darkness dances, madly absorbing the power of the spell, not only the spell is invalid, but to nourish the touch of darkness.

When Li Yao's strength is too weak, on the one hand, he does not have such a strong absorption capacity, on the other hand, he loses his own strength, and it is good to be able to achieve a balance of payments.

But now it is different, the spirit has become the essence instead, with the strong spiritual source support, the touch of darkness can exert an unimaginable power under the situation of the transformation of the ancient god.

An ancient **** equivalent to the main **** level ~ ~ how terrible this is.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe that you, a mortal, can mobilize the power of the main **** level." The **** of the raven turned into countless afterimages: "What are you still hesitating, he is immune to magic, is it immune to physics, let us together Tore him apart."

Aviana sighed softly, and then turned into a storm crow. Her speed is a bit faster than the **** of the raven, and the last one comes first: "My friend, I won't keep my hands in this battle. , Success or failure depends on your luck."

"Endless cage!"

At this moment, Li Yao's power of the main **** level is completely, of course, referring to attributes. It is naturally incomparable with the real main god. After all, the main **** relies on not only attributes, but the most important thing is the heroism and all-round heroism of the godhead, divine power, and law. Take control.

But Li Yao's main **** level is the main **** level, and the skills and spells derived from the ancient gods themselves are enough for him to use.

Li Yao's open palm seemed unremarkable to outsiders, but I saw that Aviana was closer to Li Yao, the smaller the distance, and Li Yao's palm was not enough for the ants to laugh.

For Aviana, Li Yao's palm was like a mountain, and a powerful force swallowed her into a cane, followed by the entanglement of countless tentacles.

"Senior Aviana, I am offended. I don't want to be your enemy. I can only wrong you for a while. When I defeat the Raven and the space dissipates, you will naturally come out."

Li Yao looked at the endless black energy entangled with Zhou Xin in his palms, flipped his palms, and unfolded again. There was no black energy, and there was no figure of Aviana.

But at this time, the **** of the ravens circled Li Yao for thousands of times, and the sharp claws cut off a large number of tentacles, constantly disintegrating Li Yao's defense...


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