MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1902: Bidou

Players think a little bit, there are many people who are worried about this territory, they naively think that they can occupy key resource points if Spark compromises.

In fact, this is impossible, even if Xinghuo and Li Yao show a hint of weakness and compromise, then countless people will inevitably swarm up to clean up this land.

And the player's guild would not be occupied at all and would be driven out. They didn't realize that they were just used as pawns to test the reactions of Xinghuo and Li Yao.

It was only after seeing the so-called coalition forces that Li Yao had this kind of sentiment, and he also thought of the meaningful look of the camp ambassador at the time, which made Li Yao have to be cautious.

That's why Li Yao's methods are so cool. The purpose is to let those people see his determination and methods, so as to deter Xiao Xiao, and let those hidden behind know that if you want to stretch out your paws, you must be beaten by him. The consciousness of turning around.

Of course, there is no need for these Li Yao to talk to others. Let alone Ozawa’s live broadcast, it is in Xinghuo. There are only a few people who know the deep meaning of this. Otherwise, they will not support Li Yao for doing so absolutely. After all, it was not a joke to offend more than twenty Super Guilds at once.

Li Yao continued to advance here, basically maintaining the speed of destroying a guild station within an hour.

But in the back, the resistance was too weak, and Li Yao guessed that the essence of the wealth was transferred.

On the other hand, on the battlefield, the invalidation of the curse was almost devastating to the morale of the coalition forces.

Although the player’s army does not believe in the Moon God, it does not mean that you are not awe-inspiring. As an aboriginal in the ancient world, the Moon God is the only true **** in this world.

Unparalleled in combat power, immortal forever, in fact so many gods ups and downs, not to mention the main god, even the ancient gods are sealed, only the moon **** is eternal.

Perhaps some ignorant people will feel that the Moon God is too indifferent, regardless of the things of the ancient gods.

But anyone with a little bit of common sense would know that in the eyes of the Moon God, all of them are the same, and no matter how they fight, it is an internal matter in the ancient **** world.

The Moon God will face enemies in the cosmic void, including resisting the invasion of Lord Void, why several ancient gods have been trapped, Lord Void has no action, is there really no action, just by the moon? God stopped it.

Such a noble god, as long as he knows the insider, he is grateful and in awe.

And this city was blessed by the Moon God, and obstacles have been created in their hearts.

Although they had to obey orders, their morale was already low.

The guild leaders of the coalition also understand that, so they must find a way to improve their morale, otherwise, there is no point in continuing the fight. In fact, many guild leaders are already discouraged.

When the forbidden spell failed, their quasi-forbidden spells had to be stopped. In this way, wanting to defeat the ace army is simply a dream.

But the problem is that they can’t just leave. This is equivalent to admitting that they have completely failed. Then the game world will enter a new era, and this new era is not what they want to see, it will be quite in the future. Difficult.

So, in fact, they are also riding a tiger.

"It's ridiculous. I didn't expect that information asymmetry would also make us so embarrassed." Edward took a deep breath: "But even so, war is still inevitable. But in order to reduce sacrifices, it is better to fight as our leader. And we have long heard of Spark. Everyone in the core group can resist the presidents of various super guilds, and I must have won countless first kills and the spark core group deserves such praise. Please advise me today."

Enchantress sneered: "Chairman Edward is really a good calculation, but I am not afraid of any challenge. If you want to fight, then the fight is good. But you have more than 20 guild leaders, and told countless people, I am afraid you are not embarrassed to fight. ."

"Naturally not." Edward gritted his teeth and could only say: "Why don't we choose three people separately? How about the previous three games."

Hitomi sarcastically said: "I'm afraid President Edward will say again that the competition will naturally have a lot of money. If we win, let us give up the main city."

Qin Fengyi said lightly: "I think President Edward would not be so naive."

"Competitions are naturally rewarding, but whether we retreat or you retreat, this is not what we want to see. I think that competitions are competitions. Siege is siege and does not affect each other. How about it." Edward knew the original. The abacus cannot be started, but the victory or defeat can also affect morale, at least the morale of their side.

"As for the color head, I need to ask the vice president. I am just a war commander, and the guild warehouse is not in my control." Yao Ji said.

"No need to ask, that's it, we will take all the colors." Sister Li's voice came from the sky, and everyone saw a gorgeous dragon eagle flying to the top of the city. UU reading www. Sister Li of fell by everyone's side: "Whether it is gold coins, equipment, drawings or pet mounts, you can compare as long as you can take out the corresponding chips to fight."

Everyone took a deep breath, which was really big enough, but it was Sister Li who was speaking. With Spark's backing, the contents of the guild warehouse were obvious to all, but no one felt arrogant, but took it for granted.

"Well, compared to three games, our first bet was a bone dragon mount. This is the archaeological achievement that our guild hobby players spent half a year. It can be said to be the only bone dragon mount, although it is only Velociraptor, but at least a second one is impossible for a short time."

Edward showed the specific data of a bone dragon mount. It is indeed a legendary quality mount. Because it is a bone dragon, it has unlimited endurance and will not be fatigued. It can travel long distances without reducing speed, and it has good combat power. It is naturally quite good. Yes, of course the velociraptor's turbulence is inevitable. The key is not that the mount can bear it, but the rider can bear it.

"The hellhound mount on the upper floor of our guild warehouse has no need to mention its attributes. It is a level higher than the epic mount produced by the most difficult doom. Moreover, the hellhound mount is not weak in combat effectiveness, better than the raptor, and is stable and not bumpy. The only thing inferior to the Velociraptor is the short sprint. That's enough." Sister Li said without hesitation.

Everyone nodded. If they were allowed to choose, it would be better to mount the Hellhound, but the uniqueness of the bone dragon was also a selling point, and the value was at least the same at this stage.

Sister Li took a step back when she finished speaking, Sparks had a clear division of labor, and the enchantress had the final say on who played. This is a comprehensive contest, whether it is combat power or treasures possessed

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