MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1903: ridicule

Edward smiled and said: "We don't specify who is going to play. Whoever has the confidence to volunteer and get his own approval can play. Now starting the first game, who is willing to play and learn about the power of the members of the Spark Core team."

"Come on, I've heard about the power of Liaoyuan and Xinghuo. I wanted to challenge Liaoyuan, but unfortunately I found that I was not strong enough. But I think I can deal with people in the Xinghuo core group."

There were two **** choppers hanging from one waist, and his muscles were knotted. Not many armored players came forward. He was a human, but looking at his size, if he changed the color, he would definitely be regarded as an orc.

What makes people feel weird is that every time he takes a step, a phantom appears behind him, and the outline of his entire body is covered with a shadow, as if the body is not in this space.

When everyone saw him coming out, the people who wanted to talk also shut up, nodding their heads, approving the fact that he was playing.

Qin Fengyi said: "It turns out that it is him, Ma Fei, known as Phantom Fighting. Although he is not the leader of the Super Guild, his combat power is recognized as the number one in the Super Guild. He is also a master who has won more than 100 victories in the master-level arena. , In the output melee career, the absolute top ranking, is the top five existence. His characteristics are fast attack speed, violent attack, speed is unpredictable, difficult to deal with."

"I'll go, no matter how violent he is, I'm not moving like a mountain," said the guardian angel.

The enchantress was about to nod, and said, "I'll come, we can't always watch the show, it's time to do something."

Instant Fanghua shook his head: "You can't, if you remember correctly, you suffered from him half a month ago."

"That time the outcome is not divided, okay?" Haikuotian said.

"This is not an ordinary competition. You must win. You have to admit that your career is restrained by him. Don't argue. This is an indisputable fact. Also, in the first game, the heavyweights of the Spark can't take the shot, so I am the only one who is the most suitable. "Suna Fanghua said.

Sister Li frowned: "Sister's combat effectiveness is naturally very strong, but if you are the first to fight, it would be inappropriate for those Xiaoxiao to call you a pawn."

"As long as you win, whatever they say, to the level of you and me, they can say what they say." Shina Fanghua said nonchalantly.

Seeing that the moment Fanghua said it was worth it, everyone in Xinghuo agreed, and that moment Fanghua's combat effectiveness was indeed strong, there was no doubt about it.

Setsuna Fanghua and Fruit Knight are both sacred troops, and they have been fighting each other in the past few days. It is not a secret in Spark that her shots are actually similar to those of Fruit Knight.

Sure enough, seeing the moment Fanghua appeared on the stage, the faces of many guild presidents opposite were unsightly, and no one knew her.

Although she is not the president, she knows that she is the boss of the Qionghua Guild. She made the shot personally, which shows her position.

"It's a woman, haha, but I don't know what Lianxiangxiyu is." Ma Fei sneered.

"What age is it, and I still look down on women." A trace of dislike flashed in Fanghua's eyes.

"Let's start then, you are ready to say, don't lose and say I sneak attack." Maffey took out his weapon.

"You are so much nonsense." A golden light flashed in Fanghua's hand.

The whistling of a rotating golden warhammer appeared in the air and galloped towards Maffey.

Maffey's eyes were disdainful, and he took a light step. The hammer of sanctions that was originally a half-locked and established sanctions fell through directly, and a big hole was smashed behind Maffey.

Then a weird scene appeared, and Maffey took another step gently, the space seemed to be in a trance.

Ma Fei suddenly appeared in front of Instant Fanghua, and Ma Fei's phantom in the distance disappeared.

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding...

The sound of weapons colliding intensively spread to everyone's ears.

Everyone saw that Ma Fei was like an accelerated video, with weird and fast movements, appearing strangely in all directions around Fanghua at the moment.

The blood-stained weapon in his hand fell like a gust of wind and rain. It was just this trick that shocked many players. If they were replaced by this weird trick, they would have fallen.

But at this moment, everyone saw the shield and the holy light sword in the hands of Instant Fanghua, constantly waving and violently clashing with the violent chopper, sputtering countless sparks.

The energy of blood and the power of the Holy Light continued to collide, and the moment Fanghua seemed to be inferior to Maffey in movement and speed, but each time he accurately resisted the opponent's attack.

"Enough, get out of here!"

When instant Fanghua swung away the opponent's sword, she suddenly held high.


A dazzling golden lightning fell suddenly from the sky, and the lightning fell on Mossana Fanghua's body. Numerous golden lightnings formed shock waves to spread to the center of Mosque Fanghua.


Ma Fei had to stop the storm-like attack, and made a slight mistake, her figure suddenly disappeared, and she returned to the original place, as if the collision that had just happened was just an illusion.

"Yes, very keen, I can actually find my continuous swordsmanship, the higher the attack, the faster the the faster the attack, so as to seize the flaws in the moment when the swordsmanship is promoted to a higher stage. Trick, this alone is enough for you to become my true opponent." Ma Fei said arrogantly.

"Be less conceited. If you have some strength, you can think of yourself as if you are so powerful. Why don't you challenge the President Liaoyuan." Instant Fanghua sneered.

"I'll fight him sooner or later." Ma Fei's breathing was stagnant, and every time he wanted to challenge Liaoyuan, he realized that Liaoyuan became stronger. Up to now, even the thought of wanting to challenge has been weakened. It is really a pet of a family. It is difficult for him to pick a pet at random. If you don't let a family pet, please ask the other animal king to be a hunter. You are a berserker, can you not use weapons? There is no difference between a hunter's pet and a soldier's weapon.

"Then I will wait and see." Instant Fanghua smiled disdainfully.

"You are really strong, but shields and blocks can't offset all the damage. I have only one skill. One-third of your blood is gone. My blood-sucking characteristics are not comparable to you. I am full of blood. Give up." Ma Fei said while blessing himself, obviously he was really serious.

A holy light fell, and Fanghua’s blood volume instantly filled up: "Are you looking down on our hybrid classes that can add blood? I don’t have the ability to **** blood, but I can add blood to myself. I still have invincibility and a physical shield. Holy healing. You have never been sanctioned, right?"

"I've encountered many knights, but those short legs are only for me to abuse. No matter how much life is saved, what's the use of it? In my opinion, I can't do anything except Invincible Hearthstone. Others are really not that good. Yes. But this kind of occasion, you can't use this trick." Ma Fei teased, anyone can tease Invincible Hearthstone, making the knights very uneasy...


Genius remembers the site address for one second: : M.

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