MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1927: Weird plane

Li Yao was surprised. Others didn’t know it, but he was very clear. There are many good things in the demon girl, especially when he occupied the main city. The real essence is in his lord’s treasure house, which is his personal warehouse. in.

They have the authority to open and choose things at will. In order to improve their combat effectiveness, the leadership has almost no restrictions.

The thing about them, even Edward, may not be comparable to them, and the demon girl's skills are also very fast, and she is definitely on the top of the list. Her road to challenge the strong has failed, which shows the difficulty of this task.

"Your mentor asked you to raise the level of the madman to how much you can go." Li Yao asked curiously.

Entering the broken plane, the difficulty comes from the plane on the one hand, and the level of the madman on the other. The higher the knowledge, the stronger the monsters encountered, and the more dangerous the world, but correspondingly, the rewards are huge.

The enchantress smiled bitterly: "The instructor raised me to level 6. I tried it more than ten times and used the double puppet ten times."

The double puppet is a kind of props that will die once on your behalf, and you can safely escape the battle to a safe place. This is a precious item seized in the main city warehouse.

For everyone's safety, and for the Spark leadership to be fearless, everyone has ten double puppets to keep their lives.

However, it is easy to understand that with the level of arrogance of the Demon Ji, if it weren't really done, she wouldn't speak.

"Level six, that is indeed quite high. No wonder, the plane you entered is estimated to be related to the shadow invasion. The monsters inside must be terrible. You are a crispy skin, which is indeed a bit difficult. It happens that I also need to explore the small planes, but it is okay. Together." Li Yao said.

"It won't delay your task and time." Yao Ji said: "If you are too busy, I can go with Feng Yi and the others. I think I can handle it."

"My mentor has long ignored me. He said that since he has embarked on the road of being strong, he will have to rely on himself in the future." Li Yao smiled bitterly. The queen did what he said, saying that no matter what, it is also true. He was a little confused.

You don't care, you set some tasks and rewards at any rate, and there is nothing in the end, it's all on your own exploration.

"Well, if you have you, it is estimated that my task will be completed soon." Yao Ji said.

At this time, the fruit knight also came out, behind him was a sacred creature with sacred light lingering, and the feathers of the harpy became golden, like gold pouring, there was no evil charm and wildness on his face, but it appeared Holy, like an angel.

"It's not bad to look good." Li Yao admired.

"My combat effectiveness is even higher, and I will challenge you when I have the opportunity." A trace of unconvinced flashed in the harpy's eyes.

"Forget it, even if the two of us become world-class leaders, neither of us are opponents of the president. Okay, follow me on patrols. Today I am responsible for the security of the Shadow City." The fruit knight nodded and continued with the Harpy Patrol the city.

"Then we will also make arrangements and set off." Li Yao said.

"Well, there are a few points to pay attention to. The sacred power will be suppressed in that place, so it is best not to bring that kind of props." Yao Ji said seriously.

"It turns out that it was invaded by the Void Shadow on the broken plane." Li Yao thoughtfully.

There are still many broken planes nowadays, because of the collapse of the laws of the world, these planes often have their own characteristics.

Corroded by this energy, because of the collapse of Yin and Yang, the imbalance of earth, fire, water and wind, the planes that are often hiding on the verge of breaking show certain extreme attributes.

Void shadows invade the world, and such worlds are often weird void shadow creatures. It is like the battlefield where Li Yao contracted several demons last time. In fact, it was also a broken plane, even a continent formed by the collapse of the main plane.

There are also planes purified by the Holy Light. Don’t think that being purified by the Holy Light is safe and holy. In fact, this kind of plane is no different from the plane invaded by the shadows, and even the Holy Light creatures are more stubborn and full. To control the desire to be thoroughly purified by the Holy Light means to lose one's own judgment, and to put it bluntly is to completely brainwash.

Naturally, it also includes various chaotic element planes, similar to the plane dominated by the four major element lords living in single element, etc. The situation is extremely complicated and weird, just like the professions in this world, although the essence is several professions, but the specific evolution and manifestation But what came out was vast.

Mentors of various professions will naturally choose the sub-planes suitable for the development of their disciples. For Li Yao, there are more choices, not just darkness, planes ravaged by wind and thunder elements, planes of various mutations, and even The chaotic planes that are raging by alien insects, etc., can all give Li Yao the corresponding benefits.

Of course, for the greatest help, the fastest ascent should belong to the Darkness and Inorganic Biology. The most help facing Li Yao.

Therefore, let alone helping Demon Ji, even if Demon Ji does not help, Li Yao will go in with her when she comes back and re-enters the plane.

Although he knows a lot of planes, it's not easy to get in the way to get in. Although he is now a high lord, his foundation is still too weak. The faction has a lot of plane information, but it will definitely not be made public. He wants to get it, and he needs to pay a price.

"Well, besides that, the force field of this plane is weird. There are places where the gravity is so great that it is almost impossible to walk, but there are places where it is chaotic. It is easy to get involved in the turbulence of the void, and there is no bones. So, only Can explore on land, but cannot fly in the air. And there are terrible monsters in the air. I have seen two players but the ground can’t get past. They summoned their mounts to fly in the air, but disappeared strangely, and then the body was broken. It was found elsewhere." The enchantress said that this plane also felt a little lingering.

"Well, it's normal to not be able to fly. Most broken planes are not suitable for flying." Li Yao nodded, "Anything else."

"The other thing is, I can't tell, some equipment and props will fail, and I can't figure out what the situation is. I haven't touched the law of this." Yao Ji said helplessly: "Once I found the mission target, As a result, I crossed an obstacle and used my spider silk. As a result, the spider silk that could be used elsewhere suddenly failed over there. I used the last double puppet at that time."

"This is normal. The rules of the small plane are incomplete, and no one can tell what's going on. In this weird plane, you should use less props with special effects, and the laws and profound meanings you master will not be affected. And there is no need to worry about the double puppet, the double puppet itself is a prop that appears to explore the broken plane." Li Yao explained.

"We have a lot of things, but we can’t help but feel bad. And it’s my personal business. I have to go to the warehouse and auction house to prepare some useful things. Let’s meet again at night. That plane will only open at night during game time. ." Yao Ji said goodbye to Li Yao and began to prepare things...

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