MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1928: Leisure

In the evening of game time, Li Yao made arrangements and joined the demon girl.

"My mission failed and I didn't even get the broken key, so I can't freely enter and exit the plane. Only ask the instructor to open the door. However, my instructor has a weird personality. The president will take care of it for a while." Yao Ji said seriously. .

Li Yao asked curiously: "The average mentor requires a madman level 3 or lower, but your mentor makes you level 6. With such a high requirement, you must be a big-hearted man."

"I just know that she is a legendary thief. In front of the mentor, the mentor never used any skills, but I was completely crushed by the skill. As for her identity in the dark camp, I really don't know. According to the truth, The instructor is so powerful, he should not be an unnamed person, but based on my understanding of the dark camp, I haven't found this character in the camp." Yao Ji also said puzzledly.

"I'm even more curious about what you said. You have no room to fight back, but you are very tough." Li Yao also somewhat interested.

He is not arrogant, and with his current strength, coupled with his strong mental power and divine eyes, he does not look at ordinary world-class leaders.

The Void King insect soon appeared outside the small city of Crossroads. Although it was a small city, it was an important traffic road.

It is an important transportation hub for the dark camp, connecting north and south, and connecting east and west. If you lose this place, it is equivalent to hitting the dark camp's vitality.

Cut off the connection between the tauren and the camp, and cut off the materials produced in the northern material-rich areas, and also cut off the connection between the dark camp and the south of the mainland.

Although this city is not very big, it is very lively. It is also a holy place for upgrading from level 20 to level 30.

Players in the dark camp are very willing to upgrade here, because although the environment is bad, the monsters are dense and relatively easy to kill. More importantly, the missions here are very rich and continuous. The missions are simply endless and rewards. rich.

Whether it is a task stream or a monster spawning stream upgrade, players choose to upgrade here much faster than many other places.

And there are many special products here. For example, the thorn suit produced by the wild boar can be used from level 20 to level 35 without any problem. If it is high-quality equipment, there is no problem with using it at level 40.

To put it bluntly, the thorn set is the anti-injury armor. Every piece of equipment has an anti-injury effect. The collection of the suit will increase the anti-injury. It is a very useful suit. The melee equipment is the melee anti-injury, and the long-range professional suit is Can rebound some long-range attacks, quite practical and domineering.

Especially for the tank class, if you have anti-injury armor, you can also maintain it with a monster like a healing group, and upgrade quickly.

There is also a special product that even players at full level need something. To be precise, it is a recipe, a delicious wind snake.

Tasty Wind Snake is a kind of transformation cooking, and after random transformation, you will get corresponding attribute bonuses. It can be said that it integrates pulling wind and attributes. It is one of the most popular cooking foods in auction houses.

The more critical delicious wind snake needs to get the main ingredients in the oasis at the crossroads. Many players specialize in fishing in the oasis to make money. If the trumpets do not delay upgrading, if they are lucky to get a recipe, then they will be developed.

Nowadays, with the influx of new players, the place is even more lively and extraordinary. Even though it has already arrived at night, the town is still crowded. Although you can't go out of the city to kill monsters, you can brush up a copy.

The Wailing Cave near the crossroads is one of the dungeons that the trumpet is most willing to brush. Although the difficulty is relatively high, the monster experience and the items dropped are basically the best trumpets. The key is that there are more bosses, and one dungeon can always be cleared. Get promoted.

And it’s been almost a year since the game started. There are many strategies for upgrading these maps, and the Howling Cave has been thoroughly studied. There are a lot of strategies on the forum, which is much more convenient for new players.

At least much faster than the first batch of people who entered the game, too much convenience.

"It's really lively here." Li Yao wore a hood and a mask and walked through the square.

The square is divided into many parts. Although there are many people, it is very orderly. The various stalls are also unconventional. Players who have just left the Novice Village are looking at the equipment, items and props on each stall with great interest, looking for their own use. s things.

Li Yao also missed slightly. He hasn't strolled around the stalls for a long time. Although the auction is good, many good things will not appear in the auction house. They will all appear on the stalls. This is similar to picking up a leak.

"We came a little earlier, so it's better to go shopping for half an hour." Yao Ji suggested: "If the president feels annoying, he can go to the pub in front to take a break."

"No, I like this atmosphere too, maybe I can miss it." Li Yao said enthusiastically.

"It seems we have thought of something."

The two looked at each other and smiled. With Li Yao's worth, he could save a few gold coins by picking up the leak, but it has nothing to do with the number of gold coins. This is a kind of fun. I just didn't expect that Yao Ji would be so interested in the low-end player market.

"The president may not know. I spend time every week on the famous night market Taobao, which can increase a lot of knowledge." Demon Ji said: "This is how I practiced archeology and identification skills."

The two of them walked and talked. They walked a small square, and both of them exchanged a lot of things, all of which were small props.

Although it looks useless, it can definitely play a big role if the words are used correctly.


Li Yao inadvertently swept to a stall, and was immediately attracted I didn't expect that this kind of stuff would be produced in a low-level place. The stall owner was lucky. "Li Yao said in the team channel.

The demon girl was surprised at first sight: "It's actually a book of profound meaning, and it really goes against the sky."

At this time, the stall owner had already discussed with a luxuriously equipped player.

The stall owner is a tauren warrior. He said: "Sorry, if there is nothing I need, I will not exchange it."

The player with luxurious equipment said helplessly: "Little brother, you are too stubborn. Yes, I admit that this profundity is a good thing, but the limit is too high. If it is an offensive profundity, your price must be no problem. But the question is whether this is an auxiliary type or an eye type. The requirements are still so high, and the special eye type equipment is required to achieve purple quality. Your level is still low, and I don’t know what the concept of purple special equipment is. The eye type equipment is already scarce, just super The leaders of the guild may not have the quality of blue, let alone purple. Therefore, this profundity can be used too little, and you have to change your class to attack the profundity, it is true."

"I know, but I won't change my mind."...

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