MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1937: opportunity

The two of them walked out of the corridor without risk, only to find that they were actually in a huge and brilliant city, but the city was full of vicissitudes of life, which looked corrupt, old and lacking in vitality.

Only the strange howls from time to time show that there are still creatures in this city.

"It's strange, this is a prison. How could we leave us so easily, and besides the monster just now, we haven't encountered any other creatures." Yao Ji frowned.

"There are two possibilities, one is that something major is about to happen, everyone has gathered there, and there will not be too many monsters of the kind just now. The second is my guess, the reason for our madman level. , But now our perspective is too narrow, let’s go to the top of that building and talk about it."

Li Yao pointed to a tall building not far away and said.

"The doorway over there is a crossed sword. It used to be a military site, but the door collapsed and the building was incomplete. It should be abandoned." Yao Ji judged.

Both of them could sneak, and proceeded carefully, and found another guard, who was much weaker than the one, and let the enchanting girl fight.

The enchantress can deal with one, but one is at its limit. It can be seen that the strength of the monster here is obviously a low-level patrol. Li Yao controls the spirit, and he does not know as much as the jailer. I had to kill it and obtained a few more black crystals.

The enchantress’s lantern absorbed the strength of the opponent’s lantern and raised it to an excellent level.

The gravity of this world is weird. Even if both of them are highly sensitive, it takes a lot of effort to climb to the top of the building. Fortunately, the world climbing props and the like can still be used, which saves a lot of effort and time.

But it's easy to get up, but not so easy to get down. With such gravity, even if Li Yao jumped down, he was not sure to get out of his body. After all, when he first came to this world, gravity had not yet fully adapted.

Wings can glide, but it is a death-hunting behavior and will definitely be found.

The top of this building is already one of the tallest buildings in the city, the view is also quite good, and the whole city is almost unobstructed.

"This must have been a great city before. It was actually built among the mountains, but it seems a bit weird. The outside of the city looks like a raging void, the mountains are collapsing." Yao Ji frowned.

"You see the purple aura floating in the city, this should be the aura of this world will Amon, these auras have temporarily stabilized the space here, otherwise they will be torn apart by the void storm." Li Yao explained .

"There is unpredictable danger outside. I guess the instructor puts things in Middle-earth, and he still needs to find a simple way to get there, but I don't know if there is a teleportation array here." Yao Ji expressed her concern.

"Well, although Shadowmoon is a bit difficult for you, but I shouldn't put things here. Normally, I won't be so relaxed. You have also seen that even your level of skill against an ordinary guard is already at the limit. When the defense is relatively strict, a team of guards can make it difficult for players to move." Li Yao said.

"Usually martial law, the prison is just like that." After all, Yao Ji didn't know the sub-plane deeply and didn't understand Li Yao's judgment very well.

"I was not sure just now, now I am sure." Li Yao pointed to the building on the left and said, "Look, there should be the cell we came over there. Did you find anything unusual?"

The enchantress hadn't noticed at first, but she looked carefully after hearing Li Yao's reminder, and she saw the sign of the prison.

"No, when we came out, it was clearly on the inner city wall. The prison was located outside the city wall, with many buildings in between. This..."

Li Yao explained: "To put it bluntly, this is a high-level channel, not for ordinary people. Only a madman level 9 or above can see and pass through. If I think it is correct, it is the glorious city back then. At that time, there were very few creatures that reached level nine, probably the high-rises of the city. Not only the cells, but also other buildings in the city. Generally speaking, the roads or gateways of this city are divided into four levels, below level three, and six Below level, below level 9, and after level 9. But further demonstration is needed."

When, when, when, when, when...

The melodious bells reverberated in the city, and the two saw that the originally empty city had begun to have human figures, and a figure appeared.

And from all directions, towards the city center.

"My guess is really good. The class in this city has returned to the fourth level. You see, those who don’t have weapons and weird looks should be civilians. Their madman level should be below level 3. It is not a big threat to us, but there is no What value."

"The second priority should be people with ordinary lanterns. Their lanterns should be ordinary or excellent. They should be the urban middle class. They have some capital but no rights. Their madman level should be between level 3 and level 6. "

"The third thing is that we just killed those monsters. They have powerful weapons and equipment, and they control the city. They are the leadership of this city."

"The fourth layer should be the guys wearing sacrificial robes. Although these priests look thin and look like weird head dolls, they are definitely the decision-making level of the city, controlling authority, or communicating with the so-called Amon. The madman level should be above level 9."

As if to confirm Li Yao's words, everyone in the central square was indeed divided into classes. Those in sacrificial robes were at the center, the outer layer with weapons and equipment, and the ordinary civilians at the outermost layer.

"I wanted to leave directly, but now it seems that they are going to worship Amon. You see, the people in the cell have been taken out."

Following Li Yao's guidance Demon Ji looked in the direction of the cell, and sure enough, behind many carriages were piled up a large number of people who had fallen asleep, players, and other creatures.

Demon Ji couldn't help but fought a cold war. If it weren't for Li Yao, she would be one of them this time.

Usually there are double puppets in such places, but in this case, I am afraid that the sacrifice will not regain consciousness, let alone the use of double puppets.

If you don't use the double puppet to die, you will return to the main plane. Even the super masters will suffer huge losses and it is difficult to bear.

"Then what's your plan?" Yao Ji asked.

Li Yao smiled: "Why did you become so cautious when you got here? You know, here is the so-called holy city. There must be a lot of treasures. You can get a lot of good things if you just search. Then, such a huge priest , The soul energy is huge, it is a good opportunity to improve our lanterns. It is a pity to leave without trying."

"It's that I'm timid, yes, such an important priest, unless something big, otherwise it will definitely not be interrupted, this is a good opportunity."...

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