MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1938: Trickery

It is said that it was a robbery, but in fact, there were not many things to take away, that is, Li Yao's backpack was huge, and when the structural space could not be opened, he could only take away some small things.

However, even these two people intend to make this vote. It is a waste of not grasping this kind of good opportunity. If they can get real treasures, then they will make a lot of money.

At this moment, a large number of people gathered in the huge square, and they appeared like ghosts, gathering, like endless.

"It's so weird. Do these people usually live invisibly? It seems like a dead city just now. Why are so many people appearing now?"

In addition, they are all distorted and weird, it is really like a ghost, with such a gloomy environment and those horrible green lanterns, the void is dark, the galaxy appears, like a ghost.

"There are many coffins on the street, obviously not for burying people, and I noticed that there are many coffins displayed in the broken houses. Obviously, they usually sleep in the coffins. And the jailer said that this was the once holy city, and it was silent for countless Time." Li Yao said quietly.

Enchantress was taken aback: "You mean that this city was actually sealed, or an unknown change occurred. People in the city built coffins to put themselves into deep sleep. These people are all asleep. I don't know how much. A monster of time? This is too terrible."

"I know too little information now, I'm not sure, it's just a guess wrong. But we will go to the inside of the temple for a while, maybe we can gain something." Li Yao looked in the direction of the temple, nowhere. Someone keeps showing up.

In the distance, it is said to be a square, but in fact it is like a Roman arena. Obviously, this is not an arena or a theater for performances, but a real religious site built for some kind of ceremony.

The people in the prison were pulled in by carts and carts. The two of them looked at them and not only took a breath, but also formed an endless dragon, and the carts were full of people.

At this time, the middle position cracked with the sound of Ka Ka Ka, presenting a huge pit in front of everyone.

Stone pillars with weird runes rose up around the pit, and each stone pillar carried a lot of hooks, and those hooks shone with a faint light.

A large number of soldiers dragged the sleeping people to the edge of the pit, and then with the shining knife light, the throats of these people were slit, and the deep purple blood spewed into the deep pit below.

After releasing the blood, these corpses were also thrown into the pit.

The sleeping players were separated, and they were not bleeding, but hung cruelly on those hooks.

And as the hook pierced their bodies and hung on the stone pillars, those players all woke up, but they screamed frantically, opened their mouths, and even more strangely, they didn't make the slightest sound.

The scenes and monsters resembling ghosts, the cruel huge blood pool, terrible rituals, and the fact that you are hung on a stone pillar, the fear is almost beyond the players' ability to bear.

"They are all super masters, strong willed, and not weak in mental power. Even if the stimulation is great, they will not collapse their consciousness. Therefore, the system does not allow them to force them. It's miserable. Fortunately, you wake up early, otherwise I am one of them. Member."

Although I said it once, the enchantress still had a lingering fear when seeing this scene.

"The secondary plane is not random. Under this weird ritual, there is also no opportunity to use the avatar. After they are finished, it is estimated that they will form a psychological shadow. After half a year, they may not be able to slow down. I don't know if I dare to dare later. Entering the secondary plane." Li Yao's voice contained gloat.

"I thought it would be the cruelest to be caught by an ogre or a harpy. Compared with this, it is simply a pediatrics. I guess most of them will not be able to eat blood tofu for the rest of their lives." The enchantress sighed: "Furthermore. No sound, no offline, hey, it seems that the one over there was scared to pee."

"Well, this stone pillar and hook have the power of law. They are deprived of their ability to move and sound." Li Yao moved his divine eyes, and said, "It's all flowing down the pants. It really is scared to pee. It's also a super guild. As for the top master, he is too courageous. Seeing his five big and three rough heroes, it really is."

"Yes, you can see a person's true temperament only when you are special." Yao Ji also has an impression of that person. She is the main player in the top 16 team and has many fans. The public image is excellent, and He was bold and bold, but he didn't expect it to be like this: "No, I can't see it in other places. I should be able to see the pillar on the opposite side. I am definitely not willing to be ashamed in front of other people."

"You see that their eyes are confused. Obviously their eyesight has been affected. This sacrifice is really weird." Li Yao said thoughtfully, "Well? I was killed by the guards. I really didn't have enough courage. I didn't even have the qualifications to be a sacrifice. "

The player who was scared to pee was directly hacked and killed by a guard, and then a sacrificial lantern suddenly spewed out a blue ghost fire to envelope the player.


In between, the player turned into a pile of bones, and the legendary equipment on his body also burned, and eventually turned into ashes, while the better equipment was scattered all over the place.

The things in the backpack continued to shatter, and then the low-quality things were burned.

"This, you really can't use a double puppet. What's more terrifying is that it has been completely washed out." Seeing Bengsan, the coin demon girl was stunned: "This consequence is too serious, even if you can't lose all the things on her body. Disappear, the loss is also great."

"These guys are really unlucky enough and basically can't be retrieved. Even if they have the courage to continue teleporting, they may not be able to teleport here. Take a step back and say, even if they really teleport to there is no Strength and capital have been regained." Li Yao said calmly.

In the previous life, he was not only lost everything on the secondary plane once.

What is embarrassing is that your plane is not in full bloom this time, and a good outfit is basically a death, but a good outfit, if you encounter this situation, you will almost become nothing.

"Let's go, the ceremony is about to begin, let's take action too." Yao Ji felt a little uncomfortable, and felt awkward at the thought that she had almost become one of them.

"Don't worry, this kind of large-scale sacrifice is estimated to last a few hours. This is the preparation stage, not even the beginning. Waiting for a while, I am collecting materials for a while." Li Yao said.

Demon Ji was taken aback: "What, have you filmed it all?"

Li Yao smiled: "Yeah, don't you think this can be a good tutorial video. The sub-plane that is about to collapse is not so fun. Now all cats and dogs have come in, this video will tell them that they are avatars. It is not omnipotent, and the second phase of the road to the strong is not something everyone can take."...

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