MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 517: Chief Felhoof

Li Yao frowned and said: "There are two druids in the team, one of the balance system and the other of the quiet, who is interested in being treated, this sapling can be taken away."

Although they don't know the specific attributes, everyone knows that owning this sapling is equivalent to blessing half an elite profession.

"President, I think it is more useful to put it in the guild." Variety Baby said, she is a Druid of the Balance Department.

"I also think it's too wasteful to use it alone. If there are more war trees in the guild's resident, tsk tsk." I want to say quietly.

"This is not the point. Don't think it is so simple. It is so easy to get a complete ancient war tree. Now there are many guild stations in ancient elves. You have also seen that, and there are very few tree people Less, let alone the ancient war tree. If this task is completed, the guild will provide another powerful treatment. Are you interested?" Of course, Li Yao knows the importance of the ancient war tree to a guild, but the rules are rules. .

"Forget it, treatment, I can't do it." Babe Babe said.

"I have no interest in treating forms." I think Jingjing also seriously refuses.

Li Yao put the sapling away and said: "The ancient tree was from us, and I will remind you that when we establish a station, you can take this sapling task as much as possible, especially the druid. There must be surprises, and the same goes for everyone else. There are many good things about this ancient tree. See if you have the ability to let him post good tasks."

The members of the group suddenly thought of the ancient tree, but compared with the huge ancient tree that was made into the altar of the magic circle, the ancient war tree was scum.

That old tree leader has so many good things, let alone this. If you are accidentally taken by the old tree, give some good tasks and press to make a lot of money.

Li Yao smiled slightly and said, "Well, Tongtong, there is no more."

Hitomi then touched the corpse again, this time it was a piece of leather armor, and Hitomi excitedly said, "Finally what I use is out, hahaha."

Nightmare·Nightmare Helmet

Quality: Purple Epic

Material: Leather

Intelligence: 56

Spirit: 55

Stamina: 54

Nightmare Totem: Wearing a shaman can summon a nightmare totem. The nightmare totem increases the effect of all totems by 15%, and sprays nightmare **** on nearby enemies.

Equipment requirements: leather armor class legal profession

Equipment level: 20

Because of the attributes of this equipment, all leather armor legal system output can be used, such as the balance system druid.

It's just that the equipment special effects must be shamans to be effective. Strictly speaking, this totem is also good for healing. Although it is not the main attribute of spirit, it is not far away.

"Tongtong's, there is no objection." Li Yao said and assigned the equipment to Tongtong.

"La la la la la, I am happy, go on."

After that, Hitomi drove out a tank plate armor and a tank leather armor equipment. The equipment was successfully completed. Sister Li took the remaining gem bags and gold coins first and put them in the guild warehouse.

Because of these gems they also participated, the members who participated in the wasteland reclamation can enjoy a 10% off points redemption, so that the members who get new equipment and want to inlay the gems will become alive.

The price of gems is very expensive now, and a 10% discount is not a small discount.

Okay, it's over here, let's go back to the ancient tree.

Li Yao said and took the lead to walk towards the ancient tree.

"I didn't expect that you really solved this high priest, so that we can take a breath and restore our vitality for a while." The ancient tree leader said in surprise.

Li Yao said: "Listen to you, your enchantment still needs to be maintained. Isn't the matter resolved? As far as I know, Evil Hoof is just a small tribe. We have killed so many in the periphery, so there should not be many people. Right?"

"If this is the case, they use the evil spells of the Nightmare God to give birth to many monsters. They are still in the dream, and their warchief is still ruling them, expanding their territory for the Nightmare God in the dream. They just came back and you killed the high priest again. Now they can't get out for a short time without the high priest." The ancient tree leader explained.

"For a while, isn't the high priest still dead?" Li Yao asked in surprise.

"His soul has been put on the real nightmare altar by the **** of nightmare, where is the deepest part of the valley, hidden by the heavy nightmare obstruction, as long as a period of time, the high priest can be resurrected or transformed into a nightmare form." The ancient tree was very patient and answered every question.

Li Yao frowned and said: "You don't want to sell it, let's talk about it, how can we solve this problem completely? If we don't solve this problem, we will not be able to explain it to the above."

The ancient tree leader said: "It's very simple. As long as you return to reality and use the barrier-breaking scroll to open the way, you can go to the real depths of the forest, kill the warchief who guards the nightmare altar, and destroy the altar. The problem here can be solved. "

"Just now we just came down from the's the use of this new altar?" Li Yao asked suspiciously.

The ancient tree leader looked at Li Yao appreciatively, and said: "You are very smart, you can always find the key to things. This altar is different from ordinary altars. It is the altar where the **** of nightmare shapes the projection of the body, and the **** of nightmare returns to reality. An important medium in the face, as long as the altar is still there, the crisis here cannot disappear."

Li Yao asked: "Then you want to eliminate this evil hoof chief this time, or is it in a dream?"

Gu Shu said: "This is not. To avoid the enemies in the dream, but also to limit our strength. They have now returned to the main plane. You can exchange for some barrier-breaking scrolls and move in the direction behind me. Easily know the location of the chief."

"It turned out to be so, thank you." Li Yao thought for a while, and exchanged some things with the remaining crystal nuclei.

Finally, I said goodbye to the leader of the ancient tree. Li Yao took out the skill book and distributed it to the fruit knight, Leonardo da Vinci, and sister Li, and said: "I think these skills are good. You have learned them, which can greatly increase the team's power."

The skills of all three of them are halo skills, and using them after learning will make the team gain.

The fruit knight’s aura is activated, which can increase the healing received by himself and his team by 10%. Da Vinci’s aura ability increases the speed of the team’s blood return to blue.

Sister Li's is an aura that increases the ability to cast Sudoku. The blessing of the three auras can indeed enhance the overall strength of the team. They are also convinced of Li Yao's decision.

"Now let's take a break and adjust for an hour. Everyone can move freely. After an hour is online, we will fight the final boss." Li Yao said.

"Isn't that big tree saying that the high priest hasn't died yet?" The dumb Tongtong sat beside Li Yao to rest...

(To be continued.)

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