MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 518: Adjustment

Li Yao thought for a while and said: "How should I say, the high priest was just killed by us, even if the God of Nightmare has the ability to reach the sky, it is impossible for him to recover his full strength in such a short time. Otherwise, this copy of us will also Can't make it through."

The Peerless Demon Ji also said: "Well, even if you want to hit his soul, it is estimated to be weak. Anyway, it is hard to say. Looking at this situation, kill this so-called chief, even if we have completed the wasteland, the first kill is estimated Can't get out."

Qin Fengyi nodded and said: "After all, this dungeon is the team’s water test dungeon. It has been so many days since the wasteland has been opened up, and there are too many bosses. Then the wasteland will not last for more than a month, and it may not be able to fight past . Three are almost there, and the copy is hard enough."

Several people who did not go offline all nodded, this copy has taken too long to open up wasteland.

At the beginning, they opened up wasteland with a copy of the tenth level, and it was done within one night.

This copy, even if it was them, had already passed many days without knowing it.

There was Li Yaocai on Xinghuo's side that made land reclamation a little easier, but other teams estimated that it would be even more difficult. I don't know how much we will suffer.

After all, the people of Xinghuo are relatively lucky to come all the way, with the thrill of loot and first kill. The other teams, now the six towers that had been suffering for many days, passed by, and then they were tortured to death by the boss.

The kind of suffering is not too painful. Just think about the torment and mood that the second boss almost killed the group, and how uncomfortable that feeling is.

But even so, Li Yao could feel the exhaustion of the Xinghuo players, not to mention the other teams that suffered more.

And the official will definitely not ignore this point, it is impossible to turn the 20th level test team into a lot of bosses.

"Oh, it's so boring, just rest for an hour, I take a nap, the sun here is really warm." The cute pupil leaned on Li Yao's body and said lazily.

"Well, go to sleep, remember to close the chat islands, or you will be awakened." Li Yao said.

The sun here was warm, Li Yao felt a little sleepy, but he couldn't sleep. He has always been a type who sleeps little and is not energetic, so he never takes a lunch break.

And he has to direct the team and must maintain a mental state. Now the people of Xinghuo are tired, other teams are even more tired.

This is wasteland. It is impossible for Li Yao to order a day off just because one boss has passed.

"Sister Li went to deal with the guild affairs again, I think she is also exhausted," Qin Fengyi said.

Li Yao nodded and said, "I understand, but she wants to open up wasteland, so we just need to clear the customs as soon as possible."

"I just got news that the Devil Alliance has already reduced the blood volume of the first boss to 30%, and there are still several guilds that can beat the first boss to half blood. It is estimated that this boss will not be able to trap them for two days." Qin Fengyi Said.

"It's okay, just let it go. They want to catch up with us to the extreme, it's almost impossible." Li Yao said, just brushing the crystal core team doesn't know how long it will take.

"Are you going to sell the edited video of the second boss?" Peerless Demon Ji said.

Li Yao nodded and said, "I like to arm ourselves with the enemy's money the most. Although our money is enough for the time being, no one will dislike too much money. I plan to redecorate and renovate the club premises, etc. After the decoration is complete, the people of the guild can be gathered, and the team must be established as soon as possible. Suzie is raising her level, and it is estimated that the game will start to warm up."

"Do you have any inside information?" Peerless Demon Fairy asked.

"This is not enough, but you think, challenge dungeons, team dungeons, arenas, etc., are basically unfolded, and it is estimated that small battlefields will appear soon. This should be a touchstone for team members to run in. After all, cooperate with the team. , And pk together are completely different things." Of course, Li Yao wouldn't say that a small battlefield will appear soon after the team started to open up wasteland.

After the battlefield boom, there is the warm-up match in the arena. This match is an official test of the ancient gods.

Xinghuo does not run into the team, and other teams will not let this opportunity pass, and they will definitely suffer a lot by then.

"Well, it's good, anyway, even if they have the same progress, they will not be your perverted opponent. The video image of the skill of giving them the second boss is not too big." The Peerless Demon Girl also thought of some problems. The person in charge of the team and the club.

During the three-person chat, an hour passed quickly, and the group members had already gathered together.

"Hitomi is asleep. You are her guardian. You can use some of her things to summon her caveman. You can let her continue to sleep on the top. Anyway, even if she is missing Hitomi, it won’t be big. Question." Li Yao said.

"This is not so good." Sister Li also hesitated. Adults like them all felt tired, let alone children's pupils, but now it is a team action. If you can't keep up, you should change to a substitute. Hitomi must not agree to wake up.

"Vice Just listen to the President, we have no opinion." Newcomer Muzi said.

"That is, in sports warfare, Totemsa's output is not too high, and there is a metamorphosis of the president, where can we lack output, let Hitomi sleep well."

"That's right, it doesn't matter when the child is growing up."

It's no secret that Hitomi is still a kid, and it's no secret in the team. Hitomi is so likable and everyone is naturally spoiled. Seeing that Hitomi is so tired now, I feel distressed, who still has opinions.

"Thank you." Sister Li has a clear distinction between public and private matters. Now she feels a bit awkward to enjoy her privileges, but she doesn't want to be tired if she is tired. After all, Hitomi is now her family, and the two depend on each other for life. In fact, she raised Hitomi as a daughter.

"An la, an la." This is decided by the president, so don't worry about the vice president.

Li Yao smiled and said: "Yes, it was my decision. The terrain in front is open. I will release the Hydra and hit the output of Hitomi."

Sister Li finally stopped struggling and summoned a caveman for Tongtong. Li Yaofei hugged Tongtong up and the team set off.

The caveman is also very smart, knowing that the owner is asleep, and walking peacefully, Hitomi slept very sweetly in the soft seat that was spread out, obviously he was really tired. But although this sister-in-law Liang is young, she is also very strong, and she has never complained.

As Li Yao used the scroll, they finally reached the depths of the valley, and then everyone saw a huge group of tents spreading in the distance.

In the middle position, a huge building that is obviously not a centaur style stands in the center of the tribe...

ps: I'm stuck. The new boss has not been fully decided yet. The fifth shift can only be tomorrow. Let's design the third boss today.

(To be continued.)

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