MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 525: Trial 2

There were dense green runes flowing around the dragon dream beast, which was obviously imprisoned by something, but even so, it still made a stern roar.

Crazy light was flowing in his eyes. Obviously, this kind of monster was extremely mad and didn't have too much wisdom.

As the cage opened, everyone's centaur quickly backed away, and the Dragon Dream beast stared at the centaur above it frantically and roared, as if to choose someone to eat.

Li Yao narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I didn't expect you to have this kind of monster, and you will soon be promoted to the leader. It seems that you are still cultivating besides being imprisoned."

"Brothers really have a wide range of knowledge. This kind of monster is difficult to catch. The stronger the more difficult it is. In order to better extract their original power, they need to be cultivated, but father, alas, it is no longer useful to keep these monsters now. "Shaokhan obviously thought of something bad, and his face was a bit ugly.

"You choose someone, but I want to remind my brothers, this kind of monster is bloodthirsty and violent, it's best to send a competent man." The Master Wan reminded.

"I still believe that they can choose." Li Yao nodded to Sister Li.

The members of Xinghuo looked at Sister Li eagerly, and obviously all wanted to play.

Sister Li finally turned her gaze on Peerless Demon Ji and said, "Can your kick kick this tonnage up?"

Peerless Demon Ji said: "This kind of little guy is not difficult to kick."

Sister Li nodded and said, "Then I will trouble you."

"Xiao Cai." Peerless Demon Fairy nodded, and slowly walked off the trial ground.

At the moment he went down, he said, "Do I win if I kill him?"

The words of the Centaur to the Peerless Demon Girl suddenly laughed, and Shao Khan was also shocked, and said: "This monster is not simple, crazy and violent. It is rare that you can hold on for ten minutes."

"I just want to know, if I kill this monster, I won." Peerless Demon Ji didn't care about the ridicule in his door.

"If you kill this monster within ten minutes, you can get a double reward." Shaokhan laughed.

"That's great." The Peerless Demon Fairy finished speaking and walked off the trial ground.

Shao Khan smiled bitterly: "I set this standard, not to look down on you, but this test is really a bit difficult. Although this monster is not a leader, ordinary-level leaders are not his opponents."

Li Yao smiled and said, "These people under me are all rebellious, so it's okay to teach them a little lesson."

Seeing that Li Yao said this, Shao Khan stopped to say more, and looked down. Obviously he saw it too.

Although Li Yao said that he should teach himself a lesson, in fact, it was the opposite. This was an expression of confidence.


The Dragon Meng Beast, who was roaring frantically, saw someone daring to come down and die, and suddenly rushed over.

The people of Xinghuo discovered that the speed of this dragon dream beast was actually faster than the speed of the centaur.

I also understood in my heart, why Shao Khan said that this monster was difficult to deal with.

It's just that the expression of the Peerless Demon Fairy remained unchanged, and she stood concentrating on the spot.

When it was still forty yards from the Peerless Demon Fairy, Long Meng Beast suddenly jumped up, and then rushed towards the Peerless Demon Fairy like an arrow from the string.

His claws and fangs were shining green, and there was obviously a violent poison.

The centaur immediately hissed in disappointment. In their opinion, the motionless outsider was definitely dead.

Longmeng Beast not only runs fast, but also attacks extremely fast, and it is highly poisonous.

The poison can not only paralyze, but also cause a slowing effect. When being attacked, it is often a continuous attack that does not feel crazy. Basically it is a dead end.

The moment the Peerless Demon Ji Long Meng Beast came over, both hands stroked Tai Chi.


The moment Long Meng Beast attacked the Peerless Demon Ji, her body suddenly disappeared.

A cold light flashed, and a double puppet was torn by the claws of the Dragon Dream beast and fell to the ground.

The people of Xinghuo also took a breath. They did not learn from the peerless demon. The defense of this kind of substitute puppet was also very abnormal. As a result, when faced with this kind of monster, they were torn apart.

It can be seen that this monster is abnormal. If it attacks a person, it is estimated that it can only be killed by a spike.

But the attack of Longmeng Beast was over, but the attack of Peerless Demon Ji had begun.

Fallen Leaf Thief, no matter whether it is the first hand or the second hand, there is no flaw. Although the attack is not too high, if it is connected, no profession can bear it.

At the moment when Long Meng Beast tore the puppet, the figure of Peerless Demon Ji suddenly appeared behind Long Meng Beast.

Two daggers that also flashed green light pierced into the back of each other like lightning, and then the daggers crossed and pulled suddenly, and a lot of green blood spewed out.

This is the characteristic of dream monsters, their blood is all green.

This is a skill that can be learned by thieves at level 20. Crossing hands and backstabs can not only cause better damage, but also make the opponent have a double bleeding effect. It is a very overbearing skill.


Long Meng Beast's reaction is not After the back stab, he suddenly turned around and attacked the peerless demon girl with his cold claws.

But the Peerless Demon Ji made Tai Chi with both hands again.


Another stand-in puppet was torn apart by his claws, and the Peerless Demon Fairy entered the state of sneaking again.

The Fallen Leaf Thief loses the ability to directly enter the stealth state, even if it enters the stealth state, it can't continue forever, but correspondingly, many skills of this profession can enter the stealth state when activated under certain circumstances.

For example, stand-in techniques, such as shadow attack, such as shifting shadows, such as shifting flowers and trees, although the skills of Peerless Enchantress are not complete, but they have mastered the essence of this profession, and can also display the terrible profession.

At least in Xinghuo's internal duel, except for Li Yao, it was extremely difficult for others to win her once.

This time she did not go behind the opponent, but appeared in front of the Dragon Meng Beast, piercing the monster's forehead with a cold light dagger.



During the blood spray, the monster entered a dizzy state.

As the monster dizzy, Peerless Demon Ji's dagger continued to attack his neck and face with afterimages.

It was just a blink of an eye to attack four times, and only one second passed, showing that her attack speed was also very amazing.

When the nightmare beast was about to wake up, Peerless Demon Ji's body spun horizontally, rotating 360 degrees around the monster's neck as the body rotated, and then fell, and the dagger in her hand was crazy on the opponent's neck. There were a lot of wounds in it.

After this set, Longmeng's blood volume has dropped by a quarter.

Gouge can generally cause stuns for three or four seconds, but for this high-level monster, it can only take a little more than two seconds at most...

ps: Five shifts will definitely explode in the last two days, don’t explode

(To be continued.)

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