MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 526: Gorgeous career

The confrontation just now happened too quickly, and the centaur began to feel that the Peerless Demon Fairy was bound to die.

Even many people have become disheartened, but they didn't expect that the Peerless Demon Fairy not only did not die, but also played such a gorgeous trick to turn this very difficult Dragon Dream Beast around.

Just like the centaur fighting the rookie Muzi, Sora has the strength to kill the opponent in seconds, but he can't touch the corner of the opponent's clothes.

There was a fierce cheer in the trial field, and they were cheering for the wonderful performance of the Peerless Demon Fairy.

Peerless Demon Fairy was not affected in any way. When Long Meng Beast was about to wake up, she suddenly kicked.

The newly awake Longmeng Beast whirled and flew to the sky, but the monster was too heavy and slowed down when the two were taller.

But the Peerless Demon Fairy jumped again, piercing the cloud feet, and the body of the nightmare beast who wanted to land was raised again, flying a distance of two people.

And the moment the Peerless Demon Fairy landed, a soaring thunder gleaming with red light appeared under her feet.

Then, Peerless Demon Ji's body flew upside down, and a spider web appeared in the sky, and Long Meng Beast's body was imprisoned in mid-air.

The dagger in Peerless Demon Ji's hand was hung around her waist when she moved horizontally, and green leaves appeared in her hand.

Picking leaves and flying flowers!

With the rotation of the peerless enchantress's body, a large number of green leaves and beautiful petals soared out.


Those weak green leaf and petal assassins are extremely poisonous poison darts, which once again infected the dragon dream beast in a poisoned state.


The dragon dream beast, with its body full of green leaves and petals, struggled out of the spider web, and its body crashed down.


As soon as his body hit the Thunder Thunder, he let out a scream, and with the violent explosion, a flame of fire appeared.

The nightmare beast's body fell to the ground again, and the Peerless Demon Fairy's picking leaves and flying flowers continued.

The Dragon Meng Beast has dropped by one-third after the Peerless Demon Fairy set.

This is of course a high attack, but also because the Dragon Dream Beast does not have the ability to detoxify, and the toxin damage deepens and weakens his defenses to cause such an explosive output.

The people of Xinghuo take it for granted. After all, they all understand her strength. The output of the dungeon is definitely not high, but if you say pk, that is, a few people such as Li Jie can fight against him, and the others are only abused. Copies.

As long as this monster is not so heavy that it can't be kicked, the Peerless Demon Fairy who can play a complete set is so terrifying.

Hitomi didn't believe in evil at the time, but he couldn't win the Peerless Demon Girl no matter how hard he tried. Later, he was convinced and concluded.

Sister Yao Ji is a monster. There is no one who cannot kill without her. If there is, then two. The people in the Xinghuo core group deeply agree.

But the centaur doesn’t know anymore. This gorgeous skill and smooth rhythm make them pleasing to the eye and also feel the blood boiling. They are all knowledgeable, and naturally know that the seemingly peerless demon girl has not been touched at all, but it is simply Dance on the sword.

The skills of this profession are too demanding for people. If you can't master it, you are a super rookie.

In the second set, the Peerless Demon Girl kicked the nightmare beast into the sky again, and many people thought that there was no suspense.

Now that the Dragon Dream Beast has reached about one-third, he can't remove the damage plus and the armor-piercing effect. With the superimposition of the poison and the armor-piercing effect, he can only suffer more and more damage.

But after the Peerless Demon Fairy released the Thunder Sky, just as he picked Ye Feihua again, Long Meng Beast's body flashed a red light, and his body instantly turned red.

The net entwining the Dragon Meng Beast suddenly shattered, and then his body fell. Although Sky Thunder exploded, his body was not knocked down.

Entering a violent state, this is everyone's idea, and then everyone thought that Peerless Demon Fairy was in danger.

The Fallen Leaf Thief is invincible, but the most feared state is hegemony and rage, or a profession that can release control in words.

Being unable to control not only means that you will be attacked, but also that you will be disrupted. Although the skills of this profession are smooth and coherent, they can often take people away.

But if the rhythm is disrupted, the coherence and fluency of skills also means embarrassment after being interrupted.

What's more important is that her current level is not high, her skills are incomplete, her rhythm is chaotic, and her skills are broken.

In this situation, the Peerless Demon Girl has entered a very dangerous stage.

But there was no fluctuation in Peerless Demon Ji's eyes, and the monster rushed to him like lightning.

Peerless Demon Ji's body turned over, and her huge claws swept over the soles of her feet.

Long Meng Beast was ordinary, let out a roar, and looked up at the Peerless Demon Fairy who had jumped up.

Taxue Wuhen!

Peerless Demon Ji's toes were at the point of Long Meng Beast's forehead, and her body drifted away like catkins.

It's a long time, but the Monster Cong rushed at her violently, and it only took a moment to jump out after she jumped up.

But these movements are connected as smooth and natural as flowing clouds and flowing water.

However, this is not over yet, she didn't know when a thread appeared on her hand when she retreated.

As he retreated, everyone saw that a white silk thread suddenly trapped the Dragon Meng As her body drifted back, a large cocoon was gradually formed to control the Dragon Meng Beast.


Peerless Demon Fairy fell to the ground and suddenly tightened the silk thread again, the huge cocoon was completely tightened, and the Dragon Dream Beast was directly trapped.

"Sister Yao Ji is great." Hitomi yelled excitedly, and the others also shook the sky of cheers.


Before everyone's cheers were over, they saw Long Meng Beast roaring sky-shaking, and the cocoon surrounding his body suddenly shattered, and he rushed to the Peerless Demon Fairy again.

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of Peerless Demon Ji. This is the longest skill he controls in the world. It controls the player. If she doesn't attack, she can control it for at least ten seconds, which is just to delay the time and restore the skill CD.

Peerless Demon Fairy shook a handprint again, and her figure suddenly disappeared.


She and the monster changed their positions dreamily, and then she entered a stealth state.

Long Meng Beast frantically looked for Demon Ji, but Demon Ji had quietly stood still in a corner, waiting for the end of the violent time of Long Meng Beast.

Soon one minute passed, the stealth time of Demon Ji was over, but Longmeng Beast's fury continued.

Long Meng Beast saw Demon Ji rushing crazy again, Peerless Demon Ji suddenly ran to the distance, and there was a beautiful purple mist flower in her original place.

When the dragon dream beast's claws were about to touch the Peerless Demon Fairy, the Peerless Demon Fairy's figure disappeared again, and she had already appeared next to the purple mist flower that was placed a few seconds ago.

It’s just that she entered the state of stealth again. This time it was only thirty seconds later. The Dragon Dream Beast’s rage finally ended. Without the rage, no matter how powerful he was, facing the Peerless Demon Girl who had completed all the skills CD. Can be slaughtered.

After another minute, Longmeng Beast crashed to the ground...

(To be continued.)

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