Chapter Seven Seven Eight

All the audience was taken aback. You know, this Hoth has never used this kind of armor in hundreds of battles.

Everyone saw him suffer for the first time, and now they have expanded their full strength. What does this show, it shows that even if the earl can't beat Hoth, it can't be much worse.

Yes, even now they can hardly believe that Li Yao can win, because this Hoth has won too much.

No matter what situation he faced, he could win in the end, and even the flame red lips could not last long.

Now that they have used such a set of magic armor, it is obviously stronger. In their opinion, it is not easy for Li Yao to win.

"I'm going to use all my strength, you vampire is transforming, transforming into other professions is still so powerful, the body can be stronger, change back, or you will lose undoubtedly." Hoth confidently said .

Li Yao smiled: "It's easy to want me to lift my transformation, as long as you can reduce my blood volume to half blood."

Li Yao said that the wings behind him spread out and rushed towards Hoth faster than before. In Li Yao's heart, there is no wave in the old well. If he becomes a hunter, his pet can take care of him, where he needs to do it himself.

"Within thirty seconds, I will kill you."

Hoth was furious, killing him within thirty seconds, it was too arrogant, his anger had already burned to the apex.

"Then come."

The two slammed together again, the light flickered, and the stone slabs under their feet exploded.

This time Li Yao actually took a step back, and Hoth only took six steps back.

"Damn, what kind of monster are you." Hoth was furious. He really couldn't figure out why he had the power of the earth, why his power was still lost to the opponent.

"Not bad." Just when everyone thought Li Yao was boasting Hoth, they realized that Li Yao was actually looking at the golden glove in his hand, and everyone was speechless.

Your sister obviously doesn't put Hoth in her eyes, it's too arrogant.

"Your uncle, die for me." Hoth cast a spell, and the axe in his hand glowed with yellow light.

Shadow of the Earth!

Air blade sputtering!

Following the spell, two figures identical to him appeared on both sides of Hoth, and then the three figures continued to change, making it impossible to tell which one was real and which one was fake.

Then two figures suddenly appeared in the distance. The three Hoths formed a triangle to surround Li Yao, and then the three figures simultaneously waved their tomahawks.

One after another, densely and constantly increasing, he thought about Li Yao, and as countless air blades whirled, the air seemed to be torn apart.

In three directions, countless air blades were blocked, and Li Yao had no room to escape.

The players suddenly exclaimed, they knew very well that most of the masters could not dodge this trick.

"It's just a little trick."

Just when the onlookers thought that Li Yao was going to become a bat or a blood pool, they saw Li Yao directly greet him.

Everyone saw Li Yaoru freely shuttle among the crisscrossing air blades, like a blood-colored squid, coming and going freely. Those powerful air blades seemed to have touched him, but they could not cause him any harm.

"It's impossible." The three Hoth's eyes were full of surprises. It wasn't that no one avoided his move. It was just that Li Yao was the first one to directly cross the Qiblade formation without any skills.

"Nothing is impossible, you are too slow. Only two shadows can be transformed, spicy chicken."

Li Yao had already rushed to Hoth's side, his blood exploded.

Hoth’s skill consumes too much magic and physical strength. Some people think that the two outside two are phantoms, but of course he knows that all three figures are him, but he exploded with extraordinary speed in a short time, so he made people It looks like three people.

But the consumption is equally serious. At least for more than a second, he basically has no resistance. Of course, he doesn't care. As an earth warrior, he uses the armor of the earth, and he is not afraid of any attack.

What's more, he has strengthened the equipment above +10, and in many cases even the armor of the earth does not need blessing.

With the **** shock wave, Hoth's body was shaken.

At the moment of being shaken up, countless claw shadows appeared, brushing brushing...

The crisscrossed scarlet claws fell on Hoth's body.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff...


Everyone saw countless red cracks in the earth armor on Hoth's chest, and then it shattered. Although it is being added quickly, it has become illusory.

Li Yao turned into a **** lightning and passed through his body. The armor of the earth once again blasted a huge hole, but his blood volume was less than one-tenth.

Then appeared on the other side of Hoth.


Bloody shock!

A **** wave slammed Hoth, but this time it didn't hit much.

And Li Yao didn't use his blood to explode, but flashed his wings and jumped and followed Hoth's body constantly rolling in the sky like a shadow.

What everyone saw was that Hoth was hit by the blood-colored waves, and Li Yao, who spread the blood-colored wings, followed him like a shadow, and blood-colored claw shadows continuously bombarded Hoth's body.

Everyone was stunned. They thought it was a battle between dragons and tigers, but they didn't expect Hoth to attack once, and then it was this situation again.

They couldn't even imagine how Li Yao did it.

"My God, it's so handsome." The little Gongwei Qiangwei beside her red lips showed stars in both eyes.

"This attack is so smooth, there is no flaw in the use of various skills and ordinary And every time the routine is different, how come this kind of master has never heard of it." doubt.

"It feels a little better than the older sister, just a little bit." Xiao Gongju stuck his tongue out, but his eyes were staring at the stage.

"I'm far worse than him." The red lips and eyes are also burning.

The lizard man was also asking the same question. The shaman took a sip of the wine and said, "You know, almost everyone, including you and me, although they say they are tricks, they actually have their own tricks. Attacking routines. For example, what kind of professional routines are used to deal with. But this person is basically a routine made according to the need, and the skills and ordinary movements are too smooth. Although it seems that no control skills are used, they are actually combined You have already controlled the effects of your skills. In this battle, your major general is difficult."

All the lizardmen couldn't believe it, but they couldn't refute it, because their major general had been recruited for five or six seconds, and their blood volume had dropped by a third.

Like the previous two people, there is no strength to fight back.


"I do not believe."

The armor of the earth on Hoth exploded, Li Yao's wings covered his body, but his body was repelled.

And Hoth’s body finally fell to the ground. In order to get rid of Li Yao, he completely gave up his Earth Armor. If Li Yao was repeatedly attacked like this, he would definitely die...

"Struggling is useless, you can make do, I'll be a little serious." Li Yao said that a **** flame was burning in his body, and his blood volume began to slowly drop.

Ah puff...

Hoth almost died out of anger. He was abused by Li Yao. As a result, they hadn't tried their best. The blow was really too big...

ps: Moving in the past two days, two changes will be made temporarily, after the new home is set up, we will continue to guarantee three changes...

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