MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 779: Do everything

Hoth detonated the armor of the earth and got rid of Li Yao's combo for the time being, and finally landed on the ground again, and then poured the red medicine in one mouthful, and the blood volume suddenly increased by one.

Generally speaking, the ring will not take blood medicine, but Hoth can't help it, he can't afford to lose.

Although he doesn't know much about vampires, he deeply understands that Li Yao in a state of boiling blood will be even more terrifying. If his current half-blood state is connected again, he will fail completely.

He is the son of the general and the heir of the greatest warrior among the lizard people. This area is yours to manage, and he is not allowed to fail.

Hoth couldn't figure it out anyway. Obviously he won more than 900 games with ease, and only a few people can make him take it seriously.

Why did such a perversion suddenly appear? Hoth was a bit at a loss. He could no longer see the details of Li Yao. He had to change his profession when he transformed. In this state, Li Yaozhan is still playing around. The other party's original occupation.

He really couldn't imagine that he would lose the confidence to continue the battle if he continued to think about it, but the shaman knew very well that at the moment Hoth drank the red medicine, he had no confidence, but what he called Pride makes him dare not admit or think about it.

As for the audience, both the lizardmen and the human players were shocked. They began to think that Li Yao was strong, but they didn't think that Li Yao could win.

However, what they saw now, they saw that Li Yao had hope of winning, and the Lizardmen were at a loss. It was obvious that the Major General was extremely brave when fighting against them or humans, and the battle situation was often mastered. Take the initiative, but how come this vampire has no strength to fight back, is it because the major general is tired.

They can only think like this, otherwise, how could the major general be unable to defeat a human being.

"I don't believe it, come again." Hoth roared.

The Shadow of the Earth was activated again, and three Hoth appeared, but this time he did not release the last trick, but instead waved his battle axe, spinning wildly around his body.

Field of war!

Li Yao wanted to become a bat and fly out, but when he became a bat, he was hit by a ray of blood and changed back to his original appearance.

"You can't run. In my domain, there is no retreat." A crazy light flashed in Hoth's eyes, releasing the war domain. His anger dropped crazily. If he didn't hit Li Yao within five seconds, then His field of war will completely disappear.

"Don't you just want to fight hard, I'm afraid of you?" The moment Li Yao fell to the ground, his toes were a little bit, with the dancing of his wings, he was like a **** shadow.

Directly rushing to the figure of a Hoth, Li Yao didn't want to face three crazy attacks from Hoth at the same time.

Noisy la la la la la la...

Everyone saw the blood-colored claw shadow appearing in front of Li Yao, and the blood-colored claw shadow madly attacked the rotating battle axe.

The sound of metal collision is about to pierce everyone's eardrums, and with the continuous collision, a large number of sparks appear in the depths.

Everyone was stunned. This move was too ruthless. It directly cut off all the routines Li Yao wanted to avoid, and could only face it hard. The lizardman let out a strong roar, while the human side was full of disappointment.

After finally seeing the hope of winning, the result was shattered in an instant.

But their disappointment was less than two seconds before they could not believe the two sides in the fight.

With the crazy collision between the two, the blood volume of the two dropped rapidly. Because it was a weapon against a weapon, the shock damage was much less than the original, but even so, the blood volume still dropped rapidly.

Then, what caused Hoth to collapse was that Li Yao's blood volume dropped by one part and recovered, and the other part recovered. When Li Yao's blood volume reached two-thirds, it hardly dropped, but Hoth's The blood volume is still dropping crazily.

"What the **** are you monster, even a vampire can't have such a terrifying blood-sucking attribute." Huo Si was eager to split, and Li Yao kept rotating around him while attacking. His other two figures could not attack Li Yao at all .

Hoth wanted three figures to attack Li Yao at the same time, so Li Yao would definitely die, but Li Yao could always move one side, or even one step, to make his two figures feel like the horizon.

The two stood in a stalemate for ten seconds, and Hoth's blood volume finally reached one-third. What is even more frightening is that although his big windmill has a high level of release time, ten seconds is already the limit.

Without the crazy attack frequency of the big windmill, it would be impossible to use the heavy two-handed battle axe to resist the sky full of claw shadows.

Li Yao's attack was really terrifying, and if the blood boiled state was attacked, he would basically be accounted for.

"I want to run, it's too late." Li Yao had no mood to play.

"Damn it, monster." Huosi Mengran turned into a lizard. His other two figures had disappeared for several seconds, but the whirlwind state made him offset the period of weakness. This was the last time he saw Li Yao used it. Xu Ruoqi used the skill to counteract the weakness directly.

After turning into a lizard, he turned and ran. At this moment, his speed was very fast. However, although Li Yao's speed was not fast, he had already marked Hoth.

Directly launched a blood Li Yao's figure disappeared, then Meng Ran appeared, and the lizard was shaken out.

After becoming a lizard, not only the speed, but also the blood volume and defense will grow in different worlds, but the attack is basically abolished, so this is a skill that escapes the battle.

And because his pretense was originally strengthened by an average of +10 or more, the current defense is even more terrifying, if not, he would have been killed by Li Yao's **** state.

Li Yao turned into a blood shadow and penetrated the lizard's body. At this moment, Li Yao's blood volume was full.

And Hoth's blood volume was only a trace.

"You can't kill me." The earth crystallized!

The whole lizard turned into a khaki amber, and a living lizard was lifted up by eichhornia.

Li Yao's figure stagnated and stopped in front of Amber. The opponent was not only invincible, but his blood volume was also recovering quickly.

"I just don't believe it."

Li Yao directly hugged the huge crystal, and then his body quickly swelled, his body bulging with blue veins, and two sharp teeth grew in his mouth.

The wings of the bat behind him are even bigger, and mysterious runes gleam on the wings.

"Hahaha, the blood of the title, but it's useless, my skill is invincible, when I come out, my health will be restored to full value, the armor of the earth will also be restored, I will kill you." Hoth laughed.

Humans seem to be swearing on the street, your sister's Hoth has too many cards, and he won't die in this situation.

They watched Li Yao head-to-head and defeated a strong fighter, but now it seemed that everything was about to return to its original point.

Li Yao said faintly: "The next moment is your death date."...

ps: Moving house, I feel tired...

(To be continued...)

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