Tongtong followed Li Yao, and Tongtong raised his head to look at the chain. The chain was really too big, as if it could penetrate the sky.

"How can such a large chain be broken? It must be very strong to link the stable plane channel." Hitomi said.

Li Yao smiled and said: "It's not easy to destroy it, and the time is too short, and there is not enough to explode the crystal."

"What to do then?" Hitomi asked curiously.

"If it's not a key point, then just temporarily seal it." Li Yao said, giving Tongtong some gray crystals: "Come on, we have to prevent thirty-six crystals in total, and then activate the crystal talisman. Wen temporarily sealed the chain and made the chain useless."

"Okay, what are the requirements?" Hitomi asked.

"Just place one at a distance, and they will automatically arrange the magic circle." Li Yao said and began to place the crystal.

Pieces of crystals were attached to the chain like magnets, and the two of them quickly placed thirty-six crystals.

Li Yao took his pupil back a few steps, with a finger, his magic power was stimulated, and then he volleyed a shining blue rune, and the rune was directly printed on a crystal, and then all the crystals sparkled. .

These water crystals shone like stars, and then everyone felt the sky light up.

Countless stars shone with dazzling brilliance, and those crystals turned into shining runes, and the runes were like chains.

The entire chain trembled, and then the entity became more and more illusory and transparent. After a while, all the runes disappeared, and the chain became almost transparent.

After a while, everyone heard the screams in the sky. In the dazzling starlight, some lizardman advanced NPCs fell down, and the chain really became illusory and had no effect.

The starlight began to dim, but the sky became brighter.

"Look at what it is."

Countless people looked up at the sky, and the plane channel between them that was like a huge vortex became clear, and it became like a mirror.

What is reflected in the mirror is a wild world, and the world in the mirror is still daytime, and everyone can see a simple and primitive city.

This city is made up of countless huge wooden buildings, which looks simple and simple, but in fact it is tall and strong, intertwined and integrated, and the whole looks like a huge earth dragon.

"The plane is about to connect." Many lizard people shouted; "Our city is going to move to this plane."

As the picture drew closer, the giant city got closer and closer, as if to break through the mirror from a very far away and come to this world.

"The real battle is coming, but our military strength is not yet the upper limit. We need to destroy a few more camps and seal as many chains as possible to prevent them from transmitting." Li Yao said: "To rectify the army, we must set off immediately. ."

The Batriders began to rectify the formation of the skeletons and form a formation.

When Li Yao went outside the camp again, he saw that there were already a lot less people: "It seems that those who are left want to join my army. That's good, then you can return to the army too."

Sister Li has arranged the team according to the guild, and the commander of each guild has become a temporary noncommissioned officer.

"Each guild will leave a hundred people to guard this camp, and I will leave a thousand bones to guard this place. We need to set off to the next guild."

Many guilds were a little bit resistant to this order, but they suddenly stopped talking when they heard a thousand bones left. With a thousand high-level NPCs, they didn't have to worry about being unable to hold their ground.

This time the set off was mighty and mighty. Li Yao had just summoned the Hell Scorpion in the final battle. The Xinghuo Ten Group is now standing on the Scorpion, in front of the team.

"This time we have 36,000 players." Sister Li said: "The equipment is okay, and the combat power is not weaker than ours."

"Why do we want to include them? We have so many bones. Letting them follow is equivalent to sharing our military merits." Tianxiang asked curiously.

"I said, cannon fodder is also useful, and they can play a big role when used well. Moreover, Xinghu needs allies. These people may not become allies in the future, but they will basically not become enemies. There will be more wars in the future. The thing is, not every time there is an NPC, when the time comes, hehe..." Li Yao intends to be far-reaching, he sees more than just now.

Peerless Demon Ji also said: "Not only that, they are now the captain's subordinates, and the military merits they have obtained have a large share of the president. More importantly, the president can let the queen see the meeting. Long-term ability is crucial."

Everyone nodded suddenly, and Tongtong asked: "Then why do you want to stay behind? Didn't the big brother say that this camp needs to be arranged? There is also the teleportation formation."

"It has been arranged long ago. Those thirty-six runes are quite special. As for staying behind, this is inevitable, otherwise it will arouse the suspicion of the lizard people. They will definitely send a large number of troops to occupy this camp again." Li Yao explained .

"Fuck, you are too cruel, the players who stay behind are not dead..." The guardian angel looked at Li Yao Li Yao smiled and said nothing, if there are no players left behind Let the Lizardmen suspect that Li Yao didn't expect that the player wanted to follow him. He still needed to leave some Starfire Guild members to sacrifice for a while, but now someone took the initiative to send him to death, Li Yao would naturally not be polite.

Several other people also understood and stopped the topic.

"The main city is getting closer and closer, don't think about it, take the next goal." Li Yao speeded up, and the team of 60,000 quickly rushed to the next one.

Soon Li Yao's army came to the next camp, where this tragic battle was also erupting. The battlefield was full of corpses of both sides, but the two sides were evenly matched, and it was not very easy to win the camp.

"Batriders continue to accumulate bones. The wizards are following me and are preparing to attack the opponent's formation. Ten thousand bones are guarding. The first ten thousand people in this camp will charge with me. The other teams are divided into three groups and surrounded from other directions. The fish."

Sister Li organizes every 10,000 players into a 10,000-person group. Every time they attack the camp, a 10,000-person group will follow Li Yao to charge the most military merits.

The other teams actually won't have much military exploits, after all, this camp is also besieged by players.

It was still the same as the last time, Starfire rushed into the lizardman's camp strongly, this time more directly, with the skeletons taking the lead, and more relaxed.

And the people behind Li Yao and them had only one purpose, and that was to harvest people.

In just a quarter of an hour, the camp was taken down, and the number of bones had become 50,000.

The player's ten-thousand-thousand group once again has one more, and it also becomes fifty thousand.

Li Yao's team has swelled to 100,000...

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