MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 799: Mop up

As far as the face of the player is concerned, Li Yao's army is already 100,000.

And the city in the sky is close to the mirror, which is the junction.

Over time, many players will continue to destroy the camp and seal the chains.

"Sister Li, you take 50,000 people, we will separate the raid." Li Yao made another decision.

"Understood." Sister Li immediately agreed to this decision, which would be more efficient, otherwise she would not be able to exert her strength.

"Alice, please cooperate with Sister Li, you bring fifty bat knights and the bones under your control to follow." Li Yao told Alice.

"Yes." Alice answered without hesitation.

The audience was already staying. They watched the live broadcast too clearly. In this so-called military merit game, Spark did not dare to claim first place, but it would definitely be in the top three.

The reason I'm not sure is because the lizardman's capital is about to be teleported over, and there must be many high-level NPs. No one can tell what the unexpected happened.

Over time, many players have formed alliances, and some alliances have more people than Li Yao and theirs, but in terms of strength, coupled with the role of bones, Xinghuo's team is the strongest.

As the battle continued, many wandering bones appeared on the ground, which were summoned by other batriders who hunted and killed the lizardmen who climbed the chains.

More importantly, each of these bones is a high-level np, and the strength is not weaker than the dark ranger who rides a bat. The reason why they were hunted was because of climbing chains.

These quantities are far less than their call to go online, but the victory lies in high quality.

Unlike the Dark Rangers carried by Xinghuo, although they are summoned in large numbers, they are also sixty-level bones, but the problem is that most of them are players and low-level NPs. Their skills and passive skills are limited, although they are summoned. The strength is sixty, but this will not change their lack of skills.

The order Li Yao gave them was to try to keep the real high-level bones as much as possible, but to use the defective products as cannon fodder, slowly turning them into high-level bones.

The lizardmen also found something wrong, they advanced to summon those lizardmen players, gave up some camps, and instead broke through with NP to guard important nodes.

Although they were asked to destroy the guild army of many human players, they had mental arithmetic and unintentional. Under the arrangement of the queen, the plan of intercepting the lizardmen and then mobilizing elite troops to destroy all key nodes at the same time was basically successful.

Although the main city has been infinitely close to the mirror surface, the plane channel that looks like a mirror surface now has ripples.

When everyone looked up, they could see the crazy dance of a lizard man shaman in the highest wooden tower IQ.

Under the wooden tower are densely packed various creatures, some of which are monsters, monsters, and even other intelligent creatures.

Countless powerful lizardmen constantly waved their hands and tasted these sacrifices. The bottom of the wooden tower was like a cruel slaughterhouse, causing countless spectators to spit out what they ate.

It's too bloody, this kind of picture seems to be real. The audience can even ask about the extreme **** smell. The wailing and screams are shocking. This barbaric ritual makes everyone look at it. cold.

The blood of the slaughtered creatures all flowed out from the body as if they had been drawn by some kind of traction, and merged into the patterns of the magic circle on the ground. The light of the magic circle shone on the world, and the whole city seemed to become a blood-colored eggshell.

This huge blood cocoon is like a spaceship. Although it has lost most of the fixation and traction of the plane chain, it still dreams of the mirror in the **** memorial.

Those who watch the live broadcast can clearly see that there are densely packed soldiers in various parts of the city, as well as various powerful defense mechanisms.

There is no way to count the number of people in the dark, but everyone knows that when the city is teleported out, it is the time of the real war.

And all the troops that can be used in Undercity have been used, but it is not enough.

The battle lasted for nearly a night, and the sparks broke the chains of nearly forty camps, which was a great military service.

And the 10,000-person regiment under the command of Xinghuo has exceeded 300,000, which is the result of Li Yao's forced restraint.

The weaker team, Li Yao, did not even think about it. There were many teams who wanted to join the Starfire Legion. With this kind of management mechanism, more guilds would flock to them, but even the elite guilds would choose the strongest part. Stay.

In this way, Li Yao carefully selected 200,000 players. These 200,000 players were all players above level 30, and the equipment on his body was at least a purple outfit of level 25 or above, even Most of the fifty thousand people are thirty-level purple outfits, which can be regarded as extremely elite.

The remaining 100,000 are the skeletons summoned by a hundred dark rangers, and their combat effectiveness is also a statement.

In the battle of the last night, this team has basically achieved the order and prohibition, which is also the credit of the accumulation of military service, and it was directly cleared out by Li Yao and the others.

In addition to the Starfire Legion, the Bright Camp has also gathered to form a legion of more than one million. The leader of this legion is Red Lips. Although her points are not as good as Li Yaoduo, she is also one of the best in this battlefield~www.wuxiaspot .com~ In addition, the neutral camp has two million-strong army groups, and the dark camp has four to five million-strong army groups. They are all under joint command.

The only exception was Xinghuo, and following Xinghuo's order was Li Yao.

One night, the city was about to be teleported out, and the camp was almost pulled out.

Now everyone is waiting for the real battle to come, and all the coalition armies are eyeing, wanting to gain greater military merits in the real battle, especially the million-man army is even more ambitious. Seeing that there are only three of them in Xinghuo. One-quarter of the military merit is the highest, and I am very unconvinced.

"Everyone, the final battle is coming soon. I will not do anything to mobilize. I believe everyone knows that we are the most elite group of people on this battlefield. Although we are small in number, we believe that our strength is in everyone's mind. There are counts."

Li Yao looked down on the ten thousand corps on a high platform in a camp: "I can only tell everyone that there is absolutely nothing wrong with following me. I already have a new plan in my heart. Believe me, everyone will definitely get their military merits. Weak hands, there is still a period of time. If there are things in reality, hurry up and deal with them. You only have a quarter of an hour."

"My lord, the queen asked me to give you this." A Batrider saw Li Yao in the sky, flew down and respectfully handed Li Yao something that looked like a conch.

Although Li Yao only has a hundred dark rangers, his power is already second only to the powerful military power of the queen.

After all, other dark rangers are hunting down the lizardmen who climbed down, and the bones to summon are really limited.

Li Yao was about to ask when he heard the Queen’s voice: "This is your proof of forming a super army. I will issue military orders through this."...

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