MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 804: The final battle

There is no harm without comparison, and the players who attacked the four districts are now in dire straits.

The siege was enough to cause them heavy losses, and then the firepower of the floating city fragments cross-covered, making the players suffer.

Where is the battle? This slaughter is almost complete. Although it is an epic battle, your sister, this is obviously a supporting role.

There was nothing at first, everyone was like this, but in the end, I didn't expect that someone like Xinghuo who played cards in an unreasonable manner would have captured the fragments of the city. It was unbearable. The gap between people is really too big.

Especially Fragment One captured the three city fragments with lightning speed, and this sentiment reached its peak.

Many guild bosses have contacted the people of Spark, and those who are not able to contact those players who are on the debris through various relationships.

But Li Yao ignored them. The people of Xinghuo were busy harvesting heads. Who cares about the death of other guilds.

Players from other guilds approached Li Yao to intercede, saying what to do to increase Spark's strength.

But Li Yao just smiled coldly and said: "The number of fragments is limited, and the number of troops it can carry is also limited. It is OK to arrange 200,000 people. It is impossible to arrange more people. Since you are so optimistic about them, it is okay. You can go back and replace them. Come up."

The rest of the people who wanted to persuade Li Yao suddenly shut up and made some jokes. They finally seized this opportunity to help others to talk about it, so let them out and make trouble.

The Lizardmen were also furious. In order to prevent the city from being shattered by spatial shocks, both houses and military machinery were reinforced by blood rituals. Even the shells could not be detonated if they were not fired.

The result was now being used. With the occupation of the third fragment, Li Yao, Sister Li, and Yaoji each controlled one fragment and began to attack other urban fragments.

The firepower of each fragment is greatly reduced, but the players below are not happy, your sister, is this a painful game for him to play.

The audience is speechless too, your sister is so enjoyable, this kind of reversal of the battle situation is in an instant.

More and more people poured into Qin Fengyi's live broadcast room, and the officials even gave a good position.

Although this battle is virtual, the impact of alien players on human players in these two days is really too great, and many people have developed an invincible emotion of alien players.

After all, humans have masters, but there are a few human masters. Almost all alien players are masters.

This is a very bad sign. It is said that the upper authorities are also paying attention to this matter, but this is no way. The human living environment is too comfortable, and there is no sense of fighting.

Although the battle this time was lively, the officials were actually not particularly enthusiastic. After all, in the official view, the ancient gods' official negative attitude was inevitable in this battle that must be lost, otherwise the officials of this scale had already publicized it.

And it is inevitable that the official wants to play down this kind of battle with competition.

But I didn't expect that Spark's accidental capture of fragments and the turning point of the battle, the official began to pay attention to it, but now it is too late to prepare.

This is the focus of the promotion of Qin Fengyi's live broadcast room. After all, Qin Fengyi is the top of Xinghuo, and she has the best perspective in controlling Xinghuo's publicity.

Coupled with the continuous slaughter of lizardmen by fragments of the city, players on the human side have become hooked.

The queen was also very satisfied. Although she paid a huge amount of materials, everything was worth it. Because of the influence of space, these urban fragments had solidified, and she was not going to return it to the lizardman.

And because of the continuous capture of the fragments, the bones summoned by the Dark Ranger are also increasing, gradually forming a corresponding scale, and already qualified for World War I.

The queen did not expect that Li Yao would give him such a huge surprise. Even if this chess piece was arranged by her, she had never thought that this chess piece was so crucial.

The battle continued. After half an hour, Spark captured all the fragments of the city, a total of six.

The lizardmen no longer dared to send city fragments anymore, so this could only increase the strength of humans.

These six urban fragments became the decisive force. Without fragments as the target, the urban fragments began to shift the target to various urban areas.

The lizardmen finally lost the walls one by one and began to retreat inside.

At this time, the center of the opponent's city was finally revealed on the plane of the ancient god, and the lizardmen who lost the city wall all retreated to the important altar of flesh and blood, and re-established their defense.

"High priest, what are we going to do? We can't prevent their fragments." A lizardman general was worried.

The high priest held up his staff: "Kill, let them kill. The more they kill, the faster our city can enter the main plane. And this is the only chance. Our small plane will not last for many years. It collapsed, and we must make a desperate move. As long as we have a firm foothold here, no matter how great the sacrifice is, it will be worth the sacrifice."

The lizardman general looked sad. He didn’t want to enter any ancient god’s main plane, but as the high priest said, their planes collapse faster and faster. If they can’t stand firm in the ancient gods, they They can only be buried in the vast void like their little planes.

With the fall of the four districts, the army of the Undead City has gathered from all around thousand dark rangers have been harvested in a short time, and the summoned army of bones has exceeded three million.

Coupled with the player's strength, the number of the army once again exceeds 10 million.

In a short battle, human players have lost millions, which shows the fierce battle.

If the realization is wide enough, you can see countless human heads, densely packed, and real human heads are like ants.

With the countless army occupying an incomparably vast expanse, coupled with the defenses arranged by the lizardmen, this kind of battle with more than 20 million people is impossible in reality, and it is the first time in the game.

It is conceivable that the population of all people in a modern city gathers together, which is simply unimaginable, but the ancient gods server does not feel stagnant at all.

The huge phantom of the queen and the huge phantom of the high priest looked at each other above their respective legions.

"You shouldn't come here, this is my land." Although the queen's voice is not loud, everyone can hear it.

"We must come." The high priest said helplessly.

"Your capital city has chosen the wrong place. A piece of land cannot accommodate two capital cities." The queen slowed down.

"I also found out, but it's too late to say this. There is only one battle now." The high priest smiled even more bitterly. He actually found out that they had chosen the wrong place, and their capital was in this area. How could it be possible for them to come, if it were on a general map, the resistance would certainly not be so great.

"Then fight." A cold light flashed in the queen's eyes: "All legions obey orders, attack me, destroy the altar of flesh and blood, reward 10,000 gold, seal the land, and win the position."

The players' eyes blasted in an instant, this reward drove everyone crazy...

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