MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 805: Insufficient ammunition

Although this area is vast, if it is in reality, a large army of more than 20 million will almost occupy the area of ​​a city, which is impossible in ancient or modern times. 『Teana Novels⒉

Even in the ancient gods, it is almost impossible. Although the centaur has gathered more troops than now, there are three forces, and they are scattered in many different map areas.

Even facing the final battle of the Centaur, there was not such a concentration of troops. Such a vast battle is almost unimaginable.

The players who are participating today are shocked, this is a real epic battle.

They felt the charm of the ancient gods even more, which was really shocking. It turned out that the ancient gods were too real, especially the NPCs were too arrogant, so they treated them as recruits who didn't understand anything, and they didn't have any special treatment.

But it was precisely this harshness that they realized the importance of the title and official position of the ancient gods and their strength. Naturally, the temptation of official position and land became even more attractive.

So far, players, whether they are shops or guild premises, are not actually their own territory, but just rented.

And the million gold promised by the queen is already an extremely rich reward. Sealing the land, whether it is a guild or an individual, will compare with huge wealth.

As for the ranks, the temptation is even greater. In their view, as long as they have the corresponding titles or ranks, in addition to gaining some privileges and benefits, the more important thing is that they can know more; they have already seen through Spark. When it comes to knowing the benefits of high-level NPCs, look at Liaoyuan, the president of the Starfire Guild. Didn’t you know the queen and became the queen’s apprentice?

Because of this relationship, both the high-level NPCs and the army are obedient to Spark’s words. Looking at the floating debris in the sky tells everything. Everyone understands that the largest guild this time must belong to the Spark Corps. It is they who made the battle. Towards a turning point.

They don't expect to know some top-notch npc like the queen, after all, these are still far away, but after meeting some big people, you will get a little bit of quests, which is much better than now.

It's not just a person's thoughts, everyone's thinking is the same now, that is, running away from the lizardmen's dense defenses and taking down the altar of flesh and blood.

With the queen's general attack order, the sound of the war drums rang.

Countless players rushed out, and all the audience were shocked. What kind of scene is this? At this moment, they regretted that they didn't participate in this battle.

The commentators are also speechless. This subversive scene is now pale and powerless in any language.

"Kill, destroy the altar of flesh and blood." The players on the human side rushed up crazy.

"Persist for ten minutes, we are victory." The slogan of the lizardman is very clear. As long as persistence is minutes, the city will be completely stable. Then there will be no load on the city's counter-plane channel, and it can be mobilized from their planes. More lizardmen came to fight, and the lizardmen have now reflected.

Although the Undercity offensive was fierce, it was inconsistent with the information they had learned. If it was true intelligence, the flaws they exposed today would be enough to completely destroy them, and there would be no chance of the main city being transmitted.

"Great Dragon God, please listen to my call, accept the sacrifice of your servant, and give your people great power."

The high priest waved the staff in his hand, an evil aura spread, and a **** dragon soul collapsed like smoke.

Then, in the respected gaze of the surrounding lizard people NPCs, their captives immediately melted into endless dust.

Then there was a dragon roar that shook the sky, and all the lizardmen on the battlefield glowed red, as if they had been stimulating.

At the same time, the long-range firepower of the two parties has begun to pour before the players of both sides have met.

Beneath the Undercity side were barrels of plague with green light, and the fragments of the city were like fireballs.

The opponent was also unwilling to show weakness, and a large number of bursting shells rushed over.

The long-range firepower of both sides caused a lot of damage to the other side.

Then there were countless melee collisions, and then the light of various healings, and then all kinds of things covered in various areas. The whole world was originally dim, but it became colorful at this moment.

Among them, the most powerful one was the pestilence barrel. As the pestilence barrels burst, pieces of lizardmen fell, and then stood up one by one.

These lizardmen have become undead, and they are still unconscious ones. The pestilence barrel exploded inside the lizardmen, and the lizardmen in this area have become chaotic.

But after all, the number of such plague barrels is limited, and the army of the Great Pharmacist Association is not much, only one in a thousand.

"All the city fragments automatically select targets and fire, and blast off the lizardman's defense line with all their strength." Li Yao kept giving various orders, his voice was already dumb.

Floating urban fragments, especially movable urban fragments, are very critical in the current The lizardmen have no way to deal with them.

The lizardman high priest once organized the shaman to perform spell bombardment on the fragments, but the thousands of banshees were not vegetarian, and planned to destroy the city fragments directly.

Xinghuo's purpose is very clear, focusing on the front lines that are attacked by elite troops.

It is unrealistic to expect players to win. As long as the queen's elite troops break through the opponent's defense line, the tactical division can be slowly created.

Especially the Dark Rangers, as long as they pay attention to hiding themselves, as long as they are still on the battlefield, they are a perpetual motion machine that can constantly replenish the consumed bones.

The dark ranger is least afraid of war of attrition, but the situation is critical now, and the main purpose is to destroy the opponent's altar of flesh and blood.

Only without the support of energy can the most important part of the city be drawn back by space forces.

The tragic battle spread across the vast land IQ, and countless audiences were shocked by the scene before them.

The people on the court don't have this kind of thought, and now everyone wants to grab power.

Under Li Yao's command, several fragments moved around the battlefield, breaking through the lines of defense.

"President, it's not good, the ammunition can only last for a quarter of an hour." Li Yao received a message.

"The second fragment can last for half an hour."

"Shard Three can last for a quarter of an hour."


As a result, the news that the second fragment with the most ammunition can only sustain the output for half an hour, but now half an hour has passed, and the fastest army under the fragmented artillery can only break through the opponent's first line of defense.

The opponent has three lines of defense. If a few fragments of ammunition are not enough, the fragments will temporarily lose their value...

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