MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 806: The strong play

   Now Xinghuo faces a choice, what to do.

   After the war for so long, they have adapted to taking advantage of the debris. Up to now, the Starfire Legion has almost no loss.

   "Should we go down and fight like them?"

   But how is it possible? Although they are elite, they are also relative to the players, let alone facing the lizardmen army, even facing the lizardmen players' legion has little advantage.

   Everyone was unwilling, waiting for Li Yao's decision.

   From the battle to the present, Li Yao has been strategizing, as if in control of everything. It was under his plan that they were able to take the lead and obtain massive military exploits.

   "Everyone's fragments lifted into the air, stop the attack." Li Yao decisively issued the order.

   He also ignored this question. He even forgot the issue of ammunition, but he had a new plan for the transfer of his mind.

   Although the fragments are running out of ammunition, they are not useless.

   And Li Yao looked at the occupation, and shook his head slightly. If the battle continues like this, let alone an hour, even a day may not be able to win the altar of flesh and blood.

   But they only have one hour, otherwise the danger is the Undercity.

   Although the Undercity has a strong defense force, with the queen's temperament, he will never allow his capital to be threatened.

   "Big brother, what shall we do now." The cute pupil is still fighting high, and she is not excited. She actually participated in this epic battle.

   And her peers are still playing the cartoon version in Neutral Continent.

   "I have a preliminary plan, now I will ask my tutor."

   Li Yao explained, he picked up the shell, took a deep breath and said, "Teacher, you can't go on like this. It's impossible to destroy the altar of flesh and blood in an hour."

  The queen doesn't know where: "Oh? What can you do."

   In fact, it wasn't just Li Yao who saw it, but several leaders saw it, but the queen was so majestic that they couldn't intervene.

   Several people just wanted to take the opportunity to make a good relationship with the queen and learn from Li Yao, but instead of befriending the queen, the scope was disgusted by the queen, and they finally remembered their evaluation of the queen, arrogant, indifferent, and unkind.

   Many people are speechless, and I don’t know what Li Yao used to make such a queen look after, but more of them are jealous.

   Just a sentence, many people heard the difference. The queen directly blocked their right to speak when they wanted to be close. As a result, Li Yao didn't speak so bluntly, and he was still asking if Li Yao had any good opinions.

   "Meow, someone said just now that they couldn't attack, and they were directly scolded. I can't see the sentence. I directly made that guy blush, but the same question came out, but the result was different."

   "Why is there such a big gap between people and people."

  The players who have contact shells are all envy and hate, and they can't wait for Li Yao to make a mistake, and then anger the queen.

   How do they know that Li Yao's words can make the Queen pay attention to how many tasks that she has completed that are basically impossible.

   "I originally planned to let a few fragments clear the way for the elite troops, but I found that I had overlooked a problem. There were not many ammunition on the fragments, and there was no way to support the attack on the flesh altar.

   "Don't talk about the reason, I just want to know, what advice do you have, and see if it is similar to what I thought." The queen interrupted Li Yao.

   "I think it is possible to use the six fragments as a troop transport ship and directly attack the flesh and blood altar. A few fragments are not much ammunition, but there are some. It is not a problem to bombard all areas of the shadow song." Li Yao said his plan.

   "Then you can give it a try." The queen paused and said, "I will leave this to you."

   This is what Li Yao waited for, he wanted to open a new battlefield.

   All the players who can hear the dialogue are more envy and hatred, your sister, this is fine.

   How do you think it’s so easy for people to chat with the queen, and that this kind of big thing is directly handed over to Li Yao, and they are reprimanded for every word they want to say.

   Li Yao was not in the mood to pay attention to their feelings, but continued: "Now I want to open up a second battlefield and need the support of the army.

The specific situation is that I am responsible for transporting troops to the center of the city, and then bombarding a foothold with artillery fire, while the supporting army must occupy a foothold and go straight to Huanglong. "

   "Didn't this make us die." A president muttered.

   Li Yao shook his head and said, "I don't want to force this matter. I think it is necessary to die."

   "Our legion is willing to participate." Flame Red Lips said.

"And I."

   "And our corps, brothers Liaoyuan, we must add our corps."

   It was the voice that I wanted to go all the time, and many people who responded slowly also responded.

   Li Yao's method seems dangerous, but there are also huge opportunities. If it succeeds, the reward promised by the queen, **** it, suddenly everyone starts to say they want to participate.

  Especially the first president who said that he had died, his intestines were all blue. Li Yao directly denied their army.

   He was unfair on the road, and wanted to avenge the Queen, but was directly blocked by the female officer, and he was not even qualified to speak.

   Everyone didn't care about this tragedy, and they got close to Li Yao.

   "Well, every army retreats has elites. According to the army's colonel can prepare 50,000 to 100,000 troops, I will start a part of the skeleton army and occupy the scene first to ensure that nothing is lost."

   Everyone is satisfied, after all, they also understand that if there is an external impact, it is almost impossible to get the Queen's reward.

   So even though many of them look down on Li Yao or are unwilling, or unconvinced, or even hate Li Yao, they suppressed all emotions and flattered Li Yao in the face of great interests.

   is for Li Yao to invest their forces at the right time.

   A few fragments moved quickly, and the lizardmen quickly saw their plans, but they had no choice but to watch the Starfire hit the firepower and then drop the legion.

  Because of a thousand powerful banshees, it is much easier to drop the army.

After the bombardment, the banshee teleported the army down, and soon new lines appeared around the altar of flesh and blood. All the lizardmen went crazy trying to destroy but the sparks continued to flow. The general retired and dropped it on the altar of flesh and blood, and the lizardman seniors were terrified.

   They didn't expect it, because urban debris could cause such a disaster.

   Obviously they have the advantage, and they are clearly in their hands. It is these people who reverse the situation twice in a row.


   A lizard man covered in red flames rose to the sky, his dragon wings stretched out behind him, floating in the void.

   He felt like a cannonball had already rushed to Fragment No. 1, with a lot of artillery fire.

   There is a stimulus to bombard the opponent's body, but it has no effect.

   His figure was exploded back, but soon rushed to Shard One again.

   "The Queen of the Undead, I know that you are directing the battle, but I dare to come out for a fight." The lizardman's voice spread through the battlefield like a rolling thunder, suppressing all the sounds of fighting.


An arrow that looked like a shooting star hit the lizard man directly like a long rainbow shining through the sun. The strong lizard man reacted too quickly and directly blocked him with a big sword, but the arrow was too powerful and hit him directly. A few hundred yards away.

   "Kill the chicken with a sledgehammer. If you want to challenge the mentor, you are not qualified."

   Li Yao soared into the sky holding a long bow and, then he blew his whistle, and a small sun suddenly appeared...

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