MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 833: 2 options

Li Yao smiled bitterly and stepped into the teleportation formation. He had been back and forth several times, and it was not a comfortable thing to use the teleportation formation frequently.

This time I came directly to the royal quarter. The undead won the battle this time, and there is no need for the queen to do the finishing touches.

However, Li Yao still felt the emptiness of the Undercity, and did not encounter a few along the way, that is, the palace guards guarding the queen's residence were sparse.

Li Yao followed the queen to a side hall, and Li Yao saw huge maps of various regions at a glance.

It's a map, actually a kind of magic sandbox.

"Your performance this time exceeded my expectations. If it weren't for you, this battle might not have been so easy to win." said the queen.

Li Yao shook his head earnestly: "Teacher, don't make a joke, even without me, this battle will successfully achieve your intentions."

The queen smiled and did not continue this topic, obviously by default. The queen pointed to the sand table and said: "This dark area is under the jurisdiction of the Undercity."

Li Yao looked at it, except for a few maps around the woodland, the other areas were in a state of contention.

Similar to the sandbar, there are both dark camps and light camps in the area. In fact, even if it is a completely controlled area, there is no light camp.

In fact, even on the map where the Undercity is located, there are many monster lairs, and even other enemies of the dark and light camps are entrenched.

"In these areas, you can choose a place as your fief." Seeing Li Yao hesitate, the queen said, "Of course, there is another workaround."

The land was given to the guild, and it did not belong to Li Yao personally.

Li Yao was thinking, to be honest, Spark's strength is limited. If the queen gives the fief, a small village or small town is really meaningless to Li Yaolai.

His plan was to develop the guild's residence and build it into a huge main city. Although there are many small villages or small towns in the mainland, Li Yao really did not take over.

Of course, regardless of whether it is a village or a small town, the taxes in it are a lot of income, but Li Yao does not lack these, so Li Yao hesitated and wanted to find a strategically valuable area.

Hearing that the queen had another workaround, I suddenly became interested.

The queen smiled and said: "Actually I don't want you to choose these relatively comfortable places. It has no practical meaning for you. Therefore, I have prepared a second set of plans for you."

The queen pointed her finger, and then the sand table changed from the eastern continent to the western continent.

The queen pointed to a map leaning on the sea, and said: "Look, this was once a centaur place. Now it has been taken down by us. The three camps divide the site. The other places have been discussed, but only the southeast wilderness. The map is stubborn, no one wants to give up here, do you know why?"

Li Yao looked at this place for a while and said, "Is it because of the sea?"

"Your strategic vision is good, you continue." A light flashed in the queen's eyes.

Li Yao organized a few words to say: "The Guangming camp on the Western Continent has only ancient elves, and it is in the northern region of the Western Continent. When you reach the central part, the Guangming camp has no power. The Centaur War gave the Guangming camp a territory in the interior. But in this way, they faced a problem. For supplies and support, the ancient elves were too far away, and the land route was too slow. Pirates in the south of the western continent were rampant, and the goblins were rampant, and the light camp was not available. So, they wanted It is troublesome to supply or support troops."

The queen nodded approvingly: "Yes, the Bright camp wants to open up the Western Continent through this war. But now the two camps are unprecedentedly weak, and no one can experience a full-scale war. Therefore, the Bright camp can only pass through. This way of expansion, but the problem is that even if Princess Jaina is a human, she is neutral after all, and she is too close to the orc capital to be too biased towards the light camp. The goblins in the Barrens also have good port cities, but the goblins are too profitable. It’s unreliable. So the bright camp urgently needs a port."

Li Yao's spirit was shocked. Looking at this map, there was no port in this map in the previous life. Could it be that both camps wanted it, but the result was deadlocked?

"Therefore, the two sides decided to resolve it by means of contention, but it has not yet been negotiated. The plan I give you is that you will also participate in this contention with Spark. If you can win this contention, I will seal this place. Here you are, let you build a port. Of course, if you can’t get the reward this time, it will be invalid. But I can give you a copy to ensure that your guild residence will not be taken back by the faction. In disguised form, it is also considered your territory. It's just that there is no title." The queen continued: "You think about it."

Li Yao knew that if she hadn't been her disciple and had satisfied the queen, she would never have spent so much thought on herself.

To be honest, Li Yao was tempted. Occupying this place has too many benefits. With the development and growth of, it is bound to reach out for ocean trade.

But at this stage, most of the ocean trade is controlled by the goblins. Even if Spark has a sufficient fleet, it still has to pay high taxes when anchoring in the goblin’s port. There is no way, only people have a port.

This is something Li Yao didn't want to see. The trade between the two continents is a violent industry, and Spark also needs affiliated cities. Although this map is relatively desolate, it is also rich in resources.

The most important thing is that in reality, you can make big money by following the policy. By then, as a transit point for the lower part of the dark camp, it will be difficult for this port city to thrive.

You know, the dark camp also has many strongholds in the south of the Western Continent. These materials need to go by land, which costs too much. There is a port that saves time and effort, and is safe and reliable.

Of course, there are a lot of risks. The first is to fight for control of this area, and then, this place becomes its own territory, and the monsters on this map are not so easy to deal with.

The more critical issue is that if the pirates are rampant here, if the piracy problem cannot be solved, the port will not develop. Especially when it comes to pirates, the power of other players or ancient gods is not clear.

But Li Yao knew very well that a certain goblin power controlled one of the world's most powerful pirate groups, and the number of pirates possessed exceeded unpredictable.

"Risks and opportunities coexist. If you want a stable income, you will choose the first inner town." The queen said, seeing Li Yao's face uncertain.

Li Yao woke up and said, "I have decided. I want the second plan. The geographical location of this area is very advantageous. If I don't take it, I am too sorry for myself. Of course, it is mainly to help my teacher to relieve my worries. I cannot let the bright camp get here. ."...


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