MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 834: select

"Then it's decided, it's estimated that there will be results in a few days, and I will inform you then." The queen nodded in satisfaction.

Li Yao smiled bitterly. He understood. The queen said that he was given two options. In fact, he could only choose the second one. There was no other choice. If he chooses the first one, I guess...

"Then, I have completed the task you gave me." Li Yao said.

"Naturally, you did very well." The queen waved her hand.

Li Yao immediately gained a lot of experience, and then with a flash of golden light, Li Yao rose to the thirty-fourth level.

The queen smiled and said: "Originally, I planned to teach you the skills of the two Dark Rangers casually, but I didn't expect the blood shadow to appear, and you got my bow again. Obviously you have discovered something."

Li Yao said sincerely: "I really didn't expect that the instructor should be a dual cultivation of magic and martial arts. Although many elite professions are dual cultivation of magic and martial arts, they are all basic. The equipment and weapons are single attribute. , It shows that it is already extremely high."

"In fact, many people should be aware of this, but I did not reveal it, they are not sure. We high elves actually have natural magic talents. After I died in the battle, the Banshee form learned a lot of powerful magic. , Later became the current state, I did not expect that my magic talent is still there. And better than before. Therefore, I will let you understand today, what is the real Dark Ranger. However, it is not that simple."

Li Yao stunned and said, "Isn't it transforming me into an undead, then drawing out my soul to learn magic and then sealing it in the corpse?"

If this is the case, Li Yao really needs to think about it. The undead is so ugly. He is not a queen. After becoming an undead, he must be ugly.

"My situation can't be copied." The queen smiled and took out a black gemstone, and then said: "As a living creature, you need a medium. This is a dream gem, but through my magic Transformation can remove your soul from the body."

Dreamland gems are actually magical gems that can make the soul enter the emerald dreamland. Li Yao has also seen it in his previous life.

But Li Yao still didn't understand what the queen wanted.

"It's very simple. I will punch this gem into the center of your eyebrows. In this way, your soul can get out of the body freely, but the pure soul is not very effective in learning magic, so I will use the method of transforming the lich. Transform your soul into the form of a lich, so you can learn all the skills of a lich. Then use your body as a phylactery, so that you can become a real dark ranger like me." Looking at Li Yao with burning eyes.

Li Yao was stunned. It turned out to be so, but it was too unbelievable.

"You should be able to understand the advantages, but I will explain the disadvantages to you first. After the transformation, your health and armor will be reduced by one third. Of course, you don’t want to. In fact, you are a dark ranger in this state. It's not weak. What mechanical hunter you play yourself, plus your archery skills, is enough."

The queen saw Li Yao meditating and said, this kind of thing cannot be forced, the road to the strong is personal, and you need to choose by yourself.

Li Yao also hesitated for a while. After all, the price is too high. It sounds very attractive, but the problem is that the armor and blood volume are reduced by one third. This is not a one-time, but whether he wears it. What kind of equipment and how much HP increases will reduce the overall HP by one-third, which is equivalent to a permanent negative buff.

But the benefits are also huge. It can be transformed into a lich form, which is equivalent to an extra elite class. More importantly, the ranger form can also use some magic skills.

And Li Yao knew that his level was low at this stage, and he could use no more than five magic skills, but that was enough for Li Yao.

"I choose to transform." Li Yao quickly made up his mind. He was absolutely confident in his technique, and it was nothing more than the crispy skin of the law system, no big deal.

"I'll ask again, are you sure you want to transform into a real dark ranger?" the queen asked seriously.

"I'm sure." Li Yao knew that he couldn't change this sentence.

The queen pointed her finger, and the black diamond-shaped crystal directly touched Li Yao's eyebrows. Li Yao felt a shock, and his soul floated out.

But his body didn't move anymore, the queen clapped her hands, several banshees floated in, and there was a strange instrument.

A group of banshees carried Li Yao's body and placed it in the instrument, and then another group of banshees brought another instrument with a weird aura.

The queen asked: "I had no choice when I became a Banshee, so I became an Ice Banshee, a powerful King of Frost. But now there are three ways for you to choose, one is the Frost Road, and you should know that it is strengthening Version of the Ice Master. The second series is the path of cursing, taking the route of dark magic, similar to the curse warlock. The third series is the path of death, a variant of the necromancer. You choose one."

Li Yao frowned, the amount of information was a bit too big today, and the continuous choices made him hesitant.

In fact, either line is good. The ice lich is the mainstream lich, in fact, the ice lich is also an elite class of ice mage. For the curse type, it is not bad to be proficient in various curses and good at spirit magic. Necromancers, elite necromancers, are equally good.

After hesitating for nearly ten minutes, Li Yaocai said, "I choose the Necromancer system."

"Are you sure?" The Queen smiled: "Actually, you choose the Ice Element to go more smoothly, but as my disciple, I don't want you to follow my old path."

"I'm sure." Li Yao gritted his teeth and said.

Li Yao knows No matter how powerful the dual class is, he only has one pair of hands, he can only use one skill at a time, and he is better at hunting bows and guns.

Even if the two professions are completely integrated in the future, a lot of ice attack magic will seem tasteless, and his arrows of these attack magic can still be achieved. It's all murder anyway, it makes no difference in fact.

The second curse is also, the curse has also disrupted the rhythm of his archery.

Therefore, Li Yao chose the Necromancer system. Although the Necromancer system also has attack skills such as bone spears, it is more auxiliary, and it is a summoning type, plus his Beastmaster’s enhanced pet hunting, dual combination, his pet It can be more powerful, and as the level increases, he can summon an army of pets, plus summon bones, he alone can form an elite army.

Li Yao knows that although his skills are strong, as time goes by, the players' skills will become stronger and the technological gap will gradually narrow.

Even if he becomes a god-level player, he can't be said to be invincible in the face of a powerful player siege, but if it is a pet army that combines two professions, he will not be one-to-many.

"Transform him into death mode." The queen waved and said...

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