MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 835: Surprise again and again

The general ice lich is ice blue, and the entire soul has been transformed into a state that is very close to the water element.

The curse is dark purple, which tends to be dark elements.

The Grim Reaper mode is actually a kind of name, it is the Necromancer mode, the primary color of the energy is dark gray, biased towards black.

The soul is colorless, showing a transparent look. In fact, it is like a medium like glass, especially the soul that exists on the material plane. It will gradually become more and more complicated and muddy. This is due to the different energy absorbed by the soul. status,

As for Li Yao's soul, it was as if in an instrument full of death breath, Li Yao's soul had become muddy and unconscious, in fact, he was really confused.

Li Yao felt countless cold energies invade his soul, and for a moment he seemed to be in a nightmare.

There were many fantasies in his mind, wave after wave impacted his brain. The life experience of more than 30 years in the last life flashed in his mind as fast as a movie.

Although the picture is very fast, but I don't know why, he seems to be able to see clearly how many times faster the picture is.

Even the vague memories of childhood are so clear, these memories mixed with gray breath continue to wash Li Yao's soul like waves.

Li Yao didn't know that when he was reformed, time was passing fast.

People in Xinghuo knew that Li Yao was online, but it was displayed in another mirrored space. In reality, Li Yao's adjutant thought Li Yao was in the game and no one bothered him.

In one day, two days, and three days, Li Yao's soul changed from being transparent to gray, and he no longer had his original spirit form.

At this moment, Li Yao's soul was like a mist, a black cloak was on his body, only his hands were golden, his eyes turned into a dark blue, and the Eye of the Creator and Li Yao were completely integrated.

When Li Yao opened his eyes again, there were only a few female demons.

Li Yao's eyes were blank. These days, he seemed to have experienced a lifetime again. Li Yao felt that his thinking was extremely clear.

"Unexpectedly, this kind of transformation can also promote the enhancement of my mental power." Li Yao was a little unbelievable. You must know that his mental power only broke through soon, and it was a big breakthrough of qualitative change.

In the end, he didn't expect to transform into a lich this time. He thought it was just an in-game form, but he found that his mental power was like an ocean. I don't know how many times stronger than before. Although there has been no qualitative change, the number has increased too much.

"Finally it succeeded. It usually takes more than one day for others to complete it, but it takes three days for adults. It is worthy of being a disciple of the general." The banshee said happily when she saw Li Yao floating out.

"Three days have passed." Li Yao's expression changed. Will his game be delayed.

You know, the competition will not wait for him, I am afraid that the individual competition, the competition in this district has ended, and the team competition is estimated to have ended.

Although these chaotic thoughts were messy, they didn't delay his other things at all.

Li Yao looked at his attributes and found that his profession had become a necromancer, and his skills were all magic skills.

In addition, there are three blank skill bars. As described above, you can drag the skills of three dark rangers to use.

"It seems to be a success, not bad." The queen's figure appeared here, looking at Li Yao with satisfaction.

Several banshees appeared holding Li Yao's body, the queen's fingers glowed with magical light, and then a little bit, directly on Li Yao's eyebrows.

Li Yao felt a huge suction, and then suddenly regained control of his body.

Li Yao took a look at his attributes. Sure enough, his armor and HP were reduced by one-third, but his sensitivity increased a bit again.

And he has more new skills.

Death Convergence: Killing the enemy will get death energy, and the energy will gather.

Soul emerges from the orifice: consumes a certain amount of death energy and the soul emerges from the orifice, and the soul becomes the form of death. After death in the form of death, the soul will not die, but will return to its place.

The true meaning of the Dark Ranger: Get three skill slots, you can choose three Reaper form skills to use in Ranger form (more skill slots will be unlocked as the level increases.), passive skills will always exist. When attacking, attacks and skills have magical attack power in the form of death, and the damage value is double judged.

Death Furnace: You can use the Death Furnace, consume the corresponding materials to enchant the equipment, and obtain another primary attribute and secondary attribute.

Li Yao was very satisfied with this result. Although he was more brittle, his attack was stronger.

First of all, Death Convergence is an energy bank that turns into the form of the **** of death, and the soul out of the body is a very useful skill. For example, Li Yao can finish out of the body in a dangerous place. Even if the soul is dead, it doesn’t matter. A very useful skill, and more convenient than a second job and status.

The third, the truth is fundamental, as the level increases, the integration of the two professions becomes higher, and he gets stronger and stronger. As for his damage, although he has magical skills and attributes, what is determined in the final analysis is the determination of attack power. Now that the magic damage is added, it is equivalent to an additional magic damage bonus. Separate judgment has many advantages, but not without its disadvantages, but overall, Li Yao has no shortcomings.

As for the death furnace, it is actually the root of additional magic damage.

After all, he is a dark ranger, after all, he is a hunter, who needs to wear mail.

The main purpose of the lock armor is agility, and his magical strength is limited. It relies on equipment. The Death Forge can turn the equipment into a dual element, which can make his attack play to the extreme.

"How about it, I'm satisfied." The queen saw Li Yao's joy.

"I have never felt so strong." Li Yao said That's good, now I teach you three skills, one passive and one active in each of the two professions. "The queen clicked on Li Yao's eyebrows again.

Siphon of Death: Every time an enemy is killed, 15% of the mana is restored. When the mana is full, it can be stored up to 500% of its mana.

This is a passive skill that guarantees Li Yao's mana. Although it has no offensive power, it is also a very powerful skill.

Death construction: Lich is originally a master alchemist, and necromancer is an expert in the study of necromancers, and can construct powerful necromancer puppets based on the monsters killed and materials.

This is an active skill in the form of a **** of death. Li Yao's understanding is an extension of the summoning skill, but the specific effect is not clear to him, and can only be determined after experiments.

Death Knife Fan: Launches a lock knife full of death energy at the surrounding area. After release, it leaves the battle and enters the shadow state. The cooling time is 40 seconds.

Although this skill can't increase Li Yao's attack power much, but Li Yao's survivability has been greatly improved. It is a very useful life-saving skill...

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