MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 836: Intricate

Every 30th level of a profession will get a very huge enhancement, Li Yao didn't expect that the enhancement he would get would be so huge.

It can be said that although his armor and blood volume have been reduced a lot now, his combat effectiveness has increased, I don't know how much.

Li Yao saluted the queen: "Teacher, if there is nothing else, I will go back first."

He has been away for three days. He doesn't know how many things are waiting for him. His personal game doesn't matter, but what he cares about is the progress of the Spark team.

Although he knew that even if Xinghuo could not get the first place, he could advance to the World Championship, but he didn't confirm it personally.

The queen nodded and threw a sign directly to Li Yao.

Li Yao took a look and his body was shocked.

Final nameplate

Quality: Purple Epic

With the nameplate, you can directly participate in the final of the individual competition.

Li Yao didn't say anything, saluted again, and then left silently. The queen could think of this in her busy schedule, and it also showed that he valued him and really regarded him as a successor.

Li Yao got on the mount directly, and while running to the guild's residence, he began to read the forum and official website.

The regional tournament is over, and the world tournament has been held for one day. The day after tomorrow, the top 32 finals can be played.

And regarding his disappearance, many people said he was intimidated. Anyway, there was a lot of choreography, and Li Yao shook his head and stopped paying attention.

The undercity is also very lively. After all, it is in the main city, and several shops have gradually gained popularity, becoming a not very rich, but very stable source of gold coins.

This is the industry of the guild, thriving, and everyone can feel the benefits.

Li Yao directly used the guild leader's token to transmit it to the guild resident in the resident. It was actually similar to Hearthstone, except that it had to be used between the two resident's.

Several core members trained in the Guild Proving Grounds. The battle in the previous few days allowed everyone to obtain extremely rich military exploits, and the experience of killing lizardmen was also very rich. The players who participated in the battle were both level and equipment. A lot ahead of ordinary players.

Especially the people of Xinghuo, who followed Li Yao to get at least five or six times the military merits of other elite guilds, and the harvest was too rich.

If you don't count the number of people, the number of connections is definitely the most elite thing. More importantly, the main city did not take back the death horses, which is equivalent to Xinghuo directly obtained five thousand cavalry.

Xinghuo's momentum is strong, and its strength is extremely high.

"Big brother, why did you go these days? You really disappeared without telling everyone." The cute and adorable Tongtong was fighting against Shadow Dancer, but when he saw Li Yao, he stopped fighting and ran to Li Yao. .

Li Yao hugged Tongtong and turned around for two times before saying: "I can't help it. This is an accident. The professional promotion took time."

"So, your strength has increased again?" The guardian angel laughed.

Li Yao looked at the guardian angel and said, "It seems that you are so powerful, why do you want to challenge me?"

"Hmph, what? I got two powerful skills from the old guy in the tutor's hands. Even in a battle, it's not easy to say the victory or defeat." The guardian angel said hopingly.

The newcomer Muzi said: "The bedside, oh no, the guardian brother is indeed a lot more powerful. It is impossible for me to break his immobility barrier now. You know, I have a half chance of breaking it."

Li Yao raised his eyebrows: "That's OK, it just happens that I have also strengthened, so I just try."

When the others saw Li Yao and the guardian angel compete, they immediately surrounded them.

"Idiot, look for abuse by myself." The Fruit Knight rolled her eyes. She has never competed with Li Yao since she was abused by Li Yao with a big sword.

If someone else's guardian angel would fight back, but the fruit knight, he could only giggle, as if he didn't hear anything.

"Ahem, my little short legs, we have 40 yards no matter what, 150 yards, I am too disadvantaged."

Hearing the guardian knight's words, everyone despised the **** deep down. You must know that it takes at least one hundred and fifty yards to have a long distance.

"Whatever." Li Yao didn't care, he even took out the scatter bow, and with a flick of his arm, he directly turned into a sledgehammer form, as if he was about to fight close.

"Fuck, you despise me." Although the Guardian Knight wanted to attack, but thinking of Li Yao's hand speed, he knew that he would be killed immediately by removing the immobility barrier.

Therefore, ignoring the boos outside the venue, he opened the barrier of immobility and walked towards Li Yao step by step.

Li Yao also walked towards the guardian angel step by step, his eyes suddenly turned pure blue, and various detailed and complex data penetrated Li Yao's mind.

If it turns out, although Li Yao can handle such fast data processing, it is not so fast and very tired, but now he has no burden at all.

For example, the immovable barrier, although it is one, the defense strength of each place is different, and even changes as the guardian angel moves around.

"Master, you really want to play melee." The guardian angel saw that Li Yao didn't change into a bow shape and was speechless.

"Break your barrier to immobility in the next second."

Li Yao said that a shadow wheel turned to the left of the guardian angel. The guardian angel was startled and wanted to turn around, but Li Yao's hammer had fallen on a weak node.


In the guardian angel and everyone's unbelievable gaze, the immovable barrier was destroyed.

"Come, break the shield, I'm afraid of you in melee?" A light flashed in the guardian angel's eyes. Although Li Yao was powerful, he felt that he had the advantage in melee.

"The Hammer of Sanctions..."

Li Yao saw the guardian angel's body movements for an instant, and then analyzed the skills he wanted to release.

Li Yao moved directly to the side, and when the guardian angel's sanction hammer was about to fall, Li Yao struck the guardian knight's body with his barbed shoulder armor.


The guardian knight fell directly to the ground with a broken move, and then Li Yao unhurriedly hit the guardian angel's head with a hammer.

The sledgehammer bombarded it too easily, and the guardian angel's eyes turned into a spiral The original tricks were all knelt down on one knee, and Qi Jue fell directly on the ground.

With a flick of Li Yao's arm, the warhammer turned into a scattering bow, and then Li Yao was carried on his back.

Everyone was dumbfounded, including the Peerless Demon Girl who is best at pk fighting.

"It's impossible. If you use a bow and arrow, you can do it with your reaction, but how can it be possible in close combat." The guardian angel stood up, full of disbelief.

Because they all saw that before the guardian angel released the hammer of sanctions, Li Yao had already moved sideways, as if he knew that the guardian angel was about to release this skill, and then hit the position where he was broken.

The concept of breaking moves led by Li Yao, various guilds and masters are exploring breaking moves.

It’s actually not a secret for the masters, every profession, every skill, under what circumstances to attack where to break the move, but the problem is that it is difficult to do.

In this case, they could see very clearly that Li Yao clearly broke the move against the hammer of sanctions, why are they not surprised...

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