MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 852: 1 stroke

Du Missi was going crazy, the other party actually said that one move could defeat him, not only him, but all the audience was stunned.

Although many players in Sanhan are not good at character, players in other administrative regions do not like them very much.

But I have to admit that the three Koreas have always been strong in e-sports, and their number of entering the finals is second only to several administrative regions.

It is the strongest in the sub-administrative region, and it's not surprising that China has passed the previous session, and even a champion appears from time to time.

And this guy is the most popular new generation of Sanhan recently. Many people commented on his next champion seed player.

I don’t know if I have a facelift because I’m so handsome. Although he debuted recently, his popularity is already quite high. Entering the top 36 this time made his popularity soar again.

Li Yao said that one move to kill such a player who can even enter the top ten is arrogant in everyone's eyes.

Although Huaxia's audience thought it was impossible, they had to applaud Li Yao's domineering, while the people of Sanhan were all yelling at him. Li Yao is not a beauty, and there is no treatment for a beautiful contestant.

It's just that Li Yao has long ignored the interference from the outside world. Instead of looking at Du Missi, his eyes are actually counting down from the corner of his eyes.

Du Missy smiled furiously: "Okay, okay, let me see how you kill me with one move."

"Well, then you have to wait a few seconds."

Ah puff...

Du Mi Xi Jia wants to split: "If I lose to you by one move, I will give you your last name."

Even though he knew that it was impossible to lose with a single move, Du Mixi was indifferent, and continued to summon his bone pets, and then arranged some pets to stand in front of him.

Almost as if they were airtight, although many people were still unconvinced with Li Yao, no one doubted Li Yao's techniques and attacks anymore.

Li Yao was very strong in the last battle of the dead, and Li Yao's archery skills were simply terrifying.

But in the eyes of Du Mixi, Li Yao was not invincible, and Li Yao was too arrogant, and he did not even summon a pet when fighting him.

If the opponent's archery skills alone are exposed, the possibility of being killed will greatly increase, but if you hide in the army, even if Li Yao is against the sky, it is no use not to attack yourself.

Li Yao had also begun to bend his bow and shoot arrows, and began to accumulate his strength, and the arrows directly and slowly aimed at Dumissi, who was under the cover of the bones.

The opponent's steel and stone demon, golden skeletons, and other undead summons completely separated the two, without attacking the opponent's angle at all.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in a stick being my godson."

However, Li Yao has been retreating slowly, and the countdown is over. With a wave of Du Missi, all the undead pets rushed towards Li Yao.

Du Missi looked at Li Yao mockingly in the army, and wanted to kill himself, just wishful thinking.

In his opinion, the only means for the opponent is to lob, and only lob can ignore the obstacles on the plane.

This is the most promising method, but he is also very confident in his technique, and he can still do it by avoiding lobs.

And as long as he hides in the army, he can slowly kill the opponent.

Du Missi sneered. Originally, he had no confidence in defeating Li Yao. He didn't expect the other party to be so stupid that he wanted to kill himself with one move.

This is a world-class game. Of course, the opponent won't give up the game if he can't kill himself, but the opponent will definitely try to kill himself.

And this is the opportunity. For their masters, it takes the upper hand and it is not easy to counterattack.

"Aren't you crazy, you want to kill me with one move."

"You kill, why are you going back."

"Why don't you release the arrow? I want to die too much.

"Keep pushing, you will be caught up after six seconds back."

Du Missi constantly mocked Li Yao in the army.

However, Li Yao steadily retreated. At the same time, his eyes had turned pure blue, and his brain was constantly analyzing complex data.

The audience was extremely nervous, and everyone was looking forward to whether Li Yao could kill his opponent with one stone.

Of course, most people think this is impossible. With so many bones, how could Li Yao kill the opponent.

The entire arena became silent, and only the strong in the VIP area looked at Li Yao with great interest.

The warchief frowned: "Your disciple is a bit too big, I'm afraid you can't kill him in this situation."

The queen nodded and said: "A large-scale killing is okay, but if it's a light arrow, it's a little difficult. This guy is too smooth, and now he is arrogant. This time it is good to let him suffer a loss. It is not good to speak big before the fight. ."

The king of the bright camp smiled and said: "I was really arrogant to bring myself a chain before the war, but I have to say that even my curiosity was aroused."

The king and one or two masked men behind him glanced at each other, and the three of them smiled knowingly. They all heard the scene where they used to fight to the death in the arena.

The other bigwigs are not without hunters, but they all shook their heads regretfully, thinking they couldn't do it.

"Why, you won't have a chance in another two seconds." Du Mixi smiled happily, and eliminated Li Yao as an opponent. Not only could he advance, but also the arrogance of China. This is all three Koreas. Like to see.

After a while, the skeleton in the front had begun to cast the spell. They were able to attack Li Yao and reached the casting distance. Even the fastest skeleton had raised the bone sickle in his hand.

A light flashed in Li Yao's eyes, and time slowed down at this moment, except that no one except Li Yao felt the change in time, and then his fingers suddenly released the bowstring.


At this moment, time seemed to be still, Du Mixi was opening his mouth to mock Li Yao, but his voice came out.

At this moment, an arrow has penetrated the back of his head from his mouth.

The spells that attacked Li Yao and the bone sickle that was about to attack Li Yao suddenly

Du Missi's body crashed down, and all the powerful undead pets he had summoned disappeared in the air.

Li Yao stopped walking in the whole arena.

"I said, kill you, one move is enough."

Li Yao flicked his hand, and the bow in his hand had been put away. Before the countess announced the result, Li Yao chose to teleport and disappear into the arena.

The entire arena was deadly silent. At the beginning, no one would believe Li Yao could do it.

Even the members of Xinghuo, they understand the power of Li Yao, but this is impossible to accomplish.

However, Li Yao did something that was obviously impossible. So how did he do it? They didn’t even see what happened. Could it be that Li Yao’s arrow can penetrate like the Queen’s bow, but this How could it be possible that this attribute could not appear on a low-level bow...

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