MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 853: Miracle Arrow

Yes, this is everyone's doubts, including which super NPCs, and those strong outsiders.

Originally, they were still mocking Li Yao, thinking that the recruits on the main plane were really bad, and they were not good at it. When they brag, they are better than each.

They don't like these weak recruits in their bones. They come here because they want to contact the three major camps. Otherwise, they will watch this boring game?

So although they watched the game, they didn't care at all.

However, the arrow just now surprised them. No matter how Li Yao did it, Li Yao did fulfill his promise.

"This recruit is a bit strong."

This is the heart of all the powerhouses of the small planes, and the alien players who were originally equally inattentive also looked at each other one by one, wanting to know what was going on just now.

The same goes for the audience, how did your sister move there?




I don’t know who started it, but the audience wanted to see what was going on.

The king of the alliance frowned: "Fortunately, I didn't make a bet with you."

The warchief was speechless, and after a while he asked, "Isn't he really your divine bow?"

A hint of surprise flashed in the queen's eyes, but she shook her head and took out her bow and said, "My bow is in my hand."

The archangel smiled: "My eyes are better, but I can see it roughly, but the perspective is problematic and I can't see everything clearly, so the game is paused and the video is played. This arrow is really amazing."

The leaders of the other two camps nodded, and the countess took out an image crystal.

With the injection of mana, the image crystal cast a huge light curtain.

All eyes were placed on the light curtain, and the picture replayed, but they still couldn't see the arrow speed too fast.

Then the picture was slowed down twenty times, and everyone saw Li Yao let go, and the arrow flew directly towards the army.

All the players are very puzzled, so many obstacles, obviously want to attack the skeleton in the front, why did not attack.

Soon they knew the reason, and the arrow hit the skull.

But the arrow directly penetrates through the gap between the ribs. You must know that the skeleton is running, not stationary. It can shoot through the ribs of the skeleton in motion. What an awesome archery skill this is, many people who know how to do it took a breath.

However, this was only the beginning, and the arrow passed through the gap in the ribs of the second skeleton.

Then the third, fourth, and fifth are golden skulls.

Everyone held their breath and kept watching.

The last thing that stood in front of Du Mixi was the Iron Goblin, which was a huge monster.

The audience frowned, the skeleton had a gap and penetrated, but how did this stone demon get around.

Soon they saw that when the stone demon shook his arm while running, there was a suspicious gap.

The arrow passed through the hand of the stone demon shaking his arm. In the slowed down picture, everyone saw Du Misi's proud expression. He grew up and was mocking Li Yao.

In this way, the arrow shot into the opponent's mouth, and then penetrated from the back of the head, directly killing Du Mixi in seconds.

The video was played faster and continuously from other angles, and everyone was shocked.

This is simply an impossible miracle arrow. This arrow is so fast that it can't make the other party react, making them unable to see what is going on.

If it penetrates a skeleton, it can be said to be a good archery skill. He is a master hunter, but it penetrates the gap between the ribs of two skeletons.

You know, the two skeletons are not stationary, and their running rhythm is different. In this case, if you want to pass through both, the difficulty has more than doubled.

This is not only the requirements for archery, but also the requirements for observation, judgment and anticipation are more than a little bit higher.

But this is not the end. It penetrates three, four, five, and even one stone demon.

That is, at this moment, the trajectory of the arrow is actually connected into a line, that is, it is only at this moment that it can pass through and kill the people behind.

This is simply an arrow of the gods, the arrow of miracles.




The various live broadcast rooms have been completely screened, and no language can express their mood at the moment.

"This Nima, is this still a human being."

"Uncle, this is luck."

"Luck, your sister, you give me a look of luck, not to mention an arrow, I let you shoot ten thousand arrows, can you have this luck?"

"Don't talk to the idiot, this can be done with luck, idiot."

"It's so amazing. They say that Li Yao has no archery skills. I didn't believe it, but now I believe it."

"I believe it too."

"This archery is so utterly explosive, I'm so satisfied with a tenth."

"You think too much. One percent of the skills of the Great God of Liaoyuan is enough for you."

"I only have one word of service in my heart now."

"Liaoyuan Great God, nothing else, you will be my idol from now on."

"Liaoyuan, I want to have a monkey with you."

"Liaoyuan, come to Room 385 of Guanghui Hotel tonight, and stay alone."

"Liaoyuan, invincible!"

"Liaoyuan, invincible!"

The originally silent arena was about to shatter the sky at this moment, and the huge sound was deafening.

Not only this arena, but also the actual scenes in various administrative regions are also deafening.

At this moment, there is no race or ethnic boundaries, and everyone vents from the heart. There was only an astonishing arrow in their hearts. This arrow not only allowed Li Yao to win, but also allowed Li Yao to completely recognize and recognize everyone watching the game.

At this moment, countless viewers who have not entered the game have a trace of yearning, and they will also enter the game.

It's not just the scene, there are countless people cheering in various communities, shopping malls, and even many public big screens, as if the world is following crazy.

At this moment, it belongs to Li Yao.

Feeling the endless roar and applause, the Peerless Demon Fairy said in the core channel: "From now on, apart from you, no hunter dares to claim the king."

Others did not refute. This stunning arrow made countless hunters who were not convinced by Li Yao desperate, but it also gave more hunters a goal to work hard, and they also saw the power of hunters.

As a hunter of the Beastmaster family, Li Yao, without summoning pets, can kill the 32 professional players in a flash, which is absolutely exciting news for the hunters.

Sister Li continued: "More than that, the video of this arrow will definitely top the list of best shots at an unprecedented speed."

Hitomi's eyes were also shining: "Hey, I knew I was playing hunter too."

Guardian Angel: "Unfortunately, you should have said a few words."

In the auditorium, Du Missi, who was originally lost and humiliated, sighed. He also hoped that his operation would be the best, but it was definitely not in this way.

However, no one cares what he thinks at this moment, and ordinary people will not remember who he is, this is a loser...

ps: Recommend a good friend's book, game category, title: Legend Thief. Author: bolted watermelon

Introduction: The top player Rek, known as [Quest Master] [God of Raiders], traveled to the game "Rodman World" he is familiar with.

Here, he knows everything, here, he changes everything.

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