MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 874: Controversy

"You trash, there's no place for you to speak here." Vereesa's tone was cold and his face was full of disgust: "I really don't know if the mage in Dalaran has a brain problem and asked you to come."

Ronin instantly flushed with anger, glaring at Vereesa, but did not respond, but continued to lower his head as if frustrated.

A hint of disappointment flashed in Vereesa's eyes and whispered, "What a useless man."

Taylor, the archer, seemed to be used to this kind of scene, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Li Yao was a little dumbfounded. Li Yao, who was born again, knew very well that Luo Ning and Vereesa were very loving couples.

The two even went into hiding for the sake of their children, one can imagine their feelings.

In the previous life, Luo Ning and Vereesa were named the most enviable couples.

You know, Ronin later became an archmage, and even became the leader of the Mage Capital. He could go to hermitage for Vereesa, and Vereesa, once also a ranger general, such a powerful woman, even in the high elves This is also a noble existence.

She actually married a human. You must know that the high elves have a life span of at least a thousand years, and even a human being an archmage is only a hundred years old, but Vereesa still married Ronin and had two children for him, but I want to know their feelings.

Compared with the sadomasochistic relationship between Princess Jaina and the Lich King, compared with the many moving but very bleak stories in the ancient gods, the two of them are really too happy.

However, Li Yao did not expect that the relationship between the two would be so bad when they first met.

Of course, through the Eye of Titans, although Li Yao could not see the specific attributes of the two, Li Yao could also see a lot of useful information.

Now Ronin and Vereesa are both camp-level leaders, and there is still a long way to go from world-class leaders. Of course, at their age, such strength is already shocking the world.

"I didn't expect that my mentor would have such a sister, it's a pity." Li Yao sighed.

"You're looking for death..." Vereesa was furious, but her expression changed before she even had an attack.

Li Yao's complexion also changed, and the two said at the same time: "Enemy attack!"

The two looked at each other, and Li Yao saw a hint of surprise in Vereesa's eyes, but this emotion was also fleeting.

The person in charge of the caravan also became serious: "What's the situation?"

Vereesa glanced at Li Yao and did not speak.

Li Yao said quickly: "There are about a thousand wolves who can reach the camp in five minutes."

The archer Taylor thought that Li Yao's strength was too weak, so he didn't believe it very much and looked at Vereesa.

Ronin also stood up and said: "I have sensed the hostility, although I am not sure of the specific amount."

Taylor sounded the small horn, and then countless people ran out of the tent.

Outposts in other directions were also dispatched urgently, but there were not many people in the caravan. Li Yao discovered that there was only one wizard, Luo Ning, and there were only more than 30 high elves. There are no more than fifty people in the caravan, and many of them are caravans, and there are no more than twenty combatants.

But there are still a lot of players, about a hundred people in total.

In less than three minutes, er, it has gathered for four weeks.

Taylor said loudly: "About a thousand wolves are about to attack us. They are all the elite of the wolves. They are very difficult to deal with. I, Moore, cut the caravan. I will definitely wish us a helping hand."

"It's easy to say, easy to tell."

"We were taken care of by the caravan all the way, we should."

The people in the caravan naturally have nothing to say, but the players, and players from different camps, have expressed their willingness to help.

There is a reason for this, just as they are not staying here for nothing, and the caravan will not let them contribute in vain if they make a move. In addition to making money, the more important thing is to brush up the reputation of the caravan.

Players now know very well that prestige is a good thing. To a certain extent, you can not only buy very unique things, but also get discounts.

Taylor breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I also ask the Master Master to take action, and I also ask the army to help. After the disaster, there will be a huge reward."

Ronin stood up, and the elements in his body began to vibrate: "It is incumbent."

Vereesa also nodded, expressing her permission.

"This brother, if you can help, there will be an afterthought after the catastrophe." Taylor is sincere and big, and he does not appear to be superior to Li Yaocai's third-order.

"I don't have to thank you. I wanted to borrow the night. I will do my best to be paid." Li Yao said indifferently. After speaking, he blew the whistle and summoned his pet.

Taylor's eyes lit up suddenly, especially when he saw the spider tank and the Hydra: "Brother is refreshing, I will invite you to drink after the war."


A purple light burst out from Ronin. He followed his huge staff to the ground, and a circle of golden shock waves spread out. Li Yao saw a lot of fine runes appear on the ground, as if forming a mysterious Law circle.

Gift of the magic god: through communication with the magic net, the magic net blessing is formed in the area, and the combat effectiveness of the friendly army is enhanced.

In an instant, the law circle enveloped the camp, and everyone was enveloped with a layer of purple light.

"It's up to you to I will try my best to hold on for a while." At this moment, Luo Ning is no longer shy and dull, and he is just two people.

The people of Tier 6 have been strengthened to a certain extent. Players who do not have Tier 6 will be strengthened to the level of Tier 6 as long as they reach level 30.

And Li Yao discovered that he had temporarily become the leader of the junior camp level.

This is the advantage of plot missions. Participating in historical events can often temporarily obtain matching combat effectiveness. Of course, this is also Ronin's special care for him. Ordinary players have only strengthened to the level of Yinying.

"Thank you." Li Yao gave his hand.

"Your pet is great, don't thank me." Luo Ning told the truth, he didn't take any special care of Li Yao, but Li Yao's pet was too strong. Only by strengthening Li Yao's pet can he exert greater combat effectiveness.

At this moment, Li Yao's pets have also undergone earth-shaking changes. One by one, they have become the leader of the faction level. They are extremely powerful. Many players have recognized Li Yao and have Li Yao's name.

"Sao Bao." Vereesa sneered: "Didn't you say that it is very easy for you to kill me at Tier VI?"

Li Yao was not afraid of anything now, and said, "You want to learn from each other, and I will accompany you after the war."

"I don't know how to play any tricks. Comparing is better than killing." Vereesa pointed to the jackals rushing in the distance, and said: "We will determine the targets one by one, and then we will kill together to see who kills. many."

"This is interesting, then compare." Li Yao directly replaced the Blue Moon Bow.

"My dear sister's arrogance, you have learned a lot, but you don't know how much you have learned her." Vereesa also changed a long bow, indicating that she would not win by weapons.

"It's less than 30%, but it's enough to win you." Li Yaosi is not outdone...

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