"I hope you will still be so stiff for a while. One~www.wuxiaspot.com~ want to see??·?" Although Vereesa is not young, she is only a young girl in the high elves.

He fell out with the queen because of various things, and because Li Yao was the queen's inheritor, he directly angered Li Yao.

Naturally, Li Yao will not show weakness. He knows his queen too much. If he shows weakness today, it is estimated that he will not want to have good fruit in the future.

Jackals are coming on fiercely, some simple obstacles can block some beasts, but it is not enough to intercept the jackals with high command.

Although these wolves are relatively primitive in society, they have already made some simple weapons, such as maces, bucklers, and weapons and equipment robbed from the hands of other highly intelligent creatures. Although they cannot bear to look directly at their military appearance , But they are indeed very tough.

Their physique and bloodline are very violent, and they will not lack combat effectiveness because of lack of armor and excellent weapons.

The two sides hit each other in an instant, Li Yao's side, because of Li Yao's pet, the line of defense was very stable.

Especially the poisonous snow of the Hydra has become even more domineering after becoming the sixth rank, and the speed of those jackals entering the domain of the snow is extremely slow.

The spider tank is like a barrier, and the elite jackal attack can only be bounced back.

The fire eagle sprinkled flames in the sky, and the multi-headed snakes were released to spew out the walls of fire, which the jackals could not pass.

"Let's start too." Li Yao said.

Vereesa frowned slightly: "Are you sure you a pet-like guy wants to try archery with me?"

"Naturally, it seems that you are really forgetful. If my archery fails, how can I pass the test of the beast god" Li Yao said impatiently: "Alright, let's start. Read a book?..."

Taylor said: "I will mark, you will attack the target."

Taylor said that he directly marked a distant gnoll shaman with a hunter mark. These shamans are the core of the gnoll’s attack. Not only can they bless the wolves and heal them, but they are also where the morale of the wolves is concentrated. A grassroots officer of the Jackal.


As soon as Taylor marked the two, he shot out, but Vereesa's arrow was faster than Li Yao's, and first attacked the Jackal.

The arrow that Vereesa's arrow used to kill the Jackal Man Li Yao also submerged into the opponent's body.

Vereesa sneered: "This is your archery, you have seen it."

"The battle has just begun. What anxious." Li Yao took a deep breath. Although his attributes have been improved, he is still far behind Vereesa. This kind of attack on the bright side is definitely not an advantage. This is him. The situation has been thought of for a long time, so there will be no discouragement at all.


Taylor marked the second one, and the two attacked again, but the result was the same as last time. Li Yao was also a step slower. This is no longer a question of sensitivity, and there is a complete suppression of attributes.

Then, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, and the ninth, Li Yao couldn't get a monster.

The battle has also entered a fierce heat. The jackals are determined to rob the caravan's supplies, even if the casualties are heavy, they don't mean to shrink.

"I don't think it needs to be compared, you are still far behind, but although your archery skills are not my opponent, you are already very good at this stage." Although Vereesa is proud, she also knows How did she win? In fact, she saw Li Yao's archery skills. She also saw nothing wrong. Every arrow is the key to attack. This is very rare, especially if the opponent is still a pet hunter.

Li Yao shook his head and said: "The game is not over yet, don't be happy too early."

"Okay, let's go to the end, but if my sister knows that you are overwhelming, there will be no good fruit to go back, especially since I heard that she still values ​​you more, but the more so, the more intolerable she is. Shasha, you were fined after you went back, don't blame me." Vereesa stunned.

"This is not something you should be concerned about. Go ahead." Li Yao narrowed his eyes slightly.

Tyler nodded and said, "The remaining targets are even more difficult. I killed nine other shamans at once. The other side is already fully alert and has begun to pay attention to hiding. It is difficult for me to mark them, and it is more suitable for your attack.

"You mark it." Vereesa said lightly.

Taylor made a helpless gesture to Li Yao, and then began to look for the target. In his opinion, it is impossible for Li Yao to win at all. The gap between the two sides is too great. In the situation just now, there is no opponent, and the other party hiding Li Yao is not an opponent.

Tyler directly marked a target, and neither of them shot arrows directly this time, because the marked target was very careful, and almost hid behind other jackals when advancing, and rarely appeared.

More importantly, the camp on their side and the other side are parallel and basic, and there is not much difference in height. If you want to attack the target, you need to wait for the opportunity. More importantly, there are surging jackals in front of them. It is not a simple matter to attack the opponent.

Of course, lob shots can be done, but the problem is that now in archery competitions, lob shots are definitely not available.

Li Yao didn't even know ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In this camp, there is a small anchor who is broadcasting live in the wilderness of the dangerous map, teaching players how to survive on the dangerous map.

After seeing Li Yao, it was broadcast live, and with the appearance of Li Yao, the number of people in this live broadcast room is also increasing.

After all, Li Yao is now truly known to the entire ancient gods. With his first place, he has a real reputation. Although I don't know how many people are unconvinced, few people doubt his skills anymore.

The situation of his game was also broadcast live, of course, he did not know. The audience is not optimistic about him anymore. After all, the opponent is a super boss, and it is too difficult for players to surpass others.

Li Yao didn't know this. He was completely concentrated at the moment, and his eyes turned dark blue. A large amount of data was passed into his mind, and after super-spiritual sorting and filtering, it was presented as an image.

Vereesa also frowned slightly, there were too many jackals in front of this shaman, and the other party deliberately avoided it, it was almost impossible to hit.

After all, she doesn't have his sister's divine bow that can ignore obstructing goals, and even if she has, she can't use it in the current competition.

Ten seconds passed in this way, and neither of them released the arrow in his hand.

When the audience was disappointed, Vereesa Mengran let go of the bowstring.


Wisdom passed through countless people's heads cleverly, but still missed the target, only six heads away from the target, Vereesa killed an elite jackal man.

"This is a little sleepy..."

Before Vereesa finished speaking, he saw Li Yao also loosen the bowstring...

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. to read.)

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