MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 879: Grim Reaper Form

Li Yao nodded: "Then we're going to make a decision like this, and then you will see my methods...??"

"Okay, I want to see what else you are capable of." Vereesa nodded and agreed with Li Yao's suggestion. Originally, she wanted to'figure out' what was going on.

"Then we can go to bed first. With our pets, plus they have suffered heavy losses, there should be no danger tonight."

Then the three of them were speechless, and all leaned on some goods to rest.

The next day, everyone followed the caravan to continue on their way. In order to avoid the enthusiastic players, Li Yao hid directly beside Vereesa and Ronin.

The two-level aura is too much, and the players have no chance to get close at all.

It is true that the players' current strength is still very weak, and bosses like Vereesa and the others are simply too lazy to take care of the players.

If it were not for Li Yao to be the inheritor of the'female' king, and later proved his strength with archery, I am afraid that Vereesa would not give him any good looks until now.

Of course, one night later, Vereesa reduced her original emotions and changed back to her original arrogant. Now she didn't give Li Yao any good looks, but she was tacitly agreeing that Li Yao summoned a nightmare next to them. Up.

In the afternoon, Li Yao simply summoned the Kodo beast to sleep on it, preparing for the night exploration.

In the evening, more than thirty rangers, plus Luo Ning and Li Yao separated from the caravan, had already entered the scout range of the Dragonmaw clan.

The evil orcs would not reason with them or do business with them freely.

Afterwards, everyone spent an hour'spending', and finally found a decadent'hole' and'cavity' when it was dark.

Luo Ning directly became a little fire man and entered the ‘dong’ and ‘acupoint’, and the ‘dong’ and ‘acupoint’ became dry in a while.

Everyone entered the ‘dong’ and ‘acupuncture’, and for stability, they even reinforced the ‘dong’ and ‘acupoint’.

Moreover, various magic items were used to organize items and divide the space.

In just twenty minutes, Li Yao even thought that he had returned to the realm of high spirits and entered the hotel opened by high spirits.

Atmospheric and gorgeous, this is the high spirit, even in the wilderness.

"I will explore the soul in a while. You don't have to worry about me. I won't really die in this state. You just need to keep my body." Li Yao did not explain to them, and lay directly on the'bed' . Then moved the skills.

Li Yao appeared in the form of a black lich like a **** of death. Seeing the body lying on the'bed', Li Yao also had a weird feeling, not to mention Ronin and Vereesa.

"You, you actually study undead magic, this, this is a taboo." Ronin stammered.

Vereesa rolled her eyes: "You are stupid, his mentor is my sister, who is also the current dark'female' king. Tell him what is the taboo of undead magic."

Li Yao made a one-handed move, and the death sickle floated in front of him. The chains on Li Yao danced, and the huge sickle split into four directly. Two hung at the ends of the two chains, and the two "crossed". The fault is directly attached to his back.

"I feel that extreme decay is the breath of death." Luo Ning frowned and looked at the rusty sickle.

Vereesa frowned and said: "I feel the smell of the artifact."

"I don't have time to explain to you, you just stay here, if you are discovered, you will also take my body with you." Li Yao reminded at last.

"Unless I die, otherwise I will keep your'flesh' body." Luo Ning said solemnly.

"It's not that serious, then I'll go and wait for my news." Li Yao's figure faded directly and disappeared into the air.

Although Li Yao entered the stealth state, Du did not slow down in the slightest, and he was blessed by Ronin now, and he was now at level sixty.

Grim Batol, like the other cities of the dwarves, are built on mountains, not only that, they often hollow out the belly of the mountain as the main body of the city.

Even so, sporadic orc camps are still stationed on the outskirts of the city, and you can see the flames of the camps far away.

Li Yao bypassed these camps very easily. It was not how powerful Li Yao was. It was true that the evil orcs were not afraid of small-scale people entering their main city.

The Orc Legion itself is very ‘elite’, and the Dragonmaw clan is even the ‘Elite’ of the ‘Elite’. Together with the dragon army in the city now, it seems to all the orcs that this is simply inflexible.

Li Yao put three hunter-form skills in the skill bar along the way. According to this mission, Li Yao chose the Dark Arrow, Sonic Blast Arrow, and Charged Arrow.

The effects of their own skills are the same, but the way they are released is very different.

In addition, the Death Scythe turned the long-range spell into a melee skill, and Li Yao was familiar with the changed skills along the way.

For example, the Arrow of Darkness actually becomes the symbol of throwing the sickle, and the Sonic Blast arrow is also the symbol of throwing the sickle.

The Charged Arrow turned into a Charged Attack. This is where Li Yao values ​​this skill the most. It can maximize the damage at a critical time.

Along the way, Li Yao has found many monsters to try, and basically has an understanding of every skill.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, Li Yao finally arrived at the ‘gate’ of Grim Batol. Li Yao saw four orc guards standing at the ‘gate’ of the city. After a while, there were still mobile patrols.

Li Yao directly threw the detonation sickle, and now there were still orcs standing guard inside the city wall, but the distance was relatively far away.

"Just use you to try this Reaper's form to match the power of the Reaper's Scythe." These guards are actually Silver Ying, of course, the sixth-order'Yin' Shadow Dragonmaw Orcs must be equivalent to the Silver Ying of Warcraft, not ordinary silver. English.

In fact, the current two chains are his current arms. With the swing of the chains, two rusty sickles flew towards the two guards with gloomy light.

The two guards were pierced into the neck by a sickle as soon as they felt the movement.

Two orcs clutched their necks and made a **** ho sound, and the other two guards hurriedly shouted, holding them up and now they are breathless.

However, the security guards also screamed, and a black air followed their hands holding the dead into their bodies.

Reaper’s Poison: The avatar of the Reaper is matched with the Reaper’s Scythe. If hit by the Scythe, the effect will be touched. It will constantly ‘pump’ the opponent’s soul power and vitality to replenish the Scythe, and the target will be infected.

Seeing the pain of these two orcs made Li Yao take a breath. Although the blood volume drops very slowly, the pain of'drawing' souls can definitely affect the opponent's combat effectiveness.

Death puppet!

A black gas flashed in Li Yao's eyes, and the two fallen corpses suddenly merged together. Together with the stone bricks and the moment, they quickly turned into a huge monster puppet.

This is another spell that has changed, allowing any dead object to form a puppet of any shape... 8

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