The corpses of the two orcs were wrapped in the ‘chaotic’ stone of ‘chaos’ and ‘chaos’, forming a huge puppet over three yards. . :.

The two infected orcs were directly hit by the two huge rocks. They were originally unprepared, and directly flew upside down and hit the city wall behind them.

The puppet rumbled and fought with the two orcs. At this moment, the two orcs did not know that Li Yao had already spread their wings and flew directly into an aerial mount flight passage at the top of the city's gate.

Although the dwarves are small, they admire the hugeness of the Titans, so the buildings they build are all based on the Titans, not to mention the hugeness of the dwarves, even for humans.

The human city’s gate has dozens of yards and is already a super high fortress, but the dwarf’s city gate has hundreds of yards, and the flight path is above the city’s gate.

Li Yao directly used Shadow Dun, and then entered a sneaking state, two chains with sickles constantly

An alarm sounded on the city's gate, and the orcs inside the city's gate and the nearby patrol team quickly galloped toward the gate.

"Monsters, there are monsters."

As the guards screamed, the guards who came to join the battle.

Li Yao ‘lu’ smiled, even if he was sneaking, it would be very difficult for him to dive in completely. It would be much easier to attract the attention of the patrol here.

If someone looked up at the top a few hundred yards above, they would definitely see the sickle marks on the top of the ‘hole’, and listen carefully, and would hear the sound of chains.

This is his characteristic ‘character’, and it will not disappear with his disappearing voice.

At the ‘gate’ of the city, the puppet soon fell apart under the siege of more than two dozen guards and fell into a pile of rubble.

However, just as the orc guards relaxed, the two entities on the ground exploded.

The three orcs who had just relaxed were immediately blown up, and the flesh and blood of the bombing were smashed.


The skeleton of the exploded corpse stood up and attacked the dazed soldier again.

A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the remaining guards who had reacted, but they still began to besiege the two bones.

"What the **** is this?"

"Hurry up and report to your superiors that a monster has invaded."

Although the two are not weak, the orcs are crowded and powerful, and the two bones also fell under the siege.

But no one dared to approach the corpses of the few remaining orcs anymore. There were no undead spells in the magic of the orcs, especially the self-enclosed Dragonmaw clan, and they didn't even understand the overall situation of the entire ancient god.

And Li Yao has already traveled a long way while taking advantage of the ‘chaos’ and ‘chaos’.

The city of dwarves was built in the middle of the mountain. Li Yao knew very well that a real city of dwarves was generally divided into four parts.

Three of them are circular. In fact, the cities of the dwarves are basically circular. There are huge underground cities in the outer ring, middle ring, inner ring, and even the main city.

Grim Batol, in the previous life, this was a sixty-level five-person copy. Of course, it was no longer the Dragonmaw Orcs, but the black dragon headed by the black dragon dragon queen.

Li Yao was also impressed. Although it was different from the one occupied by the black dragon, it was still the same overall.

Li Yao doesn’t need to do anything else, he just needs to find out the true strength of the Dragonmaw clan here and the position of the Red Dragon Female King. If possible, Li Yao even wants to talk to the Red Dragon Female King in person. .

The Red Dragon "Female" King has existed for endless years. Although the fighting power is not the strongest, she has always been the eldest sister of the Five Dragon Kings. Before the Black Dragon King fell, she also respected the wise Red Dragon "Female" King very much.

It is very difficult for them to find a way to save the Red Dragon "Female" king, and the Red Dragon "Female" king should have a way.

It's just that she is completely controlled by the Demon Soul, and the other dragons dare not act rashly.

And Li Yao knew very well that the Demon Soul did not accidentally fall into Nekruth's hands. There is a bigger ‘conspiracy’ behind him, and Li Yao must be cautious.


With the sound of the broken chains, Li Yao kept on.

But two chains replaced his arms, he only needed mind control, and the lich's body was extremely light, which allowed him to move forward on the top of the mountain.

The orcs were clearly alert, and Li Yao had to become more careful.

"This side should be a passage, and there is no air passage. It must be killed."

Li Yao directly released a sonic boom, and the passage from the outer ring to the inner ring appeared in Li Yao's mind.

"There are sixteen Yinying levels in total, and there are actually two leaders. This is a bit troublesome." Li Yao frowned slightly. He could kill one or two Yinying in seconds, but adding two leaders would not be easy to deal with.

Li Yao calculated the farthest patrol team from here, and quickly figured out a solution in his mind.

Soon, a plan appeared in Li Yao's mind.

Below, basically four orcs gathered together and were in the passage.

The two leaders were constantly patrolling back and forth, and Li Yao reached the first group of orcs in the periphery.

Because the passage is relatively low, only a hundred yards, and the sound of Li Yao's chain in the passage has been heard, the four orcs raised their heads.


All the four orcs looked up, but what they saw was a huge sickle. Normally the sickle was rusty and ugly.

But during the battle, the sickle became extremely weird, as if the soul would be absorbed at a glance.

But at this moment of distraction, the huge sickle had fallen down like lightning.

Charge up!


An orc guard was dismembered directly and fell unwillingly in his eyes.

Death reap!

The huge sickle Meng Ran split into four, flying out like a dart.

The three orcs who were about to attack Li Yao ‘plugged’ a sickle into their foreheads, and the nearest group of orcs roared towards Li Yao.

With a flick of Li Yao's chains, the two drag chains entangled the Death Scythe, which was reincarnation of a huge sickle.

He just floated in place and quietly watched the orcs rushing over.

"Damn it, kill this monster."

The patrol officer in the distance roared, and at the same time he ‘drew’ his weapon and rushed towards the distance.


When several orcs rushed to use the skills on him, Li Yao flashed.

Li Yao appeared forty yards away and leaned behind the pillar, and said faintly: "Blast!"

The body exploded!

The four corpses that fell on the ground exploded directly, and the four orcs were completely caught off guard, and were directly killed by the blast.

"Monster, you die for me."

The general who ran over saw his desire to split.


The eight corpses formed a giant puppet under the traction of a certain force, and the giant puppet immediately intercepted Ang.


Li Yao waved the chain, and the four sickles flew like lightning to the four other guards who came.

"Damn, when I don't exist."

Another orc leader in the distance stopped in front of the four guards with a big jump, waved his double swords and quickly slashed on the flying sickle...


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