MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 895: Encounter again

Xinghuo's actions this time were too big to hide. . :.

Compared with the excitement and joy of the Spark players, the players of other guilds are envious and jealous, what is the picture of playing the game, and what is the reason for joining the guild. Xinghuo’s membership benefits are relatively high. Everyone knows that Xinghuo’s president is rich in wealth.

And this time it was even more domineering to obtain so much equipment, which was actually half a gift to the members of Spark.

The members of Xinghuo admired Li Yao to the extreme, not to mention it now.

If it is said that Xinghuo has achieved impressive results in the competition, Li Yao's domineering win opened the fuse for players from other administrative regions to join Xinghuo.

Then this time the fuse is still the "pill" barrel, not only the idle players in China, but also idle players in other administrative regions are eager to join Xinghuo, and Xinghuo's sub-guilds are once again rapidly expanding.

Among them, the hostile guilds of Xinghuo are the ones in a bad mood, and those guilds whose bosses were robbed by Xinghuo, even gritted their teeth.

In fact, although Xinghuo's harvest is rich, one person can't do a piece of equipment, but this activity is mainly to let Xinghuo's equipment and items completely circulate.

If you want to exchange points for your favorite equipment, you must either do guild missions, or exchange gold coins for points, of course, you can also exchange equipment for points.

But the task is too slow, it takes time, and the equipment may be replaced by others, so many people can't wait to exchange gold coins and equipment for points.

But if you don’t want or the equipment that’s not good for you doesn’t mean that others don’t need it. In this way, the equipment of the members of Spark will be circulated within the Spark Guild.

Moreover, as the gold ‘color’ equipment in the guild’s warehouse is continuously being exchanged and reduced, it has ‘stimulated’ this trend.

There is no price reduction for gold equipment, and even points are used to describe massive amounts.

But no one complains. The reason is simple. You can redeem for gold in Xinghuo. But apart from Spark, which guild has this kind of strength, let alone the warehouses of other guilds, even the auction house can't see the figure of gold.

Occasionally, a gold outfit will be auctioned to sky-high prices, let alone ordinary players, even for the masters, gold outfits are now unquestionable.

Xinghuo's atmospheric method greatly increases the sense of honor and cohesion of Xinghuo members.

This is what the hostile guilds worry about, especially the Shengshi Guild, which originally had high hopes for this mission, but it turned out to be a scam, so that's all, and it was even tricked by Li Yao.

So Sheng Shi deeply felt the threat of Xinghuo.

Of course Li Yao knew that with his action this time, many guilds would be more targeted at Spark, but Li Yao didn't care.

He knows very well that even those who should hate Xinghuo still hate it.

This incident was at best a catalyst. Li Yao knew that even without this incident, the port issue mentioned by the "Female" king would also erupt.

At that time, it must be a joint suppression of Xinghuo. Since this situation is inevitable, Li Yao does not need to be polite. If you can increase Xinghuo's strength, it will increase a little.

Moreover, Li Yao already had a certain degree of confidence in Xinghuo's strength. At that time, the battle for regional control of Xinghuo would inevitably break the siege and let Xinghuo open up a second guild station.

For the competition and conception of the new region, Li Yao is bound to win, because this opportunity is too rare.

If a good port is established in the Western Continent, it will not only be a transportation issue on the east and west roads that carry the dark camp, but also related to the dark camp's connection and control over the Western Continent.

There are also many benefits for Xinghuo, the most important of which is that with the expansion of Xinghuo, you can fully expand your power and strength to the inland of this area, not just the port.

More importantly, if the ports of Shazhou are connected, it can form an important east-west mainland route. Spark will inevitably have a lot of money. This kind of income is much more reliable than Li Yao's experience in the previous life. .

In fact, it was not a last resort. Li Yao rarely used the direction of his previous life to earn gold coins, and he just had to do it once when he started.

Li Yao knew that if a healthy guild operated on this kind of equipment that seemed to be acquired, it would not be normal and would not last long.

I know a lot, but there is an end in the end, and with the emergence of the butterfly effect, a lot of experience from the previous life may not be useful, and even many activities have been advanced or disappeared. Li Yao knew very well.

In fact, if Li Yao was willing, he would make as many gold coins as he wanted, but he did not.

In addition to its first start-up capital, Xinghuo has now embarked on a path of self-sufficiency. When a port is added, Xinghuo will develop in a healthy and orderly manner.

Only when members feel that Spark is the result of their efforts to develop together can they have cohesion and a sense of belonging, and relying solely on Li Yao, then Spark can only become a vanity fair.

This is not what Li Yao wants to see.

Above the Hell Scorpion, Li Yao took Vereesa and Luo Ning on the way, but he himself was thinking about these issues, and his thoughts were more clear.

Ronin was alone, together with Vereesa and his subordinates, the team was no more than 30 people. After disguising, they rushed to Grim Batol like a cult.

"Sir, there are more than fifty thousand weak recruits in front of you." A ranger jumped off from the dragon eagle partner and said.

"Weak recruit..." Vereesa looked at Li Yao.

Li Yao nodded and said, "It should be those of last night, but what makes me curious is why they stay in such a dangerous place in a weak state."

"Could there be another group of people entrusting them?"

Ronin's brows also Although he didn't have much contact with recruits, he understood that these recruits had the mentality to get together when they saw the benefits and withdraw when they didn't.

"Why don't I go and see, we are also alone now." Li Yao suggested.

Vereesa nodded: "Also."

Soon a group of people came to a nearby cemetery, which really formed a huge camp.

These weak and resurrected players are chatting and farting in their respective guild camps, or playing Hearthstone or Gwent cards, or playing pets against each other, which is very lively.

They have already removed their disguise, and seeing high-level NPCs, the leaders of these guilds gathered to the periphery one after another.

"President Liaoyuan, it's actually you." Instant Fanghua and their faces looked at Li Yao on the Hell Scorpion with complex expressions, and beside him was the full-level senior camp leader.

Thinking of Li Yao's appearance of a "hole" and "acupoint" yesterday, and now appearing in it again, there must be some good tasks...

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