MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 896: Pull down

Li Yao also smiled and said: "It's really where we don't meet in life. I didn't expect us to meet again so soon..."

Cousin Sheng Shi sneered: "You are very moisturizing, you have caused us so miserable, now come to see us joke."

Li Yao frowned slightly: "The meal can be eaten in a mess, but you can't say it in a mess. What caused you to be so miserable. It's because you don't believe that you were fooled by the Black Dragon Princess, and you blame me. I don’t remember this pot, and I can’t afford it."

"Hehe, you have collected all of our equipment. The biggest winner is you. There is also the robbing of the boss. Our account has not been calculated yet." The cousin Sheng Shi wanted to make more people hate Li Yao. , And then hate Xinghuo.

"I don’t want to explain more about this, and I think it’s correct to do it. Dushan’s cave has been sealed. Even without me, the equipment doesn’t belong to you anymore. As for grabbing the leader’s spoils, anyone can do it. Just say a few words, only you and some big guilds can’t say that you know what your own virtues are.” Li Yao’s face became dark and dark: “It’s ridiculous. You just **** the boss of idle players. Of course, if I **** your boss, you won’t be able to stand it anymore, so I will hehe.”

The heads of other guilds were going to say something, but they were silent when they heard Li Yao's words.

The flame red'lips' said: "Well, I don't think this matter has the meaning of arguing at all. There is nothing to talk about if the skills are not as good as people. The blind entanglement is just the work of the weak. Since your prosperity hates Xinghuo and Liaoyuan so much, now You can do it all by himself, so much nonsense."

Xiao Yudi also muttered: "A big man, so much nonsense, is he really a man."

His cousin's face turned dark immediately, and he stopped talking. He didn't want to quarrel with the other party to affect the relationship with other large guilds.

Shengshi has suffered successive setbacks and has fallen behind other large guilds. It is the time to keep a low profile. It is very unwise to recruit other large guilds now.

He doesn't care about Xinghuo, but he can't care about the guild that is not weaker than the flourishing age.

It is now the strategy of Shengshi to'communicate' with other large guilds and suppress guilds that are threatening to Shengshi.

Li Yao didn't even look at his cousin Shengshi, but asked, "Why are you still here."

Setsuna Fanghua said: "So many of us have been deceived like this. It's really a bit unwilling, so we are waiting for the weak time to pass."

Li Yao was startled and said, "Do you still have ideas about this city?"

Setsuna Fanghua nodded and said, "Almost, we have been strengthened to Tier 6, and there are still two days left, so we don't need to spend any more time."

Li Yao understood that it can be cancelled if it is strengthened, but it is a shame to cancel it.

But at this stage, they have little experience in killing low-level monsters, and the boss is the same, and they won't drop anything.

Only monsters above Tier 6 can be killed, not only are they down here, but more importantly, they are now crowded and can do a big vote.

After all, killing the monsters here basically drops merit cards, which can produce more valuable things and equipment.

Li Yao whispered: "The power of these people should not be underestimated, I think they can be used."

Ronin was puzzled, Vereesa frowned: "You mean you can let them be on the periphery?"

"Well, that's what I meant, but I just perform the task, and you have to make up your mind." The more important thing is the reward. He can't afford so many people.

Suddenly Fanghua saw Li Yao and the two NPCs muttering, and his eyes lit up suddenly. With two NPCs as advanced, he must be a famous expert.

And based on their knowledge of Li Yao, the possibility of being deceived is very small.

"I wonder who these two are?"

Li Yao said: "Let me introduce, this is Vereesa Windrunner, the leader of the silver'color' dawn. In this way, the Windrunner family has always been a ranger general with high spirits, second only to The royal family. By the way, I hope the "female" king is my mentor and her sister."

The people in these trade unions were shocked. Now, who really doesn’t know that the “female” king, one of the decision makers of the dark camp, and the “female” king of the undead city, possesses extraordinary qualities among the high spirits. Influence, especially when the royal prince is alone, and it is said that he is still far away from Outland.

Everyone hurriedly bowed, and they were very happy. There were no fools present, and they knew that the opportunity was here.

Li Yao went on to say: "This is Luo Ning, Dalaran from the Mage City, and also a proud disciple of one of the Kirin Tor Council of Six."

Everyone was surprised again. The City of Masters is not a secret, but the game has been open for so long that no one can enter the city.

In fact, up to the player's current level, the location of the Mage City is no longer a secret.

However, Dalaran, the city of wizards, has always been shrouded in a light purple barrier. Outsiders can only see the magnificent spires of the city of wizards, which are full of high spirits, but no one can enter. .

Many players are guarding the exit and want to accept the task, but these mages are too arrogant, and they simply ignore the players. This is still an anecdote on the forum.

Of course Li Yao knew that the current Dalaran was very closed, not to mention players, even people from other human kingdoms could not enter.

Facing everyone's enthusiastic and even burning eyes, Luo Ning was a little uncomfortable, you know, people in Dalaran are now avoiding him.

Setsuna Fanghua saluted: "Presumably both of them have important tasks and missions. I don't know how we can help."

Vereesa thought for a while and said: "You are on standby temporarily. Liaoyuan will notify you when you need to start. If you achieve your goal, I don't mind giving you a corresponding return."

Flame Red'Lip' then asked: "What is the limit on the number of participants?"

Vereesa shrugged and said: "You can actually ask Li Yao'Lu' smiled and looked at everyone.

Everyone was itchy with hate, this Nima, why they had to ask Liaoyuan for their release of the task, or whether it was such an exaggeration, how could it seem that he had become the leader.

But even though they were extremely aggrieved and unhappy, there was nothing to do. The loss was too great this time and must be compensated accordingly, and this task must be seized.

"You don't want to betray you, hurry up and talk about our arrangements." Instant Fanghua rolled his eyes, it's really impermanent.

"It's very simple. You should know that there are still many orc strongholds outside Grim Batol. Your task is to'remove' these strongholds and try to'make' the movement as big as possible so that the orcs in this city can support. The more chaotic the better, so there is no limit to the number of you, and the more the better. If you can pull people now, I can make Ronin help the newcomers strengthen again."

Li Yao paused for a while before continuing: "As for your rewards, in addition to the prestige of the silver'color' dawn and Dalaran, there are also merits. You can exchange it with the quartermaster at that time. You should be clear about the value of opening a new prestige. There are so many specialties with each powerful quartermaster."...

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