MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 931: Fight alone

"You are not joking. Ranw?en???`" Instant Fanghua was stunned: "You are dispatched, this is not a joke."

Li Yao nodded and said: "Yes, if there are no accidents, there is no need to show other cards. I took the shot myself to complete the decapitation, and maimed them one by one."

"Don't make trouble, you are the Dinghai Shenzhen of Spark. You can resurrect you if you hang it here. If you hang it elsewhere, it's hard to find. And there is no tank and healing. You have a crispy skin, even if you attack high. , But you can't help it even in the face of siege." Setsuna Fanghua persuaded.

The other two presidents also hurriedly persuaded that whether they can win now depends on Xinghuo. If Li Yao died, it would definitely have a big blow to morale.

"I didn't make trouble. This is to maximize the effect. I basically don't make much contribution on the ship. The fleet command has guards, and the battle has demon girls." Li Yao said: "I don't need me at all, and even if I die, it will affect No battle."

"Forget it, anyway, you have a chance to resurrect, but if you can't, you can change to the warlord and run away." Seeing that Li Yao was determined, Fanghua refused to persuade him.

And as Li Yao said, the current spark has long since been the spark that rose from Li Yao's light.

Now that Xinghuo has his own thoughts and pride, it is no longer because Li Yao can influence Xinghuo too much.

"You can sit down with a few guild leaders. If you have any thoughts and actions, you can directly discuss with the enchantress." Li Yao said and jumped directly into the sea.

When he was about to fall into the water, Li Yao drank the underwater breathing potion, and when he entered the water, the dark touch on Li Yao's arms and feet spread wildly.

Then, without Li Yao's special force, with the dancing of countless tentacles, Li Yao moved downstream like an arrow from the string, at an extremely fast speed.

This is another invisible effect of Touch of Darkness.

The water was not very calm, and Li Yao could clearly see that many players were actually using chisels to gouge the ship underneath the Starfire battleship, apparently trying to penetrate the battleship.

Li Yao laughed dumbly, regardless of these idiots, just stay away.

It seems that other guilds also have ideas and cards, and they can come up with any method.

However, Li Yaosi is not worried. If it is an ordinary ship, it is not too difficult to pierce through. But this is a battleship, which is made of very strong iron and wood, and swords are hard to damage. With the reinforcement of the circle, I want to pierce through. It's just a dream.

Of course, this can also be seen. In fact, many guilds have made preparations from all aspects. If Xinghuo uses not warships, it is estimated that it has been calculated.

When seeing Li Yao, the players' eyes flashed with surprise, and then they spread news, and some even wanted to besiege Li Yao.

It's just that Li Yao didn't bother to pester these guys. They were willing to do a lot of useless work and just continue to do well. There was no need to waste time trying to kill them.

There are too many players falling into the water now, and he can't kill him either.

Other players can only look at Li Yao's back and scold the street. Li Yao's speed is too fast, faster than Yuyu, where are they opponents.

At the same time, Li Yao started to do two things.

In the sky, the fire eagle suddenly lowered the height of its flight, flying quickly over the battlefield.

"Sheng Shi is really a veteran and cunning, actually hiding the command ship here." Li Yao looked for the target through the perspective of Fire Eagle.

In fact, the only difference between the flag of the command ship and the ordinary flag is that it has a layer of gold rim, and with so many guilds with the eyes of a fire eagle, it is too easy to find a command ship.

The first thing Li Yao wanted to destroy was Shengshi. You don’t need to think that this action was led by Shengshi, or planned by one hand. Let’s not say whether Xinghuo can survive this crisis this time, but Li Yao will not be able to survive it. We must eliminate the culprit of Shengshi.

Now Shengshi's fleet is already in a disabled state. If their command ship is destroyed, then Shengshi will be truly eliminated.

Puff puff puff puff puff...

The second round of Xinghuo's Hundred Hunting Crossbow was launched, which once again caused terrible damage. This rapid and large-scale killing is really terrifying, and it has become a nightmare for hostile players.

In order to compete for the battleship of Spark, the battle on a battleship has also entered a white-hot state.

Xinghuo dispatched a reserve team to stabilize the situation, but the enemy was too strong and already occupied a corner on the battleship.

"It's the prosperous age. It depends on how you can laugh later."

Li Yao determined the coordinates, and the touch of darkness danced wildly, pushing Li Yao to swim quickly in the sea.

Only two minutes later, Li Yao was near the target location. The Fire Eagle was positioned very accurately. At this moment, the Fire Eagle was hovering in the sky.

"I always have a bad feeling in my heart." The beast whisperer looked at the fire eagle hovering in the sky with a gloomy expression.

The fire eagle is too conspicuous, just like a small sun, it can't be unnoticeable.

"This **** beast, is it that Liaoyuan is watching us? I heard that this product is very powerful for multi-tasking?" Sheng Shi Kuang Shao also cursed, this fire eagle is too hateful, he can't attack even if he wants to attack.

The animal whisperer smiled bitterly: "Don’t doubt He must be directing the Firehawk. He is not one mind with two purposes, but one mind with multiple purposes. I still do it very reluctantly. The trial of the beast **** is completed only when the arrow is good. Ordinary people can't do it even if they can't use the arrow with one heart and two. But as many pets as Liaoyuan can summon, only four appear. And I think this is not his limit. , How horrible you want to be."

Sheng Shi Kuang didn’t care: “No matter how powerful he is, what can he do? There are so many wars at the level of the ancient gods. No matter how powerful a player is, he can only be a member. Besides, he has a crispy skin and dares to break into us alone. Military formation?"

"That's right, shit, be careful..."

What the Beast Whisperer was saying, he saw Li Yao bending his bow and shooting arrows through his crab pet in the water. He kicked Sheng Shi Kuang Shao away with a quick kick, and he himself squatted under the ship's side.


At this time, a cold light flew by, and the sharp arrow shot directly on the head of a player behind Sheng Shi Kuang Shao, and was directly killed by a spike.

"Damn it, what are you doing?" Sheng Shi Kuang Shao called out and saw the player fall beside him.

Before he could continue to react, the beast whisperer yelled: "Liaoyuan, do you know that the dark arrow hurts people? You'd better run as soon as we don't react."

Prosperity Kuang Shao was stunned. He just said Liaoyuan, but he didn't expect that Liaoyuan would really come. Do you want this, but he quickly reacted.

He stood up and smiled and said: "Run, let's be late now, the guild water ghost team is ready to send out and hunt me down a prairie fire, he is right below."

But the water ghost team saw a wave crashing on the boat before it even started, and then heard a cold voice: "No trouble, I'm coming up by myself."

However, seeing Li Yao at this moment, the smile of his cousin Shengshi who was holding the winning ticket instantly solidified...

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