MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 932: Monster out of the cage

Along with the huge waves, Li Yao stood on a huge sea monster with his hands bent. Has also crossed into the air.

Everyone was stunned. When did Li Yao have such a terrifying pet?

Moreover, the size is so huge and terrifying, you don't need to think about attack power, just this body is huge, and it is a leader of the race.

Everyone was in a daze, but Li Yao didn't. As the sea monster jumped out of the water, the bowstring in Li Yao's hand kept trembling.

Arrows were continuously shot at the crispy healing on the ship. These players are now shocked because of his appearance in this way, and they were shot by an arrow without responding.

"Quickly go away." The Beast Whisperer roared, and then started a back jump.

Sheng Shi Kuang Shao also activated the life-saving skills in an instant. After a while, the huge figure of the big sea monster fell directly on the ship.


In the eyes of the audience, the deck of the ship shattered as the big monster fell, and then the ship was smashed to pieces.

A large number of players turned their backs on their horses, many were directly shocked and fell into the water in embarrassment, some unlucky ones were directly killed, and some were directly shocked and landed on other ships.


Then there was a bigger wave impacting around, and the body of the big monster had sunk into the water again.

And behind Li Yao spread his wings, not flying, but in a state of sliding. When the big sea monster jumped the highest, he also jumped up.

"Sheng Shi, this game is better to be a spectator."

Following Li Yao's words, Li Yao once again shot an arrow in his hand.

"Liaoyuan, Nima..." Sheng Shi Kuang Shao wanted to stabilize his figure in the sea embarrassingly, but before he finished cursing, he felt that his eyes went dark, and he was shot directly by Li Yao.

"Beast Whisperer, right? I'll teach you a good one today, let you do everything you can, and you can beat it with one punch in the face of absolute strength."

The Beast Whisperer can be shot in the water as the sea water churns, and there is no chance to dodge Li Yao's arrow.

His eyes are full of unwillingness, he has calculated everything, in his opinion he has arranged enough.

And it did completely encircle Xinghuo. Victory is clearly in sight. Why does this always happen? Is this Liaoyuan really his nemesis? Why does he always break away every time he encounters the opponent.

But Li Yao didn't care about that much. He was completely shot and killed by Li Yao as he glided one by one, not giving Sheng Shi the slightest chance to comeback.

When the surrounding players responded and attacked Li Yao, Li Yao directly removed his wings and plunged his body directly into the sea, all of those violent attacks failed.

Everyone saw the huge shadow of the water monster appear, and Li Yao disappeared directly on top of the sea monster.

Just leave the only a few glorious ships around and don't know what to do.

Meow, with the sinking of the ship, where a small whirlpool formed, the body of the person Li Yao shot fell directly into the bottom of the sea, and it was impossible to fight and resurrect.

Suddenly the two leaders of Shengshi died, and they were suddenly at a loss.

The audience didn't recover until this time, and basically everyone was shocked by the scene just now.

They couldn't believe their eyes, and the entire public screen was boiling.

Li Yao didn't care about this, the Fire Eagle kept flying and hovering in the sky, re-identifying a command ship.

Another Starfire enemy guild commanded ship in China, and they hadn't fully figured out what was going on because of the perspective.

After all, there are too many ships here, and the area occupied is too wide to see how far.

The Beast Whisperer also hung up, that is, was eliminated, and it was no longer possible to talk to them privately to explain the situation.


As they watched the nearby channels to understand the situation, the players of this guild command ship discovered that four huge heads appeared on each side of the ship's ship.

"Hey, it's been a long time since we were making waves so happily. The master asked us to act alone, but we can't mess things up." The Ice Snake activated the skill as he said, and the snow fluttered down.

"The sea is our territory, and we can't lose to that stupid sea monster." The poisonous snake also launched a poisonous mist, accompanied by snowflakes that fell on the command ship player.

These players found that their actions suddenly became extremely slow, and their blood volume began to drop continuously.

They were still watching the situation described by the people on the regional channel just now, without the slightest precaution.


However, covered in poisonous snow, their actions were extremely slow.

"Stop talking nonsense, sink this place." The dark snake's head was directly wrapped around the mast.

The weight of the Hydra was hung on the ship, and the ship sank suddenly, and then the sound of the plank breaking was heard everywhere.

"Look at me." A yellow light flashed in the eyes of the Earth Snake, and the entire Hydra was covered with an extremely heavy earth armor.

The Hydra was originally extremely large and heavy, and the ship could not bear it. Now it was covered with a heavier earth armor, and the ship suddenly collapsed.

"Ice burst!"

With the disintegration of the ship, the Ice Snake also launched an ice Numerous blood stings exploded from the bodies of players on a large number of ships, and they died miserably.

After a while, the Hydra sank into the sea, leaving only the wreckage of the broken ship and countless corpses covered in ice.

Seeing the situation here, the surrounding players felt like needles all over, and their hearts were even colder.

Now that the pain is getting more and more real, it is really not a comfortable thing to kill the blame.

What's more, this kind of blood was frozen and then exploded to death from the inside out. Just thinking about it made the whole body chill.

With the destruction of the command ship, another guild entered a disabled state.


Li Yao's figure appeared again, and the huge sea monster violently sank a command ship.

Li Yao is like a phantom, leaving the coalition forces helpless. This is already the twentieth command ship that Li Yao has destroyed.

The coalition forces have been completely frightened. They learned about the situation and made various preparations.

When attacking the sea monster, the blood volume of the sea monster was too high, and Li Yao was too cunning to catch it at all.

It was even more tragic in the sea. They were not fast enough, and directly became food for the two sea monsters.

Even the most basic delaying effect can't be achieved, and the siege of the Spark Fleet is not very smooth.

The opponent's hundred hunting crossbow is too terrifying, as long as their offensive is fierce, the opponent will use the hundred hunting crossbow to clear the field, that kind of lethality is really terrifying.

The coalition forces are even more frantically attacking Starfire’s battleships. The elite of the coalition forces and the Spark Reserve team fought for an hour and a half. Although they occupied half of the battleship and caused heavy casualties to Spark players, the battleships were still firmly controlled in the hands of Starfire. Can not enter the interior of the battleship, nor can it affect the rudder...

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