MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 962: Decisive moment

The faces of the coalition forces are not pretty. In fact, even the 6th coalition forces can see the monstrous waves. Originally, they were worried about letting the guys on the water take the lead.

You should know that the players of Xinghuo have too much military merit, killing them, and the number of military merits obtained is one enemy ten.

In their opinion, although Spark is fierce now, there is no objection to the destruction of Spark.

No matter how many points can be obtained, most of the points will still be obtained by the person who killed the Starfire player.

So to the present level, the various guilds are fighting courageously, from the original to the others to send more troops to now I can't wait for more troops.

However, with the four dragon roars, the monstrous waves crashed and shattered, directly shattering their illusions and worries. What followed was doubt that they could really destroy the spark.

From the first stage to the present, Xinghuo's methods and hole cards can be said to be endless. Whenever others feel that Xinghuo is exhausted, they can always reveal a hole card to turn things around.

"This Nima, is Liaoyuan still a human."

"Although I have said it many times, I still want to say something, I was shocked."

"It would be an exaggeration to destroy a ship with an arrow. Such a huge wave can be shattered. It's too overbearing."

"Liaoyuan, my aunt's cool beauty, address, if you dare to come, I will dare to give you a monkey."

"Your sister, I don't know how to describe my mood at the moment."

"Domineering Wushuang, isn't playing games just about adjusting the ordinary life? Liaoyuan is my goal in the future. One day I will also be so domineering."

"how did you do that."

After a while of silence, the public screen boiled again, and the barrage was filled with huge light curtains. The audience relies on this to express their excitement.

The African commentator sighed: "It's so terrible, so against the sky, no wonder even the extremely powerful alien players are so jealous of him."

"This is truly invincible. From now on, whoever doubts the invincibility of Liaoyuan, I am afraid that the former peak kings who have retreated are not opponents." The weekly commentary also sighed.

"Although the warlord's transformation is strong, the two tricks just now are too strong. The witch is the right invitation today, it is better to explain the situation to everyone." The European administrative region explained.

"That's right, please satisfy everyone's good mood. Don't hide the witch. We really can't see through this scene." The American commentator also said.

Qin Fengyi actually squeezed a sweat for Xinghuo just now, but now he has returned to a relaxed state, and said with a smile: "Since the guild leader has revealed the means, it can't be considered a secret. Xinghuo can survive this situation for many reasons, such as He directly transformed into a warlord. He is now considered a high-level leader at the camp level. You should know how strong this level of leader is. This is the basis, the basis for using the other two skills. The unstoppable force is inherently very strong. Strong, plus he completed the main line and went to the Dragon Sacred Land to upgrade the unstoppable force to the second stage, making the unstoppable force more controllable, and of course even more powerful. I won't talk about the Thousand Chance Bow."

"Single the incidental Red Dragon Warrior's Sorrow, in fact, this skill condenses a ray of remnant soul of the first spouse of the Red Dragon Queen, plus the time mark of the ring, I believe this is not unfamiliar, let him release two consecutive This is a skill, so that the magic released by this incomplete joint magic circle collapses."

"Of course, even if this is the case, such a massive amount of river water is scouring down in the sky, and just hitting the simple wooden wall may not be able to hold it, let alone those members, even if it is held, the defense of Spark has collapsed. These sea races will inevitably take advantage of the vacancy to enter, and may not be able to take advantage of the city walls when the sparks are in chaos. As long as they have a firm foothold on the city walls, everyone should know the combat power of those alien players, even the sparks may not be able to stop them. "

"So he controlled the Dragon Queen to move the guardian of the earth by the power of the earth, so that the entire city wall, including all the Starfire members on the wall, entered a solidified state, turning into a solid earth crystal in a short time. So he ignored the pouring river water, and I believe everyone knows the origins of the Black Dragon and Dragon Empress. Although it is not as capable of controlling the power of protection as the Dragon King, some simple applications are still possible. Various reasons have allowed Xinghuo to survive."

Although Qin Fengyi said that the wind is light and the clouds are calm, there is too much information in it. It seems to be accidental but in fact it is inevitable. It was Li Yao's accumulation for such a long time to have such a situation of life.

And the United Marines who originally wanted to take the opportunity to capture the Spark are also dumbfounded. Didn't they say that they are taking advantage of the void? What kind of stuff are they playing.

Even the morale of those attacking players in the 6th place was affected. Spark is so against the sky, can they really take down the wall? Almost everyone has doubts Actually, they are not to blame, it is for They paid too much for taking down Spark, and they never saw hope.

Not only were the anti-sky methods on the big river being cracked, why didn't they use a lot of anti-sky methods, and they were cracked again and again.

"Don’t be affected. The navy’s failure to break through is a good thing in my opinion. Spark is already at the end of the battle. Their firepower is suddenly fierce. This shows their pressure. The more reason is that they don’t have many shells. Although Hundred Hunting Crossbows have huge kills, their consumption is equally astonishing. Anyway, I don't believe their ammunition is unlimited."

"The victory or defeat is here. If you don't have the confidence to retreat, we ogres want to go all out and win the top spot."

With the two heads of the ogre magician, these players once again strengthened their confidence, and they have all reached this point. It is just a joke to let you ogres take the lead.

Suddenly, the military spirit was stabilized again, and the frantic attack began again.

"This kind of high-intensity battle can last for five minutes at most." Peerless Demon Ji said.

Li Yao, leaning on his huge body, was pushing the fast boats to the gate of the village one by one, and said, "Give me another minute. You are also ready to retreat. Try to pour out all the ammunition and be ready to retreat at any time."

"Understood." The Peerless Demon Fairy commanded loudly: "Tell me to order everyone to pour out ammunition with maximum firepower. Don't save. The maximum firepower pours ammunition. Arrange to retreat after three minutes."

"You can move here too." Li Yao talked privately about the guardian angel.

"I've been waiting for this moment, these tortoises and grandchildren, really think we can't do anything about them..." The guardian angel ordered: "Turn on the No. 1 and No. 2 carriages and load and throw them."

Life players were also excited, and opened the first and second carriages one after another, carefully carrying a box of things...

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