MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 963: Clear the way back

The box was opened with a skull symbol inside. Some of these things looked like grenades and some were steel arrows, with different shapes. Fastest update

"Brothers, after having endured it for so long, we really have no choice but to give them a good look."

The members of Xinghuo quickly got these things.

"What is this, is it Spark's secret weapon again."

This wave of battles can be said to have been twists and turns. In their opinion, they would definitely not be able to support the siege of sparks. After all, on the sea and on the land are completely two concepts.

At this stage, most players still don't have the ability to fight in water, and with the addition of the Spark super ships, this makes Spark solid.

But this is land, and tactics in the face of the sea of ​​people are bound to be overwhelming.

In fact, the same is true. The city walls of Xinghuo have been in jeopardy several times, but because of Li Yao's existence, Xinghuo has always been put to rest.

This is even truer now. It is a bit unbelievable to be able to crack such a huge magic.

Although it was frustrated in the water, both the audience and the commentators knew that Spark had run out of ammunition. In less than half an hour, Spark would be overwhelmed by human tactics.

In this dangerous situation, Li Yao finally ordered the opening of the first and second mysterious carriage.

Qin Fengyi smiled: "Just look at it and you will know."

The American commentator laughed and said: "The witch, don't sell it. It's not just us. All the audience is interested in what's left in the carriage. Why don't you explain to everyone. Anyway, the news will not enter the battlefield."

Qin Fengyi shook his head: "You should know that I was not involved in this battle, and I don't know the specific plan."

Although everyone was disappointed, Qin Fengyi did not say, they could not force it.

At this time, Xinghuo was also ready.

"Listen to my orders and counterattack."

Following the order of the guardian angel, all the crossbow machines were launched for a while, and the Starfire players also threw what looked like a grenade in their hands.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff...

Groups of green shock waves appeared on the water surface, and the river water suddenly turned green, and it spread out more quickly as the river water flowed.

"No, it's paralyzing poison..." The Naga sank directly into the water as rigid as a rock before he finished shouting.

For a while, the bodies of those coalition players who wanted to accumulate attacking sparks in the water or on the water turned green, but they all sank into the river water like statues immobile.

Xinghuo continued to throw these toxin bombs, and the ballista continued to roar to pollute the river further away.

"Retreat, retreat, don't touch these toxins." The presidents of several guilds looked at the sinking members and shouted.

These toxins are pervasive, and they are aquatic organisms, and their special way of obtaining oxygen allows the toxins to spread throughout the body quickly.

The audience saw the Naga, Jinyu, and Lizardmen with various expressions and actions in the river water, as if they were frozen and sunk into the bottom of the river with green bubbles.

Three minutes later, densely packed corpses surfaced and drifted away along the river.

"Liaoyuan, you are so cruel."

The fastest lizard man shaman's eyes are red. This is too sudden, and the toxin spreads very quickly. In addition, they are completely unprepared. Most people have even a finger. Unable to move, he drowned directly in the river.

The coalition forces, which were densely packed, have now become densely packed floating corpses. The fact that the water creature drowned in the water is a very ironic thing.

Li Yao was still standing on the arrow tower, with a huge body looking down on the entire river. Hearing the words, he said indifferently: "You are besieging Starfire so many, I am not a bit more venomous, and you have already wiped out this port. It's about to be decided, no one can stop my way."

"What kind of toxin is this?" the lizard man shaman asked through gritted teeth.

"It's okay to tell you now. This is a neurotoxin specifically for your aquatic creatures. You know the situation of the dark camp. The territory is mostly barren land, and the coast is mostly occupied by naga and murlocs. So let the Undercity The Great Alchemist Association researched, and this is the result. I bought some for this battle, which is considered to be an experiment in advance. Now it seems that the effect is not bad.

"Specially to deal with the aquarium?" The lizard man shaman wondered.

"Yes, this toxin has a limited effect on terrestrial organisms. It is only a slight anesthetic. At most, sensitivity is affected. But for aquatic organisms, it is a deadly poison. After being poisoned, not to mention the fingers, even the internal organs. It turns into a stone-like statue in an instant, not to mention the whole body, but the heart does not move. Think about the result."

Li Yao's words not only frightened the lizardman shaman and their people, but also the subplane forces of the aquatic creatures who watched the battle changed wildly.

In addition to anger, the gaze towards the dark camp is more fear and fear.

In fact, those aquatic creatures are preparing to launch a second invasion, but seeing this toxin, there is no need to discuss the total amount and directly negate the plan.

The king gave a thumbs up and said, "This kind of good thing must be sold to us. The price is easy to negotiate."

The chief nodded and said: "We are now in need of a batch of materials to build a city defense. If you are willing to exchange it, it would be best."

"No problem, only some supplies, we don't have anything else, but there are more supplies." The king waved proudly.

And those big bosses of the sub-planes are gloomy.

Li Yao saw that the lizardman shaman was completely frightened, he was funny in his heart, and couldn't help admiring the queen's strategy.

No matter which faction is right now, they don't want to start a large-scale war, they need to recuperate.

But they got the news that the aquatic creatures were about to move, so they spent a lot of resources to refine such a toxin. In fact, not to mention that the Undercity is the dark camp and cannot refine too much of this toxin, and the more powerful it is against the stronger aquarium. small.

This move is nothing more than knocking the mountain to shake the tiger and stun the snake.

Now it seems that it is a success.

But this is not what Li Yao should consider. The most important thing now is to retreat from the Xinghuo safe place.

"The ammunition is almost exhausted." Peerless Demon Ji said.

"Well, then open the gate and prepare to retreat." Li Yao said.

Then those Starfire players turned the wheel directly, and the wooden wall on the lower side of the river collapsed suddenly, falling on the river as if it became a natural dock.

Then the assault boats were pushed down the river, and the first group of Spark players quickly boarded the boat.

Then there were the remaining carriages, and boxes were carried on the ship...

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