MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1752: Hob Meat Hellboy

There is no witch command, these chasers can be inseparable from hundreds of players in Hell Red Lotus based on their personal strength. Now with Wuji, a powerful commander, the result can be imagined.

"The demon opened a violent charge, and the angels went to the Holy Light to fight!"

With a big wave of hand, Wuji divided the killers before and after the race, and then issued an attack command.

"Will be at your service!"

Receiving the unscrupulous instruction, the red light on the front demon flashed violently, and they all rushed to the next player who was diving towards Hell Red Lotus.

Demon attribute monsters attack high and defend high, and also have fear attribute suppression. These players are struggling to pull a demon hunter in a small team. At this time, more than twenty demons attack at the same time. Unstoppable, the player's front tank formation was torn by the demon on the spot.

At the same time, the angels in the back row of Wuji also neatly put themselves on the Holy Shield. As soon as the battle opened, the Divine Soldier descended.

Without the protection of the tank profession, no one in Hellian ’s output class can resist it.

A face-to-face, hundreds of players in Hell Red Lotus will be more than half dead and injured.

"Withdraw! Withdraw! Withdraw!"

Seeing that the opponent suddenly became so fierce, the Hellboy was frightened and hurriedly gave his players instructions to retreat.

The hunters did not cooperate, and everyone can resist. Now the only weakness of these hunters has been replenished, and **** naturally loses hope.

Although even the retreat has to die, there is still a professional such as the archer assassin who can run fast and stealth. With all of them dying, it is better to run as soon as possible ...

After receiving the retreat instruction, Hell's agile career turned around and ran away, and the others were tried to kill the killer on the spot.

As a warrior, **** baron is of course not able to run fast, but when the **** red lotus player retreats, Wang Yu has already caught up and grabbed the collar of hellboy behind to catch him alive.

"You also withdraw!"

Seeing the arrest of the Hellboy in midair, Wuji gave the Zhenzhen people an evacuation order.

A group of Quanzhen teachers dragged the wings of the Hellboy and spread them toward the other end of the battlefield.

Until the Quanzhen teaching group disappeared in the sky, Wuji turned around and ordered the killers to say, "Catch! Don't let anyone go!"


After the killers received the order, the persevering player who followed Hell Lotus flew to the demon fortress.

The chaser was opened, and the direction was turned around and flew in the direction of the disappearance of the whole truth.


Half an hour later, a group of Quanzhen teachers dragged the Hellboy and finally flew out of the demon battlefield.

Wang Yu also received a system prompt at this time: "Successfully escaped from the battlefield of Gods and Demons! The mission is completed! Please go to the Hermit to collect the reward"

Looking at the reminder of the completion of the task, Wang Yu felt a lot.

Since he changed his job in this hidden career, Wang Yu has been fighting against God and Demon everywhere. This time, the mission was completed, and the head of God and Demon II clan's head was chopped, and the battlefield system was directly opened.

Of course, Xiao Yu, a game like Wang Yu, does not understand what the battlefield system means, but from the mission purpose, it can be seen that the so-called battlefield is to directly bring the contradiction between the two camps of the gods and the demon to a nobody Open space is resolved, and this place is the so-called battlefield.

After all, war is a matter of life, and the **** of war is to save people from fire and water. The easiest way is to prevent the war from spreading outside the battlefield. Within the battlefield, you can fight whatever you want, but whoever dares to cross the border half a step The head on the altar is his.


"What do you guys want to do?"

"Let me go back!"

"I x your uncle! Believe it or not I will kill your family!"

Along the way, **** baron chattered, seeing Quan Zhen teaches a group of people to take him to the other end of the demon battlefield, **** baron completely panicked, began to swear.

"His! You shut up for me!"

All the people were really annoyed by the Hellboy, and his temper was like a pack of three carrying a sword and placed on the Hellboy's neck.

"You kill me, you kill me!"

However, the Hellboy faced the threat of Bao San not only without any fear, but on the contrary.

Seriously, Hellboy is afraid of everything now, but not afraid of death.

In the hands of others is the fish meat on the chopping board, which is bullying, but once killed, the Baron Hell will be resurrected and returned home, and then he will be a good man. This hob meat is mixed out in the devil's fortress scumbag, what I have never seen such a threat. Of course I know that Bao San dared not kill himself.

"Convex stern!"

Seeing the barons of Hell so arrogant, Bao San slurped his sword away, and cursed unhappyly: "This money is not bogey, isn't it that we're going to get money, let's tie this **** to a bird ? "

"Of course it works!"

Bao San's words just fell, and he fell slowly from the sky, falling in front of Hellboy ~ ~ said with a smile: "As long as this kid is there, there will be 300,000."

"Fart!" Bao Sanxia looked up and down the baron hell: "Which dog is like a person worth 300,000."

"You know an egg!" Wuji rolled his eyes at Bao San, then turned his head and smiled and asked the baron hell: "Yo, isn't this the baron boss, remember what we said before?"

"What's the matter?" Hellboy asked angrily.

"Three hundred thousand gold coins." Wuji said with a smile: "In the demon fortress, you personally agreed."

"Go to your code!" Hellboy said fiercely: "I thought you were talking about giving me 300,000 gold coins!"

"What do you think you think is what you think?" Wuji raised his eyebrows and said: "Although these of us are not good people, but we always speak and count, since we say you want 300,000, absolutely one point There wo n’t be much money, as long as you take the money, we will let you go back immediately. "

"If I don't take it?" The Hellboy did not take it seriously for the unscrupulous threat.

This is where? game! Is there anything more childish than playing a ticket in the game? Big deal, you tear the ticket, who is afraid of who.

"Ha ha!"

Wuji smiled, and the famous Kendo Snow made a wink.

Famous Kendo Snow walked in front of Hellboy and touched it easily. Hellboy's clothes appeared at the time of Famous Kendo Snow.


Looking at his smooth upper body, the pupil of Hellboy shrank, and a trace of terror flashed on his face, involuntarily remembering the scene where Wang Yu seized his weapon at the demon fortress.

But **** baron was a master of fighting and robbing homes. After panic, he quickly calmed down and stared at Wuji with a sneer: "Hum, you mean if I do n’t give money, you let your men take all my equipment Pick it away? "

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