MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1753: Only bad guys can beat bad guys

Mo said that "Rebirth" Even in the entire game world, there is nothing more terrible than picking equipment.

Faced with this group of robbers, the Hellboy is of course afraid, but when can he score?

The equipment of the **** baron is certainly not weak, but even if it is all stripped, it is not worth 300,000. I want to use this trick to force the **** baron to follow. The **** baron is not afraid of it.

With 300,000, Hellboy can buy a better set of equipment.

"hehe, not bad!"

Wuji's attitude toward Hellboy was not surprising, but said with a smile: "But you only guessed half right."


The Baron Hell said hardly: "What other means do you have to make it out, even if I am Baron Hell, if you are all dead, I will not frown."

"is it?"

Wuji smiled indifferently, and then the scholar Hellboy said in a previous tone: "You are a man with a head and a face, of course you are sorry for your identity. We decided to take you back to our city of Huihui and strip you. Then hang it on the church to show the public ... "


Listening to Wuji's words, the Hellboy's complexion turned green, and he stared at Wuji in horror and said, "Are you ... are you a devil?"

It is not difficult to see that the Hellboy is also a face-saver, and his self-esteem is also very strong ... It is already unbearable to be stripped of the Hellboy. It has to be hung on the roof for people to visit ...

Think about how **** felt numbness in the back of the baron. What's so special about this priest who looks harmless to humans and animals?

"Wujia old dog, can't you be a bit mean?"

Seeing Wuji, he had to strip off the people and hang them up. All the real people raised their middle fingers to Wuji.

This trick is not counted, it's not a one-time use, and it's not annoying to change even a pattern.

"You know a fart!" Wuji said contemptuously: "It's not as good as I can use a hundred patterns to deal with this situation a hundred times!"

"Eh ..." Quan Zhen everyone was speechless.

Isn't it? It's the injury from the flesh to the soul, and the torture from the spirit to the self-esteem.

Not to mention the self-esteemed guy like Baron Hell, even the skinless and faceless Quanzheng gang is unbearable.

After all, this is an online world, and there is absolutely no shortage of people who eat melons.

In the real world, being caught and humiliated by strangers in the main city can be tolerated by strangers, but how fast the news of the online world spreads, if Nima is caught and posted on the forum, it will be unclean for a lifetime. stain.

Hell Baron, who sees people like this, asks the guy who doesn't know him to be so serious, it's better to die.

Moreover, if you only show the public for two or three days, it is humiliating as long as you can go back. In fact, there is no loss. If you have been hanging on the roof, this game will not be played.

The Baron Hell has a guild in the Devil's Fortress, a younger brother, and many properties. These are invisible capitals.

"Rebirth" can't build a trumpet. If it is really imprisoned, it will be blocked. These things will naturally no longer belong to the baron of hell.

Compared with the 300,000 gold coins, which one is heavier or heavier, certainly the Hellboy will not be confused.

As Wuji said, although the method is old-fashioned, it is definitely a matter of trying everything.

"How is it?" Seeing the expression of Hellboy, Wuji asked faintly: "Are you taking money now or waiting for the shameful eye to see enough?"

"You ... dare you!" Hellboy panicked: "Just a few of you, aren't you afraid of my men chasing you down?"


Hearing the words of Hellboy, Wuji haha ​​smiled and said: "Just because those of you also want to hunt across the city? Believe it or not, all of your demon fortresses add up, and there are not as many guilds in our city of afterglow."

Speaking of which, Wuji still worried about Hellboy's disobedience, so he glanced at Wang Yu and said: "This is our lord of the afterglow city, you can try it if you don't agree. Several people."

Wuji's words are not bragging. Although the city of afterglow is not as big as the city of Holy Light, its scale is not small.

There are as many as 400,000 to 500,000 players, and there are tens of thousands of players in a single guild.

In the game, the main city of the red fortress village belongs to the poor mountains and bad waters in the game. The total number of players in a city is only tens of thousands, which is naturally not more than the Scarlet Allies.

"City Lord Yuhui? Iron Cow? !!!"

Wuji's words just fell, and the Hellboy suddenly felt a shock when he heard the word "City Lord", and there was a look of fear in his eyes, and said with a trembling: "Mage Mingdu ... you ... you are all true religions" People? !!! "

In the game, there are only a few main cities where players are autonomous. As long as they are a little knowledgeable players, they are naturally familiar with these powers.

What is the world's first master, professional league champion, boss killer, public screen occupant ... so many titles, even in places such as the demon fortress, which are thousands of miles apart ~ ~ Quite prestigious, the Baron Hell certainly cannot be unheard of.

As for the style of Quanzhenjiao these guys, Hellboy has also heard of it for a long time ... I can't think of this group of guys as the infamous Quanzhenjiao.

"Not bad!" Wu Ji nodded and said: "I can't think of you in a remote area who has heard of our name."

"Where ... where are you, the bosses, all over the world, my role model, you are my idols."

After learning that the guys in front of him were all true religions, a hell-baron who had been treated as if he had died was immediately counseled.

Just kidding, I would rather offend a gentleman than a villain.

Quanzhenjiao ’s notoriety has also been in the game circle for some years. As the most prominent one in the scum, Baron Hell certainly will not know that this year, only the more scumbags can be scared against them.

After all, only **** know how to deal with **** is the simplest and most effective.

Annoying ordinary guilds, **** baron was cleaned up at most, annoying the old-fashioned **** Quanzhenjiao, this group of guys might not be able to figure out how many pitfalls of pitfalls.


Such a big change in the attitude of Hellboy was unpredictable and unexpected. All the real people rolled their eyes together. Obviously, the feeling of being an idol by this kind of scum was not very good.

"Less nonsense!"

The straight-tempered Wang Yu has always regarded herself as honest, humble and elegant, and she couldn't bear to have such a fan, and immediately said angrily: "Who is your idol, hurry to pay the money and get rid of it, and add one hundred thousand more in a sentence!"

"I take it, I take it here ..."

Seeing Wang Yu's words from the **** baron didn't seem to frighten him, he quickly pulled out a contract and signed Wuji.

After taking the contract, Wuji looked at it, and nodded to Wang Yu in satisfaction.

Wang Yu stepped down and trampled the Hellboy into white light.

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