MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1754: test

A white light turned on, and the Hellboy appeared in the resurrection point of the Demon Fortress.

"Where is the boss!"

"Boss, how did they treat you?"

After the Baron Hell was taken into captivity for a while, the message bar almost exploded.

Of course, there are not many people who really care about the life and death of Hellboy, most of them are curious ...

These scumbags can be regarded as a mess. After spending so long in the demon fortress, I have n’t done anything bad. This is the first time I have seen a ticket kidnapping in the game. This Nimalu is too wild. What is going on in my head.

The Baron Hell certainly knows what virtue he owns, and he opened the message bar as soon as possible after the resurrection. He said casually: "It's okay, I'm back."

"Do you want revenge?"

The group of scumbag **** was also persevering. Seeing the hellboy said nothing, he went back to the news and continued to talk.

"Revenge?" Hellboy glanced at the news silently, and said helplessly: "It's all gone, this thing shouldn't have happened. Those **** are worse than you."


After receiving the news from Hellboy, the players of Hell Red Lotus are all covered with fog, and it should not have happened. Is this the words of the lawless Hellboy?

God knows why the Baron Hell, who has always reported him, was said to have been kidnapped once.

For a time, players in Hell Red Lotus guessed.

Some people speculate that they were insulted by the ugly man, some people said they were tainted by the ugly woman, and others concluded that the baron of **** was hung up and played a small hook. The baron kept silent, so that this incident was later dubbed as the head of the three major mysteries of the demon fortress.


After sending away the Hellboy, Quanzhen taught a group of people to embark on a flight home.

The task has been completed, return to the city of Huihui, the group of Quanzhenjiao also disbanded on the spot.

Wuji went to the tavern to talk to the tavern boss. Bao Sanming and Chunxiang were sent to fight the artifact fragments. Yang Na and Linglong Dream were also forcibly pulled by Chunxiang. As the name implies, men and women work together not tired .

As for the experience of Chunxiang, an old dog, Ji Aoming said that both hands and feet agreed.

The famous Kendo Snow still went to the market to see if there was a bargain, and the Beiming Youyu went to the mission hall to find mercenary missions. This kid's habit for so many years was not easy to think.

Yin Lao Er didn't return to Afterglow City at all, but flew directly to Titan City to do the Demon Battle Armor mission.

In short, everyone has their own hobbies and their own work.

Wang Yu was not idle. He got off the airship and went directly to the alley to find the old man of the hermit.

"I didn't expect you to complete the task so quickly, it seems that you are a good seedling!"

Seeing Wang Yu finish the task so quickly, the hermit was also full of surprises.

"Nonsense, don't you say as soon as possible?" Wang Yu said angrily.

"Hey!" The old hermit hippie smiled: "The more powerful the gods come to this world, the harder it is to restore their strength. At their original level, if you want to restore the peak state, it is impossible to do it for a year and a half. I I thought you had to wait for the 75th level before you go, who would have thought so quickly? "


Hearing the old man of the hermit, Wang Yu sighed with blood in his throat, staring straight at the hermit and saying, "Is this a task of level 75?"

What's more, it's no wonder that the monsters in this mission are all over 80 levels, and that the plot is really a bit perverted. It turns out that this is a 75-level plot.

Knowing the truth, Wang Yu called a collapse. The old man of the hermit is really a beast. He usually eats his mouth short and does not take his hand softly. This will still die to the pit father. It is really an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

"What are you doing for the 75th level mission so early? Please tell me to do it as soon as possible!"

Wang Yu asked uncomfortably.

"Haha ... Don't be so rigid." The old man of the hermit saw Wang Yu's complexion, and quickly called haha: "Aren't you finished? Haven't stipulated that the level 69 can't take the level 75 task. "

"Less nonsense, what about rewards?" For this old white-eyed wolf, Wang Yu completely lost the qualities that a warrior should have.

"Oh ..." The hermit embarrassedly touched the back of her head: "Your task has been done too fast, I haven't had time to prepare it yet, or will you wait a few more days and wait for me to pick up good things and notify you?"

"Waiting for your uncle!" Wang Yu reached out impatiently: "Hurry up to me!"

Wang Yu was able to see that the old man of the hermit had to be in size. The better his attitude towards him, the more he would go too far, and now even the mission rewards should be black ...

That said, the favored people are always unscrupulous, and the old man of the hermit is obviously instilled with this shameless thought by the system.

Why wait for a few days? It is estimated that even the system has forgotten this matter.

The old hermit said that there are only two kinds of rewards that are not ready. One is that there is really no reward on the body, and the second is that there is no garbage on the body.

Combining the past character of the old man of the hermit ~ ~ The second situation occupies more than 90%.

On weekdays, the old and undead didn't give Wang Yu any good things. Now, if he seizes this opportunity, Wang Yu will certainly not let him go.

"Are you sure not to wait two more days?" The hermit asked Wang Yu with a squinted smile.

The system prompts: You have taken the triggering task "Decision!" To choose whether to get the task reward now.


Seeing the system prompt, Wang Yu was completely speechless.

Well, the character of this game designer is really desperate. In this case, a task can be triggered.

Originally, Wang Yu wanted to reward now, but when he saw the expression of the hermit, Wang Yu froze in his heart.

This old man is not a good thing ... Could it be another pit?

No, as far as this old man's character is concerned, don't reward it at this time, and it will definitely be a mess again in a few days.

Thinking over and over again, Wang Yu finally decided to believe in the character of the hermit!

"I want it now!"

Wang Yu replied decisively, there was no way to be pitted. Wang Yu always believed that the character of the old man of the hermit and the designer passed down the same line, and it was definitely not a good thing.

"Haha! I really read the right person! You passed the final test!"

Seeing Wang Yu decisively choose to reward now, the hermit smiled halely, leaking a gratifying expression.

"What do you mean ??"

Wang Yu looked blank.

"Hey!" The hermit said with a smile: "As a martial artist, decisive shot is a necessary training. Obviously, you already have this ability. Only players who pass this test can get 100% mission rewards."

"What if it doesn't pass?" Wang Yu asked with palpitations.

"If you don't pass the test, you don't meet Wushen's choice!" The hermit said coldly: "For those who don't meet the choice, the reward is halved, and the title of Wushen is confiscated ..."

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