MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1755: You have to take the initiative


Hearing the words of the hermit, Wang Yu rushed in his heart.

What's more, this game designer is really lacking in morality, the task is already disgusting enough, and there is such a big pit in the last link.

If this is trapped, not only will the original reward be halved, but even the reward will have to be returned, what a shameless behavior.

Thanks to Wang Yu who has always believed in the character of the hermit, knowing that the old man is a guy with a very bad personality, otherwise Wang Yu would have done this task in vain.


"Okay! Now your reward!"

Just when Wang Yu was shocked by the design's shameless character, the hermit waved his hand and a white light sprinkled, and Wang Yu received the system prompt again.

You have completed the final test of the God of War, the task completion rate is 100%, and you can get 100% reward for the task.

You gain experience ...

You gain prestige ...

You get camp honors ...

A series of data flashed before Wang Yu's eyes.

The role of Wushen is originally a 75-level plot. As a double-s-level task chain, nothing else, experience rewards are very rich.

"Ru! Ru!"

Two golden lights lit up on Wang Yu, and Wang Yu's level rose directly to 72.9, almost reaching level 73.

At present, the average level of this player is still around 60, and the first-line level is still around 65. Wang Yu's current level can be said to stand out.

After all, before this, the highest level in the entire game was only 69. The first-line players looked at Wang Yu, who was not too far away.

This is the time for the conference. Wang Yu took a big step in the process and left other players far behind.

"What else?" After glancing at his level, Wang Yu reached out to the hermit.


The hermit crooked her head and looked blank.

"Don't pretend to be stupid!" Wang Yu said uncomfortably: "I ran across the South China Sea to the north this day. I only completed the task after nine deaths. You will not give me this experience."

To be honest, even if this task is upgraded to three levels in a row, Wang Yu will have more attributes than before. For players who have already formed equipment at this stage, that attribute is really optional. If there is a double s-level task chain, To experience, this is too much.

"Hey!" The hermit smiled shamelessly: "I thought you didn't want it anymore."

While talking, the hermit handed Wang Yu two books.

"Flying Riding": Rare skills, you can learn flying riding after use.

Item description: The masterpiece of the master beast Tamer, which can control the top riding of flying mounts.

Required Occupation: General

Use level: 70

"Flame Knife": Epic skill. After using it, you can acquire the epic skill "Flame Knife".

Item introduction: Wushen's most pride in his life is to attack the target with the internal force. It is invincible and aggressive. Only martial arts masters who have both internal and external skills can practice.

Required Occupation: Martialist

Use level: 70

No matter what stage of the game, flying is the temptation that the player cannot resist.

Not only because of the feeling of standing down and overlooking everything, but also because flying has better mechanical power than walking, it can be said to be an absolute weapon for running away.

For example, if you want to cross a mountain, you may have to walk for half an hour, and the flight only needs to cross the obstacle for a moment, which saves not only time, but also a bit of money ...

At present, the only means of flight for players are flying and cloak. Both of these methods are costly. Not only are there few people who can fly, but there is nothing else that can travel long distances like Wang Yu. Zero-consuming mounts don't know how much worse.

This shows the value of this "flying ride".

Of course, as a martial artist, Wang Yu ’s mount is light work. This flying riding is not too useful for Wang Yu, and can only be used to sell money, but another "flame knife" is quite equivalent to Wang Yu. It worked.

As a generation of Kung Fu masters, Wang Yu is unique in his skills. Compared with the kung fu in the game, Wang Yu ’s palm skills are really pitiful. In addition to the domineering boxing dance, Wang Yu Basically, there are no big moves for your palm skills ...

Although the output of Shuanglong's breaking poles is very powerful, but Wang Yu is a martial artist and is accustomed to punching to the flesh. This skill of flying away from the air is not very cold, so Wang Yu rarely uses this kind of weekdays. Skills, now with this flame knife, can make up for the flaws in Wang Yu's fist.

In general, the value of these two books is worthy of Wang Yu's task.

"You won't change a pattern? Every time you are like this, are you poor?"

After receiving two books, Wang Yu couldn't help rolling his eyes.

How has the means of rewarding the old man's pit mission changed so far? Wang Yu feels that the old man thinks of himself as a fool.

The hermit laughed: "You know what a fart! There are a hundred kinds of tricks that can't be used by the enemy one hundred times!"


Wang Yu was a little bit stunned ~ ~ Why are these words so familiar? Okay, sure enough, the shameless people in the world are all virtuous.

"I also do it for your own good." The education Wang Yu of the hermit old man language (bu) zhong (yao) heart (bi) long (lian) said: "The reality is like this, many things you do not take the initiative to ask, others will never Take the initiative to give you, our duty is to let you "grow happily" in gains and losses! "

"So, you have to thank me for your reward?" Wang Yu really served this old thing and said shamelessly so freshly.

"That's for sure." The hermit touched the beard on her chin with relief: "This is what an elder should do!"

The dog's face was so tough.

Wang Yu was too lazy to talk to this old man. After receiving the task reward, he turned around and left, but when Wang Yu walked to the alley, Wang Yu suddenly turned back.

"Yo? Why are you back?"

Seeing Wang Yu turn back, the hermit raised her eyebrows and asked nervously.

Wang Yu frowned, glanced up and down at the hermit, and then hesitantly said, "Is there any reward for this task?"

The hermit was stunned by Wang Yu for a moment, then nodded firmly: "Yes!"

"Fuck! I will know!" Wang Yu collapsed and said: "If you send a quest to reward you, you will send half and leave half?"

"You didn't tell me to let me take it out. I just said that you have to ask me for rewards like this. If you ask me, I will give it to you ... you don't ask me, neither do I It will force you. "The hermit still smiles like an old fox.

"You ruthless!"

Wang Yu sighed with a thumbs up.

Fortunately, when Wang Yu left, he carefully pondered the words of the old hermit, otherwise this time it was played by the system again.

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