MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1758: Go to auction

"you guys……"

Although Quanzhen teaches these groups of guys to ridicule and mock each other on weekdays, if anyone really encounters difficulties, this group of **** will be moved, and it will make people feel moved.

Rao is a steel man like Yin's second son. Seeing that everyone is willing to help himself with the cost of recasting equipment at this time, he can't help getting his nose sour, I don't know what to say.

"Hey!" Chun Xiang smiled badly when he saw the second look of Yin Yin'er: "You won't be touched and want to cry, you think we are helping you, in fact, we are just curious about the attributes of the Devil's Battle Armor, help you Just by the way. "

"That's it!"

Everyone also echoed: "Where is your only beating waste, where is it worth so much money?"


After being so united by Quanzhen's teaching team, Yin's second son was very touched. Now he wants to kick this group of guys.

Meow, this group of arrogant bastards, is it so difficult to admit that you are righteous?


Just when everyone was nonsense, Wuji copied a copy of the material list and sent it to the rampage.

Soon, the evildoer returned to the news: "What does this mean?"

Obviously, seeing so many materials is also a bit daunting, and I do n’t know what Wuji wants to do. Is it helping me to check the inventory?


Wuji replied succinctly and clearly.

A moment later, the evildoers rampaged back to the news again: "Snatch business?"

I have been doing materials business for so long, I have n’t seen any big clubs. The first guild of the national uniform where the Kyushu team is located is also to buy materials here, but for such a big list, it is the first time I see you To.

Of course, for the inventory of the world, these materials are just a singular, but for ordinary people, it is enough to open a material store.

"Make equipment!"

"How many sets? I haven't heard that you are really teaching people." The curiosity still lingered in the rampant demon words.

"How many problems do you have?" Wuji said silently: "It's not enough for one piece of equipment, just a few sets ..."

"One piece?"

Seeing the news of Wu Jihui, the evildoers froze on the spot ...

These materials are piled up like a hill. So many materials make one piece of equipment. What kind of equipment is so arrogant?

"Good! You have all these materials." Wuji replied faintly.

"Most of them are in stock! Look at you in such a large amount, and acquaintances can give you a 30% discount." The rampage once again glanced at the list: "But I don't have two materials here."

"what material?"

"Sacred Stone and Dark Demon Frost!" The evildoer replied rampantly: "I have never heard of these two materials."

"Have you never heard of it? Are you sure?"

Listening to the rampage of evil spirits, Wuji is also very surprised.

Although the rampage is the largest supplier of materials in the game, but the game is so large, there are always some rare materials. These two materials are not rare and rampant, but professionals like the rampage have never heard of it. Some people are surprised.

This list of materials is given by the system, it is impossible to have it in the game.

"I'm lying to you." The evildoer rampaged: "Although I don't have it here, you can go to the auction to see where there are many strange things, even if I haven't heard of the materials."

"Auction ... I know, you should prepare other materials first."

"No preparation, I will send it to you when you use it, and I want to see what equipment uses so much material."

"it is good!"

Wuji responded, and closed the chat box rampant.

On the side, the second Yin Yin urgently came up and asked, "How is it? How much is the material?"

"It's not a question of money or money." Wu Ji waved his hand and said: "We have to go to the City of Freedom this time!"

"What are you doing in the City of Freedom?" Wang Yu asked wonderingly.

"Buy materials!" Wuji asked everyone: "Who will go with them."

Everyone is very busy, there are many copies to be brushed on weekdays, many tasks to be done, go to the auction to buy a thing, naturally do not need everyone to go, out of Wuji and Yin 2nd, other people go in fact It doesn't matter, Wuji is just asking.

"I go!"

As soon as Wuji's words fell, Wang Yu gathered up and said, "I'm going to buy something too."

Although such a thing as black crystals can be encountered inexplicably, the things in the free city auction house have always been the rare main city. In case of black crystals, Wang Yu would like to try his luck.

"Since Uncle Niu went, I will go too." Seeing Wang Yu was going to follow, Jiao also stood up.

This kid has a lot to buy, from the artifact fragments to the phantom demon crystals, all of them are now desperately needed.

"Well, you count one, who else?" Wuji asked again.

Other people look at me, I look at you, shook their heads ... Everyone is not short of things, whoever is free to go there and play.

After finalizing the number, Wang Yu and the four left the tavern and embarked on a flight to the City of Freedom.

After a long flight, the four set foot on the hot land of Freedom City for the second time.

Just like last time, the city of freedom is still the mercenary of the city, and the law and order is still the best in the 300 main cities. Not to mention the street fighting, there are not even players who spit, tens of meters each There are more guards than pedestrians on the road, and there are guard patrols walking back and forth. It is a harmony throughout the journey.

After getting off the airship, Wuji sent a message to Laojiu of the auction house and went straight to the auction house.

At this time, Lao Jiu was already waiting outside the door early.

For the masters of Quanzhenjiao ~ ~ Lao Jiu is afraid of his heart ... The auction house of the City of Liberty has been working for so long, and the entire main city has not had malicious PK time. Not only did the guys stand on the street, but they also picked up the glory of others. It can be seen that Quanzhen teaches this group of guys not only to be brave, but also to have extremely terrible means.

What's even more terrifying is that Quanzhen teaches other people's equipment on the street and can leave without fail ... This is Nima's ability problem.

Imagine a group of gangsters who can get away with robbing banks. Who is not afraid? Especially those who do big business like Lao Jiu are most afraid of such people.

Seeing Wang Yu and others approaching, Lao Jiu quickly greeted him respectfully: "Boss, why don't you say hello in advance when I come, I will arrange a VIP seat for you."

"Ha ha."

Wuji smiled and said, "Nine bosses here are ordinary people like us who can come at any time. We are in a hurry, so we came here to try our luck."

"Hey, hey!" Lao Jiu said proudly: "Wuji Boss is looking for the right person. Something that others have is here, and we also have something that others don't. Please ask the bosses. seat."

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