MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1759: Rare flying riding

"No more trouble!"

Facing the warm invitation of Lao Jiu, Wuji and others did not directly enter the venue, but waved their hands: "We are here to find something, if we have, we will go in, and we will not need to waste here without us. time."

"This ..."

The auction house is not a store. According to the rules of the auction house, in order to maintain the mystery of the goods, if you want to buy something, you must enter the auction house. Generally, the news of the auction item will not be disclosed before the auction.

Wuji's current requirements obviously made Lao Jiu a little embarrassed, but Lao Jiu also worked with Wang Yu and others. Knowing that the people in front of him were not only difficult to provoke, but also might be big customers, so they asked patiently: "I don't know What do you guys want to find? "

"Sacred Stone and Dark Demon Frost Cream, how about it, is there any of the nine bosses here?" Wuji asked indifferently.

"Dark Devil Frost? !!!"

Hearing the four words of Dark Magic Ningshuang, Lao Jiu's expression changed slightly, and he was surprised: "Wuji Boss is really well-informed and even knows this kind of thing."

"Oh?" Wang Yu and others were delighted when they heard Lao Jiu's words.

This Dark Demon Frost Frost is a material that you don't even know about the rampage of the evil spirit. Listening to the meaning of Lao Jiu seems to have heard of this thing.

"Nine bosses really have this kind of thing here?" Yin Lao Er asked excitedly together.


Lao Jiu nodded and said: "But you are late, just now, this thing has been bought by others ..."

"Who bought it?" Wang Yu asked.


Is Lao Jiu: "This is a secret ... forgive me, I can't tell Mr. Tie Niu."

What the auction house sells are all worthless. As the operator of the auction house, Lao Jiu is naturally obliged to help buyers keep secrets, especially for people like Quanzhenjiao.

Otherwise, this group of robbers robbed others, did the auction house smash the signboard?

Of course, Wang Yu also knew what was in it, so he didn't keep asking.

At this time, Jiao followed and asked, "Are there any magic crystals and black crystals?"

"Phantom Crystal and Black Crystal?" Lao Jiu smiled and said, "Little brother, you will know if you go in and see ..."

"Cut!" Jiao said with a sneer: "You old man has nothing to do with diligence, and he certainly didn't follow his good intentions."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense!"

Wuji held Jiao's face, pressed Jiao behind him and asked Lao Jiudao again: "Since Boss 9 has seen Dark Demon Ningshuang, you should know where this thing is coming from."

The way to estimate the value of items in the game is generally to look at attributes, but things like ores are not items with intuitive attributes such as equipment and skill books. If you want to estimate such items, you need to explore the way of the items.

The origin determines the value. In a sense, the **** that a god-level boss explodes will not be too low in value.

Therefore, the origin of this Dark Demon Frost Frost must also be clear.

"Ha ha!"

Lao Jiu laughed and said: "Since the Boss Boss is so clear about our business, we must know our rules, this is a commercial secret."

"Is it?" Wuji smiled and said, "It's just an ore, so the way is not so secret."

"It's not that secret." Old Nine said: "But the rules can't be broken."

"Okay." Wu Ji sighed: "I still have some rare good things here that I want to put on your consignment. If you say that, then forget it."

Speaking of which, Wuji turned his head and rushed to Wang Yu: "Let's go to the offline posting to find clues, I don't believe a broken ore nobody knows except their auction house."

"Rare good things? What things."

Lao Jiu has no hobby, but has an inexplicable affection for rare items. Hearing Wuji said, Lao Jiu suddenly panicked.

Wuji is right, and the origin of this ore is not very confidential. So many people in the forum can definitely find clues, because such a secret that is not a secret offends the big client Quanzhenjiao.

"Hehe!" Wuji sneered: "Is it related to you?"


Lao Jiu laughed and said: "If you can't say that, maybe your stuff is strange enough, I accidentally said that I missed it? Wuji boss, take it and see it quickly."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Wang Yu and others were full of black lines ...

The businessman is indeed a businessman. This old nine is just like Wuji, a cunning old fox.

"Hey, Boss Jiu is an understanding person." Wuji smiled with satisfaction: "Lao Niu, don't you have something to sell? Show it to Boss Jiu, it's not rare enough."


Wang Yu nodded and turned out the "Flying Rider" from the bag to show the attributes.

"I depend, this is ..."

Seeing Wang Yu's skill book, Lao Jiu's eyes flew into Wang Yu's hand.

Others dare not say that this "Flying Ride" in Wang Yu's hand is definitely the only one in the game. The rare ones can't be rare anymore. Aside from the rarity, this value is definitely not worse than any artifact. Let more.

After all, riding a flying mount is not only a manifestation of strength, but also a symbol of identity,

You know, most of the current players still ride the horses given by the system missions. The best mounts are either masters or rich people ~ ~ As for the high-end goods such as flying mounts, they are all No.

Imagine that in an era when other people are still riding bicycles and even cars are not popular, if you get a private jet out, what a pull.

Playing games, more than half of it is a vanity. For those who teach Quanzhen to teach them, flying mounts may not be as convenient as cloaks, but for those who have vanity, flying mounts are far more important than cloaks. .

Especially for those who are not bad for money, the way to find a presence in the game is not limited to the sound of smashing money, but is more unique than the one who smashes money, and the sound is better.

The value of such a unique "flying ride" can be imagined.

Ordinary people do not have customer resources, and the estimated selling price of "Flying Riding" is also limited. Old Nine has enough customer resources, and there are a lot of rich people who know. This book can be sold as long as the book is slightly hyped. A sky-high price.

So when I saw Wang Yu's skill book, the old fox like Lao Jiu couldn't help but feel a little gaffe. This is not a book. This is a white flower!


Seeing the expression of Lao Jiu, Wu Ji hei he smiled and said: "How is it, it is rare enough."

"Rare, rare, absolutely rare!" Lao Jiu nodded like a beetle and asked, "Iron Bull, do you want this book to go to our auction house? I only charge you a 5% handling fee!"

Lao Jiu is an old fox, knowing that this book will surely attract countless rich people, compared to the attention this book can bring, handling fees and other things Lao Jiu did not care too much.

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