MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1762: Novice Wang Yu

Indeed, the classification of "Rebirth" is an arpg action role-playing online game, not a sports-based online game. The battlefield is just one of the modes. The game planning is so shameless. For those who exploit the system, they can only do enhancement patches. Instead of one size fits all.

Or would n’t it be Xuzhou ’s officials who set fire to prevent people from lighting?

The studio is also aware of this, otherwise they would not dare to play like this in the "rebirth" mode of one person and one account.

Wuji is a veteran player of the game, of course, it's no surprise that such a thing.


From the point of view of the number of people, whether it is ruling the battlefield or the guild against Wang Yu, several people are not enough. At present, the only mode that can be played is Shenmo Canyon.

After selecting the mode, Wuji pressed to start matching.

I have to say that there are really many players who like to play pvp in "Rebirth". The battlefield was opened yesterday, and today there are so many players matching.

Shortly after starting to match, Wang Yu and others succeeded in the match and were teleported into the Divine Canyon. "Welcome to Divine Canyon! Crush them!"

With an empty voice coming from the sky, Wang Yu appeared in the hot spring of the light camp.

Because the setting of the **** and demon battlefield is 5v5, in addition to Wang Yu four people, there is a mage next to Wang Yu called Watch Green Leaf.

After entering the Divine Canyon, everyone's attribute equipment will be corrected and return to the initial state. Looking at the only clothe on his body, Wang Yu couldn't help but say: "Oh, why is my equipment gone?"

"Nonsense!" Wuji pointed at the shop next to him and said, "You can buy the equipment for this mode. You are a combatant. Just go out and buy a coarse cloth glove."

"Oh oh ..."

Wang Yu heard the glance at the backpack. Sure enough, the gold coins in the backpack showed 500 gold, so he came to the shop and bought a pair of coarse cloth gloves that attacked +10 for 350 yuan.

"Can't you even dress up? Novice?"

Seeing Wang Yu's little white look, the green leaves could not help but frown, and muttered: "Lao Zi has already kneeled three times, but I can't think of this matching another pit force, this pit force ... Hey."

Although, Watch Green Leaf looked up at Wang Yu. When he saw Wang Yu's name, he could not help but stunned slightly, and then said to Wang Yu disdainfully: "You guy's name is quite arrogant!"

"Are you arrogant?" Wang Yu said blankly: "Why didn't I feel it?"

Wang Yu has been playing games for so long, and most people find Wang Yu's name stupid. This is the first time someone has heard that this name is arrogant.

"Isn't the ID of the Iron God with the Iron Cow still arrogant?" Watching Lvye stared at the ID on Wang Yu's head and looked at it again: "Dude, your name is pretty real."

"Simulation?" Wang Yu said blankly: "I still use the name imitation? I am the iron bull."

"Come on you!" Watching Luye couldn't help but contemptuously said: "The dish should admit it, be beaten to stand firm, so you dare to say that you are the iron bull?"

This is no wonder that Overwatch Green Leaf doubts. After all, the id of Wang Yu represents the first master of the national costume. Who can think of Wang Yu as the first master of the national costume is actually a white novice.

"Unbelief pulls down ..."

Wang Yu didn't care about watching Luye believe it or not, but turned around and asked Wuji, "What should I do now? Go directly to kill?"

"Big Brother ..." Hearing Wang Yu's words, all the unrelenting sweat flowed down, pointing at the defense tower: "You're only a level, this thing can kill you with one shot, you don't have to come by . "

"Fuck, you really don't understand anything."

Seeing that the question asked by Wang Yu was so "horrible", watching Green Leaf's heart fluttered for a while, he quickly said: "I don't care which way you go, anyway, I have to take the middle order, otherwise you will kill me."

With that, Watch Green Leaf bought a branch and ran forward without looking back, fearing that Wang Yu and others would be robbing him.

Wuji is patiently teaching Wang Yu: "What are your skills?"

"Bun Fist, Tiger Attack, Thunder Tread, Wushen Strong Kick. There is also a passive" light power "." Wang Yu looked at the skill bar faithfully.

After entering the Divine Canyon, the system will modify the player's skill book to simplify the player's skills into four commonly used active skills and one commonly used passive skill.

Of Wang Yu's four active skills, only Beng Quan is lit up.

Wu Ji Wen Yan thought for a moment and said: "Dushing, grabbing, group damage, and a passive speed shift, you should go to the jungle position."

"What is jungle?" Wang Yu asked again.


Wuji gave himself a fierce mouth and said: "I shouldn't mention this to you ... what do you think you are good at?"

"Slay some people," Wang Yu said calmly.

"That's it!" Wuji pointed at the soldier's line on the left: "If you go this way, don't worry about anything, just kill people, come back to buy equipment when you have money."

"So simple?"

Wang Yu wondered.

"It's that simple!" Wuji nodded.

"Okay! Then I will go!"

After listening to Wuji, Wang Yu also probably had points in his heart, and immediately got up and walked to the upper line of defense.

Seeing Wang Yu leave, Wuji said to Yin Yiner: "My elder son and I hit the road, you go to the jungle."

"The two of you go down the road?" Shiao said silently: "Who will assist you?"

Both the priest and the tank are auxiliary occupations. The two assisted in playing together. This formation is really rare.

"It doesn't matter who assists who." Wuji smiled and smiled: "It's most important if the old cow can get up."

"It makes sense!" Jiao was convinced by Wuji's words.

Others have only heard of Wang Yu ’s strength. Quanzhen taught this group of guys personally. This grandfather ’s first-level crossing of tower 1v5 was n’t just casual talk. If it ’s not where the system rules are, Wang Yu Can run to kill in the hot spring.

"Lying trough, wouldn't it, turned out to be Iron Bull?"

"It's over ... this must be on my knees ~ ~ I can't think of a match with the Iron Cow, I'll ask for a signature later."

At this moment, the players on the opposite side saw that Wang Yu's id was also a mess.

Although Wang Yu is not a player of the dark camp, as a professional league champion team, Wang Yu ’s reputation is also tremendous. Even the dark camp has heard of Wang Yu ’s name. At this time, seeing such a number in the enemy team Ruthless, since fidgety, surprised, horrified, and excited, it feels like lol matches his favorite professional. In short, everyone's mood is very complicated.

"Army attack!"

With the system's empty command, the soldiers drilled out of the barracks and entered the line, and Wang Yu also appeared under the upper defense tower.

"Tie Niu is on the road, who will go against him?"

Seeing Wang Yu appear on the road, several people in the dark camp rioted again.

This book comes from

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