MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1763: Suspected elementary school student

Everyone you look at me, I look at you, do n’t know what to do.

The shadow of the person's famous tree, although Wang Yu rarely appears in the dark camp, anyway, he is also a famous master. Ordinary players take the initiative to find Wang Yu on the line, which is somewhat psychologically stressful.

Of course, all players who like to play on the battlefield are basically pvp enthusiasts, and pk means will not be too weak. Seeing this picture of their companions, a warrior named Po Tian Yi Chen said with a lip: "Look at you This kind of counseling is not just an iron bull, no matter how powerful it is, a fighter. Now everyone's attributes and equipment have been revised. Who is afraid of who? "

Others are certainly not good stubborn. They were ridiculed by such a ridiculous thing that they counterattacked: "You are not afraid of you going."

"I?" Po Tianyi pointed at himself: "He is a professional-level master, I will definitely not be able to do it alone, unless someone goes with me, we can only play 212 formation."


Listening to the saying of Po Tian Yi cheap, everyone could not help but stunned, and suddenly said: "It makes sense."

Wang Yu is certainly powerful, but most of the players are powerful in equipment, a small part is in professional restraint, and technology is a vague thing.

Everyone will certainly not deny the gap in operation technology, but the moba game does a good job in balancing the player's attributes. In the moba game mode, two people will not lose too much even if they can't win one against the other. After all, this is not a person. game.

Since the opponent is so strong, it's okay to just hit one or two. When the others develop, everything is easy to say.

"I am an assassin and I will go with you!"

Now that the 212 formation has been decided, an assassin wearing a green cloak with the ID of "forgive man" on his head volunteered to stand beside the ground and said: "I don't believe it, he is a fighter. It ’s been a match between the two of us. "

Indeed, the combatant profession is a recognized pvp sewer profession, and the assassin profession has always been the king of the arena, and now with a fighter after the assassin, this combination is really not a combatant can do nothing.

Of course, Wang Yu's reputation is so great, forgive the chivalrous words, but he still doesn't have much confidence, but everyone has a chance.

Everyone is an ordinary player. If you lose to Wang Yu, that is the right thing to do. In case Wang Yu can be killed once, it will be enough for a lifetime.

Players who play pvp all have some vanity, and at this moment, forgiveness is naturally the same.

After negotiating a good formation, Po Tianyi and Forgiveness Xia bought a suit to go out, followed the Bing line to the road, and Wang Yu was standing in a daze on the road.

As a new gamer, the previous game mode of "Rebirth" is already preemptive. At this time, it is still new to change to another strange mode.

Reinforcement, inserting this basic operation for Wang Yu doesn't even have this concept in mind. Now Wang Yu remembers a sentence without a bogey, no matter what, just kill someone ...

"Is there only two?"

Seeing Potian Yichen two people appeared in front of themselves with the soldier line, Wang Yu looked at the two people indifferently, jumped across the body and jumped towards them.

"I depend! Is it so fierce?"

Wang Yu's so fierce behavior really terrified Po Tian and the two, and immediately turned around and ran back.

Is it the top expert on the opposite side?

But when the two of them ran to the tower and turned around, they were stunned.

No matter how strong Wang Yu is, now only one level is not, and the first level fighters have only six hundred blood.

At the same time as Wang Yu jumped to the ground, the soldiers in the front row of the dark camp greeted him very alertly, waiting for Wang Yu to land on the ground. Underfoot.

"? !!!!"

Seeing the soldiers at his feet, Wang Yu was also shocked.

The shield in this soldier's hand has spikes on the barb, which is definitely not good for going down, but the current Wang Yu's attribute skills have been revised and are falling. It is impossible to recover the attack.

Fortunately, Wang Yu responded quickly, saying that sooner or later, when he immediately stepped on the barb thorn on the shield of the minion, Wang Yu promptly made a fist.

In the midair, Wang Yu rushed forward and moved two meters behind two melee soldiers.

"Call! Call! Call!"

As soon as Wang Yu fell to the ground, he suddenly heard a gust of wind, and suddenly raised his head. When the three mage soldiers' staffs in front of him lifted up, three basin-sized fireballs flew over.

The soldiers on the soldiers' line had little difference between the little monsters that Wang Yu saw in peace day. The attacking method was not only single, but also not threatening to Wang Yu, so Wang Yu did not put three fireballs in his eyes.

"Ha ha!"

Facing the attack of the mage soldier, Wang Yu smiled slightly, and the side of the figure penetrated through the gap of the three fireballs. However, when Wang Yu thought to avoid the attack, the three fireballs turned in mid-air and smashed them together. Behind Wang Yu's head.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The three fireballs burst suddenly, knocking Wang Yu, who was caught off guard.




Three red numbers floated on Wang Yu's head.

Wang Yu had a total of six hundred blood, and this attack took away a quarter of Wang Yu's blood.

"Have you brought such fun?"

Wang Yu, who was hit by a soldier, was a little dazed. For the first time, he saw the magic of a first-class soldier and had the ability to track.

These soldiers are all npc without intelligence. At the same time as Wang Yu was stunned, the three mage soldiers began to chant fireball again ~ ~ The two melee soldiers also turned around mechanically, holding the stab hammer and tip in their hands The thorn shield rushed towards Wang Yu.

After a round of fighting, Wang Yu had already taught these soldiers how powerful they would be, and naturally they would no longer be hard steel, so they jumped behind the line of their soldiers, pointing at the ground breaking under the tower and saying: "You two come here, What's the point of hiding behind the soldiers. "

This hand akimbo, called in a row, but Wang Yu was bullied.


Not only did the two men break the sky, Wang Yu's operation down, choked everyone in the audience thunderously, and watched the green leaves crashing over his face: "This mentally retarded, first-level storm line, really treats himself as an iron bull. Great God? "

The two men looked at each other even more, with a look of suspicion in their eyes, especially Wang Yu's appearance with his waist in a row, making the two begin to question Wang Yu's true level.

Is this really a top expert?

At the first level, he was beaten into blood by the soldier's line, and the people who shouted at the back of the soldier's line shouted out and he was just in front of him. Where is it like a master behavior?

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