MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1799: Mountain rain is coming

Whether it is the real world or the online world, for rich people, what money can solve is basically not a problem.

There is still one month away from the World Professional League. During this time, Wang Yu's group put all their energy into the equipment.

Fortunately, others say that they are either ordinary equipment or finished equipment, and it is more convenient to update and upgrade the level.

Wang Yu was a little more troublesome. The defective artifacts of a body, after a month, had very limited improvement.

No way, Wang Yu's weapons and clothes to upgrade ranks need to use artifacts as sacrifices, this condition is really harsh.

As for the broken ring, it is more excessive than the clothes and weapons. The clothes and weapons are more demanding, but at least you know how to upgrade, but this ring has no clue.

In desperation, Wang Yu had to use the Magic Demon Stone to upgrade the equipment on his body a bit, which was considered to be prepared.

One week before the World Professional League, Quanzhenjiao finally received the official invitation letter from Dragon Group.

Unlike the last time, the last time Quanzhen taught this group of guys to be downright grassroots, but this time they are the identity of the professional league champion team, and their treatment is naturally different. There is a dedicated reception service.

After all, "Rebirth" is currently the most popular online game in the world, so Longteng also opened the world online game market. In order to fully output its own products, this cost is not a big deal for the wealthy Longteng.

This s-level professional league belongs to the world-class league. There are a total of three continental theaters. A total of eighteen teams from nine servers participate in this competition.

The selected teams are each the two strongest teams on the server.

In addition to Quanzhenjiao's Wuhezhong team, there is also the runner-up Kyushu team of the last professional league.

The Kyushu team, but the strongest of the strong teams, has won the world championship three times since the development of the e-sports industry. Each time it can reach the top four. It is one of the top teams in the world. This is the first time in the S-Class World Professional League.

But at this time, the most excited is not the two finalists, but the players of the national costume.

Although the e-sports level of the national service has always been the forefront of the world, but there are many domestic teams, only the Kyushu team can really reach the world level, and each time it is difficult to support.

This time, there was a team stronger than the Kyushu team. The chance of winning the championship was naturally higher than before.

Of course, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are idols, there are brain powder.

The two teams have not yet started, the forum of the national service has been upset, and it is much more lively than in the game.

As a long-established team that has dominated the national costume for many years, the Kyushu team has many fans. This time the Kyushu team is out as the runner-up. The Kyushu team must be very unconvinced.

Everyone knows that the broken brain powder is a bit of a problem. The brain powder of the Kyushu team has nowhere to vent its grievances, and directly pointed the spear at the champion team Wuhezhong.

What grassroots team is based on luck, there is no real ability to deserve to be eliminated as a champion, what garbage team has a conspiracy theory such as shady, anyway, as long as it is dirty water, a whole brain is poured on Quanzheng.

Everyone believes in what they are willing to believe, and who does not want to believe that their idols are stronger, this mood is actually not difficult to understand.

But it ’s your business if you have grievances. You ca n’t splash dirty water on other teams.

Although the Uzbekistan team is not well-known and has few fans, it represents the vast grassroots class.

Who has n’t had a dream yet? The Wuhezhi team is a typical example of grassroots motivation. How many players put themselves into it. Now the Wuhezhi team is splashed with dirty water. It feels like they are splashed with dirty water.

This wave of operation by fans of the Kyushu team directly attracted the crowds of melons.

For a time, the forum scolded and covered tens of thousands of buildings. Both sides were inseparable from each other, and the data of the "Rebirth" general forum almost collapsed.

In the game, the Quanzhenjiao group as the party this time were drinking and chatting casually in the pub.

"Oops! It is said that this forum is about to explode, haha." Famous sword Daoxue is talking vividly about the war on this forum.

"It's really a group full of food." Wang Yu said silently, "Is it possible to do something right with this time?"

Wang Yu, who also scolded Quan Zhenjiao on the forum, also saw it, and reasonably, Wang Yu was still very upset when he saw someone upside down.

But how can you win the championship by yourself? I learned luck from martial arts to keyboard man's mouth for decades since I was a child, so why should I justify it?

Fortunately, Wang Yu's state of mind is relatively high, and this matter will be gone, but Wang Yu never expected it, because the players on the forum even made such a big deal.

The keyboard vigor of the current network keyboard is really too heavy.

"No wind, no waves." Wuji waved his hands and smiled: "Those sprays are only used by people."

"Oh?" Wang Yu wondered: "What do you say?"

"Hey." Wuji smiled badly: "Do you think this is the case? Someone is doing something wrong behind it."

"Bad? What is the picture?" Wang Yu asked puzzled.

"Fame and fame." Wuji said with a thorough tone: "Don't steam buns to fight for the tone, we are champions naturally don't think there is anything to be steamed. The team that was crushed by our grassroots does not think so. . "

"Are you saying that it was the Kyushu team that provoked this incident?" Wang Yu wondered: "No, I don't think it's the kind of person who will target us."

"Of course he is not aimed at us." Wuji explained: "Every time before I was a champion, but this time was a runner-up. Of course, this kid has to give his fans an account ~ ~ Watch it, I can't pass it How long will the Kyushu team come out to clarify. "

"Clarify? What does this mean?" Wang Yu was stunned again. He never expected that there were so many routines to play a game.

Wuji smiled and said: "First provoke war, and then quell the war in one sentence, both fame and fortune."


Although Wang Yu still didn't understand the words of Wuji too well, he seemed to understand some.

"So what shall we do?" Wang Yu asked again.

"We just need to look at it." Wuji said: "This is also an opportunity for us to increase awareness."

"Is there a name for fart?" Wang Yu looked disdainful.

"You don't understand." Wu Ji sighed and said: "Our popularity is still very important. Even if you are not strong, you are only as strong as a game master, and its commercial value is not as good as those sold. Face. "


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